Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 146: Trainer

"Stop them!"

Kirk knows that these guys' goals are on the side of the manor. If they are close to the manor, they will be in trouble. The situation on the manor is unclear. Plus these flying fish, it is even worse.

The fish in the sea can't get on the shore. How to toss the threat to the manor is not big, so Kirk is ready to mobilize the defensive team in the sea to transfer the target. Who knows, Kirk still underestimates the threat of these marine life. [.]

"Boss, sea snake!!"

Kirk is preparing to stop the command of the sea team under the command of the side, and look at the display.

Some sea snakes escaped shooting with their flexibility and slender figure and began to land. When you see the patterns of the sea snakes, Kirk's heart is half-cooled. The venoms sprayed by the sea snakes are very corrosive, which is undoubtedly more difficult for defensive warfare. The man also told him that there are some larger sea snakes and other terrestrial marine life in the sea, and Kirk feels suffocated. This kind of battle with the hands and feet is the suppression of Zhenma.

Fortunately, after so many years of experience, Kirk quickly cooled down and ordered a new order.

A group of people withdrew to the coast, and for those marine life on the shore, a group of people attacked the flying fish in the air, and the people around Warsaw could not move...

When Kirk and Gardler were too busy, Xilin patted the gray cat's head: "Pay attention to the flying fish, I think the trainer is on a flying fish."

People outside the manor did not have a bit of breathing time, or because the genetic level was relatively high, they could not hold back. The people in the manor are even more eager to wait, and I did not expect to face such a mermaid war. The good thing is that fish are fish after all. They can't be as flexible as flying birds in the air, and they can't fly too high, so it's relatively simple to hit them.

The mobility of the Finies family in other parts of the H-Star District is now impossible to arrive immediately, so it will take a while for a while, and it will be better when the staff is adequate.

The protective cover was raised around the manor when the flying fish appeared, but it was not long before it was found that the protective cover had a problem. In several problems, the repair personnel found some shrimp and crab bodies, which obviously touched the high. The energy line died.

It turned out that those disappearing should be used as a seafood on the table. The main goal is not Tobo, but a protective cover.

Looking at all of this in the manor, Jiadler now truly feels the powerful influence of the trainer. Just relying on personal strength, the marine life on the whole planet is crazy... eh? The whole planet?

Suddenly Jiadler was shocked.


It is impossible to have only one trainer!

If a trainer can drive so many fish in so many places at the same time, it would be too much. If the ancient trainer can really achieve this effect by one person, it is impossible to The star zone has not fallen.

According to the news received by Jiadler, the coastal areas have been attacked by fish stocks. The range of fish control is almost covered by the important coastal areas of the whole planet, otherwise it will not be able to adjust the staff.

Although Warsaw said that the Wissen family has only one ancient trainer, in case, they actually have more than one ancient trainer but more...

Manipulating fish in so many areas, there should be more than one ancient trainer, but why is it just for this?

Although the young masters of the Finies family, Tobo, the Finnish family's CEO Kirk and the Binger family are on the manor, the manor is just a private residence, several other land sites. However, it is the real management center responsible for the business of the star area. If those areas are destroyed, the management of the h-star area will encounter trouble. If you want to attack the Finnish family’s industry in the h-star area, attack those places absolutely. Less good, but if there really is more than one ancient trainer, why do you have to stay in the other places, just dragging the reinforcements?

What is the contradiction!

Gardler knew that it was not the time to consider this, but once he opened his head, he did not consciously think more. Gardler only felt that the temperature of the blood was much colder.

Which other family has participated? !

If there is a fourth family to come in, the situation is not so optimistic, but, in this way, the attitude of this fourth family is too embarrassing, both to help the Weissen family to fight the Finies family here. The situation, but only to the end, the position is not absolute, according to Jiadler's understanding of the family that has a gap with the Finies family, should not.

After the gray cat reminded Xilin, he kept paying attention to the flying fish in the air. Slowly, it stared at one.

"Xilin, that is!"

When the gray cat sang, Xilin apparently found it. He looked at the flying fish that was pretending to be hit and fell, patted the gray cat, "Go, go see the legendary trainer!"

Xilin and the gray cat jumped out of the window directly. The monitoring personnel reported the matter of Xilin to Jiadele. Jiadele sent several people to follow up. He knew that with the ability of the vice captain of the Xilin sub-fleet, it was definitely discovered. And it's still the key thing.

The flying fish, pretending to be shot down, fell near the garden of the manor, with the belly facing up and mixed with other flying fish that looked down. It didn't look good, but soon after it landed, the back of the ground came out with a sticky beach. The color of the thing is very similar to the color of the back of the flying fish, and it is attached to the back of the flying fish, so the flying fish can not easily find the abnormality of the flying fish when flying in the air.

Under the cover of many flying fish corpses, the sticky things slowly moved toward the manor.

Xilin did not act immediately, but took the person who was sent by Jiadele to follow him.

For the tracking that was discovered by Xilin, there were not too many accidents and no embarrassment, but Xilin’s words really surprised them.

Xilin pointed to the other side. "The trainer is there, but you have to inform Jiadler first. Many flying fish that have fallen on the ground have the ability to move and send people to make a few shots."

Many of the flying fish on the ground of the fall road are really heavy and seem to be bloody, but they are still alive. If you look at it with a life detector, you will find that one third of the flying fish that fall to the ground still have gas. If the trainer re-uses them before they are completely dead, I am afraid that the manor will receive a lot of attacks. Like a beheaded snake, even if it is just a snakehead, it may be attacking because of nerve inertia.

These people naturally know that after hearing the statement of Xilin, they immediately reported to Jiadler. After Jiadler heard about it, he immediately sent someone to take action.

These are the things of the Finies family. The reason why Xilin is interested in the trainer is not only the magical ability to control marine life, but also because of these flying fish.

Xilin did not see this flying fish in some books about the special species of fish in the h-star area. Xilin suspected that this was trained by the trainer or the Weisen family through genetic modification.

The mud at the beach seemed to realize that he was discovered, so he condensed into an adult shape, and the real appearance showed that he could move more flexibly in the human form.

Transformer! That trainer turned out to be an extremely rare deformer!

It was hard to find the trace of the trainer. The Finies family naturally spent a lot of manpower to deal with him.

When the Finies family and the trainer fought, Xilin and the gray cat continued to collect information not far away. Xilin found that he felt a familiar feeling from the trainer.

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