Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 147: Trainers are not normal people

The trainer controlled the flying fish and other flying fish that had fallen to the ground and attacked the manor, but before that, both Jiadler and Kirk had already been deployed. Although the manor’s protective cover could not be opened, it was trained for a while. The teacher can't take the manor.

The repairman who repaired the shield estimated the time, which took about ten minutes, and the support of the Finies family on other planets would probably reach after ten to fifteen minutes, so if the trainer remains in the ten minutes If there is no progress, then he will have no chance. [.]

Exciting the light bombs, the alloys are densely packed on the flying fish, flying in the sky, struggling on the ground, unless the flying fish are completely deflated, otherwise the people of Finies will not stop them. The counterattack of the flying fish before dying will also cause trouble to the defensive personnel, so it must be eliminated.

Jiadler stood in a room in the manor and looked at the situation here. He looked at the information reported by his men, saying no.

The combat command does not require Jiadele to be personally involved. He only needs to talk about the general deployment direction. Others are handed over to the responsible people of the guards and bodyguards. These people are the talents that the Finies family can hardly train. It is impossible to fight. Jiadele went to inform.

The guards did cooperate very well. At the crucial time, the talent advantage of the big family was highlighted. It would be a mess if the guards of the clay Saturn were changed.

Because the trainer is a deformed person, the general metal bombs and cold weapons have no substantial effect on him. The Finès guards chose some energetic weapons.

In order to avoid affecting the containment of Warsaw, high-energy-density weapons have not been activated, but according to the current situation, ten minutes can be towed.

The trainer did not think that the other party would find him so soon. The original plan should be very good, but first the echo snail was discovered early, and the "mermaid princess" of the European-American origin was dragged to the deep sea giant. There is no progress in the beast, Tobo.

Even though the trainer can control thousands of fish, his helper on the land is really limited. The sea snakes, sea prawn and crabs that land on the coast are blocked by a group of Finies, unable to train the trainer. Give a helping hand. I knew that there would be no chance for this to drag on, and the trainer began to rush.

"Weird spectrum." 灰 蹲 蹲 观看 观看 观看 观看 观看 观看 观看 观看 观看 观看 观看 观看 观看 观看 观看 观看.

Xilin also vaguely felt the spectrum, but Xilin now pays more attention to the strange familiarity.

Xilin determined that he did not know the trainer, but the trainer did give him an inexplicable familiarity, but Xilin’s familiarity with him was not right.

This familiarity is really there, not an illusion. Xilin dare to bet someone who has brought him a similar feeling. The strange thing is that Xilin’s memory is so good, but it has never been captured. It seems that a sly light flashes away and flashes again. I always feel that I can catch it when I raise my hand, but I open my palm and find nothing.

It is not the strange spectrum that is familiar to Xilin, nor the deformed person of the trainer, but the kind of faint atmosphere produced by the trainer.

Where did you see a similar gas field?

Since I couldn't grasp the feeling of flashing, Xilin was fortunate to let go of this feeling and carefully observe the trainer. However, the more I look at Xilin, the more weird it is.

According to the current situation of the trainer, Xilin believes that the trainer has not kept his hand, or else he has been poked into a sieve. But if the current ability of the trainer is his peak ability, then it is strange.

Some of the spectral information passed to him from the gray cat is also the gas field of the trainer collected by Xilin himself and the frequency of the micro-magnetic field change. After multiple calculations and matrix analysis, the ultimate field of action of the trainer is not imagined. So wide, and now the situation is outside the field of activity calculated by Xilin, the fish population is still controlled by the planned and organized attack on the fire distribution of the people who attract the Finies family. That is to say, there are trainers who control these fish groups around, at least in the offshore area.

If others know that Xilin can calculate such a complicated equation in such a short period of time with only the human brain, it will certainly scare the big die. Because such a human brain is already comparable to a machine.

"Snoring, there are trainers around!" Xilin said to the gray cat next to him.

Since the gray cat can absorb these spectra, it is natural to notice that there is an abnormality. After Xilin said this, he will transfer the direction to search for another trainer hidden around.

There was too much interference, the scan was seriously affected, and the gray cat used the information of the deformed trainer as a control to search for another trainer. However, it found that there was no similar target, and the parameters were adjusted to set the public and other types of gray cats. The ethnic information that has been obtained is recalculated for cross-analysis, but there are still no targets within the predicted range. That is to say, this hidden trainer may be a race that the gray cat has never met.

There is no way for this. The gray cat once lived in the original hunting planet. There are very few people who have seen it. After seeing the two groups, they have seen more, but compared with the other hunters of the six teams, the gray The number of people the cat has seen is still small, and the known data is limited. It is no wonder that the gray cat often hits the wall. Of course, the gray cat is also looking forward to seeing more races and other creatures in the future.

"I can't find it. I have collected too few people's information, and I can't compare it." Gray cat sighed in frustration.

Xilin looked at the situation around and at sea. When he thought about it, he asked the gray cat: "Can you capture the spectrum of each region? It includes those in the air, land, and sea." Xilin's analysis of farther spectrum is much worse, only Can rely on gray cats.

"Yes." For this gray cat is absolutely confident.

"That's good, you can not list the variant parameters of the deformed person, according to the spectrum and micro-magnetic field changes of each region, use cross-exclusion to find the position of the guy..."

After listening to Xilin, the gray cat began a second search. Because the gray cat and Xilin are squatting, the gray cat can share some information with Xilin.

If this riot area is classified on a map, then every time the gray cat calculates a data, there will be a region where the color is reduced. After several calculations, the original image that overlaps the whole image almost overlaps. The color area has been much smaller.

Ten seconds later, the gray cat and Xilin were both at the same time.

found it!

On the analysis chart listed by the gray cat, there is a color point in the offshore area that is quietly parked there.

Xilin and the gray cat quickly rushed over there.

Although Xilin and the gray cat were very concealed, the trainer was obviously very alert. After he noticed that he was exposed, he went to the far sea. In the place where he stayed before, because of the moment of force, a vacuum area is formed, and then a vortex, showing its strength.

Watching the underwater shells generally rushed out to escape the guy, Xilin and the gray cat snorted at the same time.

By the way, the trainer is not a normal person!



Thanks to the book friends for the rainless West! ^^

Another: The book is expected to be on the 1st of August, I hope everyone can support ~~

{飘天文学 Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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