Star-source Legend

Chapter 1002: Establish an alliance (in)

"Yeah, I think so too. Although the inheritance time of each holy land is long and some is short, the overall strength of each holy land is not much different now.

Moreover, this new alliance that we established does not directly allow all the inheritance of the original holy land to be directly contributed.

To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to a parliament.

Although the various holy places have become the sub-temples of the alliance, they have their own ownership to a certain extent.

In fact, I also saw this from some novels.

Although the novel is illusory, I really admire the imagination of those authors.

Then at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, I summon everyone here to formally propose the establishment of this alliance, and then in terms of details, let's discuss it and strive for the establishment in the shortest time. "

Hearing what Xu Yuan said, Zhang Fan also nodded.

"It's getting late, everyone should go back and rest first. I will notify everyone directly in a while.

By the way, Brother Xiaofeng, the news I told you about leaving the earth just now, you can talk to Big Zhuang and them to see what they think. "

Zhang Fan also said immediately, and then stood up to leave.

At the same time, I also reminded Li Xiaofeng.

"Mmm Good."

Li Xiaofeng also nodded, and then left behind everyone.

As for Zhang Fan, after returning to his place of residence, he immediately released his powerful mental powers and at the same time notified the people in the holy places.

This time, it can be said that everyone is very surprised by Zhang Fan's powerful method.

You should know that the size of the entire Tamron City is at least equivalent to a prefecture-level city, and it is even under continuous expansion.

And Zhang Fan, just by relying on his own mental intent, was able to notify everyone at such a long distance at the same time. I have to say that this time, some powerful people in various holy places who don’t know Zhang Fan well also know. Zhang Fan is powerful.

The next day, nine o'clock in the morning.

All the people who received the notification came to the top conference hall of the command and control center of Tamron City.

Of course, there are not many people. The total number of persons in charge of the various holy places is less than 30. Among them, most of them are very familiar with Zhang Fan himself and have a good relationship.

Zhang Fan was not very familiar with the Supreme Elder from the War Sect and the Elder Ming from the Underworld.

Of course, this time, the person in charge of Qianlong Military Academy did not come, as well as the Sea God Temple and Wisdom Temple.

Because the former belongs to China’s military department, while the latter has not yet met the requirements. Of course, it’s okay if you want to merge into the alliance in the future.

"Everyone is here. I think you should have guessed the purpose of my eagerness for everyone to come over this time. That's right, it is to establish a real super holy land.

President Nalandi had already told everyone about this before.

I also made this decision after careful consideration.

The draft in front of you, I thought up overnight, and was printed out directly. The above detailed description of the combination of the Holy Land and some follow-up questions.

Of course, the first thing I want to ask is, elders, do you have any opinions on the establishment of this alliance?

If I object, I will not force it. "

At this time, seeing everyone coming, Zhang Fan also spoke directly.

"No, this is a good thing. When President Nalandi proposed it before, those of us also discussed it specifically after returning.

In general, as long as we don't directly let us contribute all the inheritance, we are very in favor.

Moreover, I just briefly looked at the draft that you summed up by Afan. It can be said that all aspects of consideration are comprehensive.

Moreover, combining the resources of the original sacred places together will definitely achieve a very powerful effect on the cultivation of disciples, and the overall strength of the earth is getting stronger and stronger. "

At this time, the first time that he agreed was the Master Liu of the Sun Palace.

For this, everyone is not surprised.

To put it bluntly, Liu Lao Palace Master has become Zhang Fan's most steadfast supporter since he was on Mount Everest.

As for any decision made by Zhang Fan, Palace Master Liu was extremely in favor.

"I also agree. Our Hades have always been excluded by everyone, and even for a long time, Hades is synonymous with evil and darkness.

This time, Afan, you are able to let us join the Hades. We are all very happy. "

Yan Ping also immediately spoke at this time.

And for Yan Ping also agreed with this point, many people are not surprised.

For Yan Ping and Edward, Hades is their lifeblood.

For everyone, the true power of Hades is beyond their imagination.

In recent years, it can be said that everyone has seen the performance of the Hades in their eyes. After a long time together, the hatred of the various holy places towards the Hades and even Yan Ping and Edward has decreased a lot.

And all this is because of Zhang Fan.

Especially, soon, all of them will leave the earth.

In the future, to a certain extent, they will even become mutually dependent partners. Naturally, to a certain extent, everyone truly recognizes the Hades.

Just like Edward himself, he is a very evil blood in the eyes of people, that is, a vampire.

However, according to Yan Ping himself, in addition to dealing with his enemies, Edward spends most of his time sucking the blood of monsters. He has never attacked ordinary people or weak warriors. This is very commendable.

In the Hades, in addition to the blood clan, there are also the wolf clan, leopard clan, beimong clan and so on.

These races all have a strong bloodline, and all of them can be transformed.

To a certain extent, it is equivalent to half a human, half a monster.

Although evil, it is only the superficial situation that people see.

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