Star-source Legend

Chapter 1003: Form an alliance (below)

"We Warmen have no opinion."

Li Mubai also seemed simple and direct at this time.

Now that Li Mubai's strength has reached the mid-term of the Fairy Land, even the Supreme Elder of the War Gate is not an opponent. Naturally, his decision is equivalent to the decision of the entire War Gate.

Originally there were two Supreme Elders in the Zhanmen, but one of them was due to the fact that Leng Yang, who had been helping the Zhanmen before, opposed Li Mubai, and he regularly attacked Liu Ruyan in the past, and was eventually abolished by Zhang Fan. .

"Our Jiange naturally has no opinion."

Old Qin also said with a smile at this time.

"Our Guardian Alliance also has no opinion."

Thor of the Guardian Alliance and a Supreme Protector looked at each other and spoke.

"Haha, well, it seems that everyone is not opposed to the establishment of this alliance. You have made the most correct decision. In the future, you will know how important the decision you made today is to yourself.

This time, I intend to directly add the top 10,000 talents in the world to join the new alliance.

The specific level division, I also wrote on the draft very clearly.

If you have any opinions, everyone can put forward them.

Now is the time to brainstorm. "

Smiling, Zhang Fan also looked at everyone and asked immediately.


Hearing what Zhang Fan said, everyone kept flipping through the drafts in their hands.

"Afan, the draft you made is already very detailed. However, I don't quite understand this inheritance disciple."

At this time, Qin Feng looked at Zhang Fan with some doubts and said.

"Yes, inheritance disciples have specific rights, how to select them, and how to train them. These are all unexplained."

Liu Yuan also spoke at this time.

"Hehe, this is actually a question I left specifically. According to my decision from the beginning, the strongest disciple in each branch hall is qualified to become a succession disciple.

The six holy places are the six inheritance disciples.

He is also the heir of the six branch halls.

And my plan is to select a holy son based on the inheritance of disciples.

That is to say, for these six inheritance disciples to challenge each other, the most powerful is the saint son of the entire alliance and the heir of the alliance leader.

However, this is just my own decision, I don't know if it is appropriate, so I didn't write it down, and I plan to see if you have any better suggestions. "

Seeing what Qin Lao and Liu Yuan asked, Zhang Fan also explained with a smile.

"Afan, what you said is very good. Since this alliance formed is considered a new holy land, it naturally needs the Son of God.

Just like our original heir. The alliance also needs the heir of the leader.

Of course, the specific selection allows the inheritance disciples of each branch hall to accept more and longer tests, and finally select the best.

Then focus on training and give them a certain degree of rights.

Of course, the choice of this saint son, first of all, must pass the character in terms of character, so as not to do whatever he wants with his own identity.

Secondly, the strength must also be the strongest, even to win more with less.

This point, after the official establishment of the Holy Land, we can implement it concretely.

At least, before we leave, we must first select the next successor and train them. "

Nalandi also spoke out his thoughts at this time.

"Well, that's for sure. Now, it's the name of this alliance. Everyone thinks, what name is better?"

Nodded, Zhang Fan asked immediately.

"Why don't it be called the Cultivation Alliance?"

Old Palace Master Liu said at the moment.

"The name is good, but not aggressive enough."

Some people also objected.

"Why not call it Tenglong Pavilion? In my opinion, this Tenglong City can be directly regarded as the headquarters of this alliance."

Qin Feng also said.

"No, the current layout of Tamron City has basically been set, and the style of each sub-temple is different, and the Holy Land must have a certain degree of mystery while ensuring its own authority.

At least, the location of the headquarters should not be discovered so easily.

I think it is possible to find a relatively independent relic space, and then rebuild a headquarters. "

Song Letian also spoke at this time.

Although Song Letian and Yunshan have always been named in the military headquarters, they were temporarily added to the military headquarters mainly to deal with the powerful presence of monsters.

If you really count them, they don't belong to the military, so you can go wherever you want.

"Yeah, I agree with the name of Tenglong Pavilion. As for the headquarters, I will personally find a more suitable and stable relic space."

Zhang Fan nodded and said at this time.

"Yeah, the name Tenglong Pavilion sounds good. If you say that, Afan, let's call Tenglong Pavilion. As for the pavilion master, I think that the first generation pavilion master, you should be Afan temporarily, who Make you the strongest? Haha."

Nalandi also nodded and said with a smile.

"Yes, starting from today, I'll call it Afan from now on, so let's call it the Pavilion Master."

Old Palace Master Liu also spoke.

The others also nodded.

At the same time, as the name comes to mind, it also means that this new super alliance composed of various holy sites is officially established.

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