Star-source Legend

Chapter 1008: Unknown Hall (Part 1)

"Afan, you are too dear to me. I just observed and analyzed it carefully for a while, and found that the number of eyes in this big formation exceeded my imagination.

If you compare the big formations you gave me before, the current formation is definitely not something ordinary people can arrange.

Within a few hours, I also found eight eyes.

It is very difficult to find all the fronts completely, at least it will take ten and a half months.

However, even if you find the front line, it is probably useless.

Because I found that the eyes of this big array are changing anytime and anywhere.

To get rid of it, it is necessary to attack all fronts at the same time, and the required power is also very important. "

As soon as Zhang Fan finished speaking, Xu Yuan walked over and said solemnly.

In the last few hours, it can be said that Xu Yuan combined with his field abilities and discovered some of the mysteries of the big formation in front of him.

However, finding out is one thing, and if you want to get rid of it, in Xu Yuan's view, even if Zhang Fan's current strength is very strong, he cannot do it.

"This is a lot of trouble. I also discovered eight formations through my mental power just now.

In this way, Grandpa Xu, the two of us are united with each other to see if there is any overlap between the two of us.

Then summarize them together.

It takes time to find out all the fronts, and then I will try to get rid of them. See if you can succeed. "

Zhang Fan also spoke directly at this moment.

"It seems that Afan, your talent in the formation is not low, if that's the case, let's speed up."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, a look of shock flashed across Xu Yuan's expression.

After all, although Zhang Fan's talent is very powerful, he has not mainly studied the knowledge of formations after all.

In just a few hours, I was able to compare myself with someone who has studied the formation for most of his life. I can only say that Zhang Fan's talent is too powerful.

Xu Yuan was shocked by Zhang Fan, and Zhang Fan was surprised by his grandfather Xu's ability.

After all, in Lian Xiaogu's eyes just now, he only found three formations at the very beginning. Even now, Xiaogu himself only discovered seventeen formations.

It seems to have discovered more than Xu Yuan.

But don't forget the identity of Xiaogu, which is intelligent life.

In the analysis of some things, it can be said that it has a unique advantage. In addition, Xiao Gu followed his master Naluo for so many years, it can be described as knowledgeable.

And his grandfather Xu's strength is just a wandering through the earth. But it still took a few hours to find the eight eyes of the advanced backflow circle in front of him. It can be said that even the old star in the space of the star source fragments praised his grandfather Xu.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan and Xu Yuan took the initiative to look for the front line together.

As for Nalandi and others, they also tried their best to assist and protect the law to avoid other accidents.

A week later.

"Huh... it really is a very complicated formation. If it weren't for Afan's powerful mental power, I don't know how long it will take to discover all the 32 formations.

Now, there is only the last step left, and that is to break open these 32 arrays at the same time. If you want to do this, only Afan among us can do it. "

At this time, Xu Yuan was also relieved, looking at Zhang Fan and said directly.

"Haha, all right, then, it's up to me."

Zhang Fan also smiled and nodded.

Although it was a waste of time to help Grandpa Xu find his formation in ten days, for Zhang Fan, the gain of these ten days was not small.

At least the understanding of the formation method has increased a lot.

And to make his grandfather Xu happy, in Zhang Fan's view, let alone ten days, even one hundred days, one year, or even ten years are worthwhile.

"Several elders, you step back a little, the movement may be bigger in a while."

Zhang Fan also said to Nalandi and others at this time.

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, everyone including Xu Yuan retreated quickly, reached a relatively safe distance, and directly condensed a layer of spiritual protection to avoid accidents.


Immediately afterwards, a powerful and terrifying aura that made people feel as though they were about to suffocate erupted from Zhang Fan's body. At the same time, Zhang Fan directly soared into the sky, and a series of thirty-two flying knives were directly under Zhang Fan's control, continuously rotating around the huge high-level backflow circle in front of him.

Because the eyes of the high-level backflow circle in front of him are changing anytime and anywhere, and what Zhang Fan has to do now is to find the moment when it changes again and attack at the same time.

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

A few seconds later, under the control of Zhang Fan's powerful mental power, he also observed that the high-level backflow circle in front of him had once again changed.

And for an instant, Zhang Fan was fully controlling the 32 flying knives at the same time and lasing towards the positions of the eyes one by one.

The powerful penetrating power can be said to make the entire space unbearable.

It directly bombarded the 32 array eyes in an instant, and all of them reached the maximum power that Zhang Fan could currently reach.



Afterwards, among the surprised expressions of Zhang Fan, Xu Yuan and others, they saw the entire high-level reflux array immediately began to shake violently, and eventually exploded directly, leaking everything inside.

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