Star-source Legend

Chapter 1009: The Unknown Hall (Part 2)

Except for Zhang Fan, even Narandi had to continue to retreat due to the powerful explosive force.

Because they can't hold it.

A high-level recirculation circle, and it is the power released in an instant when the high-level recirculation circle that has been in operation for an unknown period of time exploded. It can be said that even Zhang Fan himself needs to fight with all his strength.

Not to mention Nalandi and others.

After retreating a full ten kilometers away, Nalandi and other talents were able to avoid the aftermath of this energy. However, the condition of a few people was not very good. It seemed as if they were walking out of the slums, letting them keep Some Zhang Fan, who was worried about the situation of the few people, also looked funny.

In fact, the real power of the entire high-level return circle is more than that, but because this space has been no one for a long time, and this high-level return circle has not been maintained, nine out of ten of the powers have been lost.

Even, maybe decades later, the entire array will collapse on its own.

However, Zhang Fan's current attention was attracted by the huge castle building that looked like a dream.

In front of me was a road paved with white jade.

In front of it, a huge colorful palace group the size of a town appeared directly in front of everyone.

In particular, the huge golden palace in the middle shows its extraordinaryness.

However, what surprised Zhang Fan was that at the top of the golden contribution, but also at the center, there were traces of the fonts being erased artificially.

The other attached palaces are similar, without even the most basic sign.

However, the breath of Star Source Fragment came from the most central position.

For the first time, Zhang Fan's figure lased towards the huge palace in the center.

Soon, Zhang Fan returned directly.

During this time, the Star Source Fragment was already collected by Zhang Fan.

After entering the palace, Zhang Fan saw that there was a huge night pearl, shining the entire palace extremely beautifully, and this night pearl was the fifth star source fragment.

The air around the entire hall was filled with a strong source of breath. Obviously it was also because it was placed for a long time.

However, according to Zhang Fan's guess, the original owner definitely did not know the Star Source Fragment, otherwise it would be impossible not to take it away.

And with the collapse of the high-level return circle, the rich spiritual power also overflowed and filled the entire huge relic space.

In less than a few minutes, the spiritual power of the entire relic space has increased by at least three times compared to before.

In some places, spiritual liquid is about to form directly.

After Xu Yuan and others changed their clothes, they also came to the huge palace group.

Here, there is a special powerful aura that attracts them, making them directly can't help but cross-legged directly on the ground and begin to absorb and practice.

And when Zhang Fan saw this, he also understood that because the original aura released by the fragments of the star source filled the surrounding area, the spiritual power in the surrounding air was also mixed with a trace of the original aura.

Don't underestimate this original breath, if you can absorb it, it will help your body tremendously.

Xu Yuan and the others will understand this point later.

And Zhang Fan, at this time, directly and secretly urged a burst of breath towards Xu Yuan and the others.

Even Xiao Jin and Xiao Huo were directly released by Zhang Fan.

Soon, Xiaojin and Xiaohuo disappeared in the palace group, not knowing where they went.

After a full hour, Xu Yuan and others opened their eyes.

In this hour's time, Nalandi, Yan Ping, and Li Jianqiu had already felt the loosening of their realm.

If he retreats after going back this time, he will most likely break directly into the realm of Star Lord.

As for Xu Yuan and Qin Feng, they both felt that they were about to break through to the later stage of the immortal journey.

"Haha, how do you feel? The spiritual power here is very rich, and there is also a special powerful force flooding it.

If you practice life here for a long time, you can improve yourself very quickly. "

At this time, Zhang Fan also came over and said with a few people with a smile.

"Well, indeed, it was only an hour just now, and I felt like I had cultivated for many years, and even the realm was loose for the first time.

Perhaps there will be a direct breakthrough soon, which is simply incredible.

I stayed in this space for at least a few decades before, but it didn't have this effect. "

Li Jianqiu also spoke at this moment.

"Yes, obviously, this palace group is the most important place in the entire ruins space. Otherwise, it would not be protected by such a powerful formation."

Nalandi also spoke at the moment.

"This group of palaces is simply the most natural place to live. Afterwards, just a little bit of arrangement will allow the disciples of Tenglong Pavilion to live.

I also found through mental observation that all the places in the entire palace complex were empty buildings without leaving anything of value. Even the names of the palaces were erased artificially. Obviously, The predecessors who created this relic space did not want to reveal their own information.

However, the defensive power of each palace is very terrifying, even if I try my best, it is estimated that I will not be able to leave a trace on it.

In any case, this can be regarded as an unexpected gain, so we have to spend a lot of experience to build a place to live.

The training room, the alchemy room, the martial arts field, including the place where the disciples live, are everything there is.

At least it can provide thousands of people to live.

This is what I think, and protect this place directly for the core disciples and various strong people to live in.

On the outer layer, some palaces are being rebuilt to allow outer disciples and inner disciples to live and live.

The whole place is divided into internal and external parts. What do you guys think? "

Zhang Fan also looked at everyone and said at this time.

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