Star-source Legend

Chapter 101: Final result (medium)

At the same time, at this time, many soldiers came out carrying stretchers one by one.

The stretcher is covered by white cloth, but as long as you are not a fool, you all understand that these are dead test martial artists.

"Xiao Zhao!"



Seeing this, suddenly, many people at the entrance have tears in their eyes and incredible faces on their faces.

Among them, many of them are good friends who were still chatting with them yesterday.

"Why cry?"

A cold-stern voice of an officer thought of it, which made many people extremely angry and cold-blooded.

"Fighting with monsters, there is no undead! Since you have chosen to participate in the actual combat assessment, you must have signed a life and death agreement, and you have already prepared for death.

In today's society, to become a warrior, there is a master, it is a privilege, fighting with monsters and protecting ordinary humans is your responsibility in the future. "

"Your status, your generous treatment, your various rights, everything you need to fight for!"

"This time, considering that you are all under the age of eighteen, and most of them are even senior third-year students, the arrangements for you are all basic common monsters, even the Storm Wolf, as long as you can work together. Collaboration, killing him is also very simple.

What's more, this time, there is no monster that arranges group activities for you. If you can't even pass this test and enter the wilderness outside the city, do you think you have any hope of surviving? "

What the officer said, everyone fell into silence.

Yes, this time the monster is relatively easy to deal with.

Among the monsters, the most troublesome are the monsters that move in groups, such as the beak-billed vulture among the flying monsters, and the land monsters that often gather together, the lion dog. Every time dozens of them gather together to act, even if they are. The warriors of the viscera realm sometimes dare not provoke them.

Among the primary monsters, the most terrifying shadow leopard, the great ape, did not appear.

They are already considered lucky.

"Okay, next, turn in all the scoring devices in your hands one by one, and then we will make statistics, and then you will go back to your resting place and change your equipment, and then come here to gather again. Announce the final result."

At this time, the officer's loud voice came out again.

Afterwards, a dozen soldiers stepped forward and put away the scoring device in Zhang Fan's hands.

"Zhong Ling, are you okay?"

At this time, Zhang Fan also saw Zhong Ling for the first time, and rushed forward, asking worriedly.

"It's okay, don't worry, Afan, and Azhi, I'm relieved to see that you are okay."

Hearing the concern in Zhang Fan's tone, Zhong Ling felt warm in his heart, and then smiled and said to Zhang Fan.

Yesterday, after receiving news from Zhang Fan, Zhong Ling reunited with a few of his friends to ensure safety. In the end, a few people killed two monsters on average. The problem of passing the assessment should not be big.

"Hmm, then go take a rest, take a hot bath, and talk afterwards!"

"Yes, quickly change your clothes, and when the result comes out, let's talk again."

Zhang Fan and Hu Zhi also said to Zhong Ling one after another.

Smiling, Zhong Ling turned and left and walked towards the resting place.

However, Zhang Fan and Hu Zhi did not leave at this time, and stood waiting. After all, after all, they had already rested for a night and their equipment had already been replaced. They only need to wait quietly for the final result. Great.

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