Star-source Legend

Chapter 102: The final result (below)

An hour later, all the warriors changed their clothes again and gathered together.

If you observe carefully, compared with before the assessment, there are dozens of fewer people, and Zhang Fan is also very surprised.

However, this is also no way. Now that I have chosen to participate in the actual combat assessment of the martial artist, as the previous officer said, he must be prepared to face death again.

Under the arrangement of a few soldiers, everyone stood in order.

After waiting for a while, Mr. Xu and Mr. Mu, as well as many leaders that Zhang Fan had seen in the tent before, all walked over.

"Next, I will announce your specific results this time. Regardless of whether you pass the assessment or not, I hope you will continue to work hard. If it doesn't work this year, then continue next year."

At this time, as a loud voice came out, the former officer in charge of statistics also spoke at this moment.

"This time, a total of 600 warriors participated in the assessment. Of course, in our eyes, those who have not passed the actual combat assessment can only be regarded as quasi-warriors. Among the 600 people, 44 died, so there will be 100 out of 556 people. Sixty out of them passed this assessment."

"I won't read the specific points separately. I will first announce the list of people who have passed the assessment."

The officer said immediately.

"Wang Wu"

"Liu Che"

"Li Dandan"

"Zhong Ling"


"Hu Chi"

"Zhang Fan"

Soon, the names of those who passed the assessment were announced.

"In this assessment, many geniuses emerged, especially the top three this time, it is worthy of all of you to learn. Below, I will read out the top three points of this assessment separately. Let you know the gap."

"The third place, Ma Shiheng, points, 9, very good."

"Wow, brother, it's the pride of our middle school that we killed 9 monsters, amazing."

At this time, in the crowd next to a thin-faced young warrior who was 1.9 meters tall, a little fat man looked at this person and said with joy.

Obviously, this one-meter-high young warrior was Ma Shiheng.

At this moment, after hearing his own results, Ma Shiheng was not very happy. In his opinion, the number one this time should be his own.

Suddenly, it was the first time to focus his attention, planning to see if those two guys surpassed him.

"Second place, Wang Heng, 15 points, very good."

After a pause, the officer then announced.

Suddenly, there was a loud exclamation in the crowd. Many people looked around, trying to see which perverted guy it was.

15 points, that is to kill 15 primary monsters, an absolute genius.

Hearing the officer's reading, among the crowd, a burly young warrior also showed surprise in his eyes at the moment, and it should be Wang Heng.

"I'm not the first in my grades, and there are people who surpass myself? Who is it?"

At this moment, Wang Heng also seemed very surprised. After all, in his opinion, he was definitely the first this time. After all, the first place in the martial arts assessment in previous years was only 13 points.

But it was unexpected that someone could surpass himself, which also attracted Wang Heng's attention.

Finally, what I want to say is that in this martial arts actual combat assessment, a real genius appeared. From his performance, I can see that the junior monster is really not worth mentioning in his hands. The school he was in was actually just a low-end middle school in Star City, which was incredible.

This person is Zhang Fan, points, 75. "

Looking at the results of the last Zhang Fan in his hand, the officer was also secretly surprised, abnormal, completely abnormal, and most importantly, this person only came from a very ordinary middle school, which is even more incredible.

Suddenly, many people took a breath and kept watching around.

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