Star-source Legend

Chapter 1017: Collective Practice (Part 1)

In this way, among Liu Ruyan's worries, nine days passed.

For nine days, it can be said that Liu Ruyan's heart has been constantly holding it, and the whole person is paying attention to Zhang Fan's movement in the most central area.

Many times in the middle, Liu Ruyan felt that Zhang Fan's breath became much weaker in an instant, and almost couldn't help but rush over.

However, Liu Ruyan also discovered that a strong protection had already been formed around the entire circle, even with her current strength in the late Conferred King Realm, she couldn't advance the slightest.

Can only stay in place silently, expecting Zhang Fan to be safe.

And Du Yu and Xu Ding did not expect that even with the strength of Zhang Fan's strength, it took more than a week to complete the formation that he said.

Suddenly, he was extremely worried, and he went directly to Tamron City halfway, and notified Nalandi to them.

"Xu Yuan, do you see anything? How long will it take Afan to complete the arrangement?"

At this moment, at the edge of the round platform, Nalandi also asked Xu Yuan, who was constantly watching around the round platform.

"The formation of Abuzhi is very advanced and very complicated. With my ability, now, I have only discovered less than ten formations.

According to my estimation, the number of formation eyes in this formation is at least more than a hundred formation eyes.

It can be said that the more powerful a person is, if this formation is arranged, the power is absolutely unimaginable.

Ah Fan's breath is now very stable, which is very good news.

In my opinion, let's wait patiently.

As soon as something happens, Afan will definitely stop immediately. "

Seeing what Nalandi asked, Xu Yuan frowned at this moment, and said with some comfort.

"Hey, Afan this child is too anxious sometimes. Although we people are looking forward to our own strength to be one step closer, but if this causes Afan himself to be affected, then we don't I know how guilt it will be."

Hearing what Xu Yuan said, Nalandi also sighed and said.

"Huh...Finally, the arrangement is finished. I didn't expect this formation to be so complicated. It's because I'm a spiritual teacher and can do multiple tasks.

Otherwise, it is impossible to succeed at all. "

As Nalandi's voice just fell, Zhang Fan's figure appeared in front of everyone for an instant, and said with a sigh of relief.

"A Fan."

But at this time, a figure immediately fell into Zhang Fan's arms, tearful eyes, formally Liu Ruyan.

It can be said that in the past few days, Liu Ruyan has been very worried about Zhang Fan all the time. Now that Zhang Fan has come out safely, it naturally seems to have found a support.

"Hehe, it's okay, I'm not going to take risks. Although I used too much power a few times in the middle, I survived.

However, this formation is shielded from the outside, and my own voice cannot be heard, so it also makes you worry. "

Zhang Fan explained while patting Liu Ruyan on the back.

"You really scared me to death. Many times in between, I felt that your breath seemed to dissipate completely.

However, this formation has a strong protection, I can't get in at all.

In desperation, the elder Du Yu brought them over. "

At this moment, Liu Ruyan also slapped Zhang Fan's chest with some complaints, and said.

"Well, so many people are watching, you are not shy."

Zhang Fan also said with a wry smile at the moment.

"It's all one's own, what are you afraid of."

With that said, Liu Ruyan held it tighter, making Zhang Fan both distressed and embarrassed.

And Nalandi and the others also looked at Zhang Fan with a funny face at the moment.

"In this big formation, there is still the last step to be completed, which is activation.

Now, everyone will leave here for the time being, and so are you, Ruyan.

Because, at the moment of activation, the powerful starry sky power will directly and completely envelop the entire large formation, that powerful force is absolutely unbearable if it does not reach the Star Noble Realm.

When I inform you, it will not be too late.

Xiaohuo, Xiaojin, remember to directly condense the spiritual power mask to protect everyone. "

Zhang Fan also let go of Liu Ruyan at this time, looking at everyone and saying.

"Well, then Afan, be careful."

Nodded, Liu Ruyan followed Nalandi and the others, leaving this area and retreating to a far distance.

When Xiaohuo and Xiaojin heard what Zhang Fan said, they all directly condensed a powerful protective mask, covering everyone.


After watching everyone leave, Zhang Fan also walked to the front of the Star-Gathering Magic Array at this moment. At the same time, a powerful aura radiated directly from Zhang Fan's body.

The surrounding space even seemed to be unable to withstand Zhang Fan's powerful aura to burst.

"Give me, open!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan continued to seal his hands. Suddenly, a huge circular light seal completely resembling the power of a starry sky, directly followed by Zhang Fan's loud scream, shrouded in front of the large array.

Suddenly, as the first rays of light lit up, followed by the second, third, and finally one hundred and eight dazzling rays of light, directly lit up at the same time and gathered together.

The powerful momentum shocked Nalandi and others in the distance.

A minute later, suddenly, the surrounding sky seemed to plunge into darkness for an instant.

At the same time, among the shocking gazes of Nalandi and others, they saw that above the sky, the infinite power of the starry sky directly formed a hundred and eight dazzling starry light beams, converging towards this side. Come.

A total of one hundred and eight beams of light, like a hundred and eight heavenly soldiers and generals descending.

That terrifying aura caused the surrounding peaks to shake violently for an instant, and bursts of avalanches immediately burst out.

Fortunately, there are no ordinary people or warriors in the surrounding peaks, including the foot of the mountain. Otherwise, under the power of this terrifying nature, even the powerhouses of the Star Noble realm may not be able to withstand the avalanche. Power.

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