Star-source Legend

Chapter 1018: Collective Practice (Part 2)

And this process lasted for nearly an hour before the beams of light finally disappeared.

At this moment, in the eyes of Nalandi and the others, they also saw the round platform in front of them, which was already a vast expanse of white, and they could not see five fingers.

Obviously, this is all the power of the stars.

"Hehe, everyone, come up. It has been completely arranged successfully."

At this time, Zhang Fan also spoke directly to everyone.

Hearing Zhang Fan's voice transmission, Nalandi and the others looked at each other and appeared on the edge of the round table for the first time.

"Afan, is it all the power of the stars in it?"

At this time, Nalandi was also looking at Zhang Fan, pointing to the vast white area within the round table, and couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, yes, this is because the time is relatively short, otherwise, the power of the starry sky can even be directly liquefied, and even over time, it can directly become a starry sky stone.

However, there is a large array of stars. If things go on like this, the entire structure of Mount Everest will be changed, and it is even possible that the entire mountain becomes a huge star stone. "

When Nalandi asked, Zhang Fan also said with a smile.

"Let's go, everyone can go in and feel it now. Although it is filled with the power of the starry sky, as long as it is not actively absorbed, even the warrior of the Conferred King Realm can withstand it.

With the existence of the Star-Gathering Magic Array, I think that ten years will be enough for all warriors who have reached the realm of the fairy tale to get a huge breakthrough.

Perhaps even when we leave the earth, everyone will directly become a powerhouse in the Star Jubilee realm.

That way, even in Luangyu Stars, we are all temporarily able to gain a foothold. "

At this time, Zhang Fan also looked at everyone and said.

Suddenly, Nalandi and the others couldn't help but walk in.

"Ruyan, your current strength is not yet able to absorb the power of the stars. After you enter for a while, remember not to take the initiative to absorb it, otherwise, it is easy to cause a certain degree of injury to yourself.

The two elders, you are the same.

The power of the stars here can begin to be absorbed when you break through to the realm of the immortal travel on the earth. "

Zhang Fan was also reminded with Liu Ruyan and Du Yu and Xu Ding, the two former guardian elders of the sword pavilion.

"I see, Afan."

Liu Ruyan also nodded at the moment. Du Yu and Xu Ding both nodded, and then walked in cautiously.

"My God, I tried to absorb the power of the starry sky just now, and suddenly I found that the power of the starry sky here was absorbed into the body, and it didn't take a lot of time to transform.

This is enough to save us a lot of time.

Cultivating here for one day, I think it is at least comparable to our normal cultivation for ten days or even longer, which is incredible. "

Qin Feng couldn't help but said in surprise at this time.

"Hehe, the power of the starry sky here is enough to provide a hundred powerful people who wander the earth at the same time for cultivation.

Of course, the more central it is, the stronger the power of the starry sky and the stronger the coercion.

And you don't have to worry about the power of the stars here will decrease.

With the existence of the star-gathering array that I arranged, it can be said that as much as you absorb, the large array will directly draw how much from the stars.

After we leave in the future, this big formation can also be retained, allowing the future powerhouses of the earth to practice.

It can be regarded as a long-term stable means of improvement.

To a certain extent, this is equivalent to cheating. After all, normally, a person has to go to the universe to absorb the power of the stars, and the absorbed power of the stars needs to be carefully transformed into what the body can accommodate.

The power of the starry sky here is completely transformed. As long as your body can bear it, you can absorb as much as you want. "

At this time, Zhang Fan also smiled and explained to everyone.

"I didn't have much confidence in breaking through to the Star Noble Realm before. Now, with the star-gathering array of A Canvas, I believe that it will not be long before we people can break through to the Star Noble Realm.

Especially the president and Palace Master Yan Ping, including Master, can even go further in the Star Jubilee Realm. "

At this time, Qin Feng also said with emotion.

When Qin Feng said, everyone nodded.

"That's it, the president, Grandpa Xu, after everyone officially relocates to the headquarters of Tenglong Pavilion, he is directly anxious that all the powerful people who wander the earth will come here to practice.

Halfway through, I will share with you some of the experience of improvement.

Strive to maximize the strength of everyone in a certain period of time.

As for Liu Yun and the others, presumably not a short time will be enough to break through to the realm of the fairy tales of the earth, so when we leave, most of us are basically in the late stage of the fairy tales of the earth, even the realm of the stars. "

At this time, Zhang Fan also said directly to Xu Yuan and others who were fancy.

"Well, let's go, there must have been a lot of noise here just now, I will stay here and take care of it.

After you arrange the Tenglong Pavilion, just come directly. "

At this time, Qin Feng also nodded and said directly.

It can be said that Qin Feng now can't help but want to stay here for the first time to practice.

Of course, other people are the same.

However, after the relocation of Tenglong Pavilion, a simple ceremony will be held. Nalandi and the others must be there.

Of course, it will only take a few days at most, and everything will be ready. When the time comes, it will not be too late to come back.

And here after they leave, it is indeed necessary to arrange a person with sufficient strength to guard it.

"Well, then, Mr. Qin, you will stay here to take care of it. In a few days, we will come together.

Remember, no one can enter without permission, otherwise, there will be no mercy. "

At this time, Zhang Fan also nodded, and then spoke to Qin Feng.

After all, the Star-Gathering Array is an important improvement method Zhang Fan gives to all the powerhouses who intend to leave the earth, including him himself.

If due to some unexpected circumstances, the entire Star-Gathering Array was destroyed, Zhang Fan wouldn't have had so much effort to rearrange it.

"Don't worry, no fly can fly in with me here."

Qin Feng also assured directly.

Afterwards, everyone left together and rushed towards Huashan.

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