Star-source Legend

Chapter 1019: Ten years (on)

It was the first time everyone was riding on the back of Xiaohuo.

I thought it would feel very hot, after all, the temperature emitted by the flames around the small fire is very terrifying.

However, on the back of Xiao Huo, everyone felt very comfortable and warm.

I have to say that this makes everyone feel very surprised.

Of course, this is actually because of Zhang Fan, so the small fire directly put away the flame, and even directly condensed an invisible protective mask.

Even ordinary people, standing on Xiao Huo's back, can ignore the fierce wind.

In just an hour, everyone came to Huashan by a small fire.

Later, Xiao Huo also directly changed his body shape, and accompanied Zhang Fan and the others into the relic space of the Tenglong Pavilion headquarters before the surge in Huashan.

Before, all the workers in charge of construction had been sent away. Even to ensure the concealment of this space in Huashan, everyone covered their faces when they left, and then sat on the back of Xiao Huo and left.

As soon as he entered, Zhang Fan discovered that even the cave outside had undergone a special transformation. While strengthening the defense, all the utensils and murals were added, making it more beautiful than before.

After entering the space, it can be said that Zhang Fan was shocked by the scenery in front of him for the first time.

What appeared in front of Zhang Fan was like a huge city composed entirely of palaces.

If you don't observe carefully, you can't even see the difference between the palace outside and the palace inside.

In particular, many places around it have been transformed, and even cultivated a moat surrounding the entire city.

These are not knowing how much manpower and material resources are needed to do it.

With his own strong spiritual power, Zhang Fan can also feel that there are already many people in the entire relic space.

Obviously, many people have moved in directly.

Especially in the area outside the entire palace complex, a huge open-air plaza was built. Inside, there is also a statue of Zhang Fan.

Let Zhang Fan laugh bitterly.

"How can I build my statue?"

At this moment, Zhang Fan couldn't help but say.

"Hehe, we think this is a good thing. After all, Tenglong Pavilion was established because of you, Afan. A statue can also record your contribution.

Not only that, in the future, every tenure of the Dragon Pavilion will have someone specially build a statue for future generations to admire.

Many of the buildings outside here are mostly made of various alloys, and they are also very good in terms of protection.

At that time, let Xu Yuan directly help arrange some powerful reinforcement formations. Basically, as long as you don't do anything in it, these buildings are completely able to withstand.

Here, we not only apply the most advanced technology, but also directly transfer the methods of pressing the bottom of each holy place.

The entire outer floor is enough to accommodate 50,000 people, and it is not crowded at all.

Moreover, it is directly divided into nine areas, corresponding to six doors and three halls.

And the middle palace, we also named it Dragon Palace.

As for the place where you live, Afan, we also directly arranged you in the building closest to Tenglong Temple, and directly named it Tenglongju.

The places where other people live are also directly allocated based on the previous discussions.

It can be said that Tenglong Pavilion is now basically functioning. "

Hearing Zhang Fan's doubts, Nalandi also began to explain at this time.

"Okay, but I think that the costumes of all kinds of disciples need to be customized, and there is no need to save too much on the materials.

The outer disciple’s clothing needs to be at least A3 in defense, the inner disciple’s is A5, the core disciple’s is A7, and the inherited disciple’s is A9. As for the dragon, his clothing, including weapons, needs the top level. Yes, I will provide you with these later.

Also, starting today, it's time for us to change what we call each other. In front of our own people, we still follow the original name.

But in front of other people, I need to call you the elder, and you need to call me the pavilion master.

Including Ruyan, you are the same, your current strength can be regarded as an Outer Sect Elder. In front of outsiders, I will call you Elder Liu, and of course Ruyan or wife in private. "

Hearing what Nalandi said, Zhang Fan also nodded, then looked at everyone and reminded.

"This is natural. To be honest, I haven't imagined that the strength of our Tenglong Pavilion united is so powerful.

In the entire Tenglong Pavilion, there are 31 people who have reached the strength of the elders, and among them, there are three people in the later stage of the land tour.

There were 10 people in the middle of the journey of the earth.

There were 18 people in the early days of Earth Youxian.

This is not even such a genius who is about to break through.

At that time, our entire Tenglong Pavilion will be able to reach forty elders alone.

This is the power of forty earth wandering immortals. In the past, this was absolutely unimaginable.

Not to mention the number of powerhouses in the late Conferred King Realm.

I simply counted it, and at least it reached over fifty. As for the warriors in the early and middle period of the Conferred King Realm, there are more.

It can be said that most of the power of the entire earth is concentrated in our Tenglong Pavilion. "

The only troublesome thing is that once we wait for those of us to leave the earth, Tenglong Pavilion may lack a lot of the top power.

Once some other forces appeared earlier than Tenglong Pavilion, the powerhouse of the earth wandering immortal, then the whole situation is beyond our control. "

Nalandi also said immediately.

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