Star-source Legend

Chapter 1020: Ten years (middle)

"Yeah, don't worry about this. Since we are planning to leave. This time, I will take away all the powerhouses on the earth who have reached the level of the earth wandering immortal.

As for the future, we will also leave enough power for Tenglong Pavilion.

Coupled with the fact that Tenglong Pavilion now has many outstanding geniuses on the entire planet, it can be said that I am not worried at all.

One thing we have to worry about is infighting.

Infighting is natural.

It's like before each holy place is fighting against each other, thinking about occupying more resources.

However, I hope that this kind of internal fighting is benign in Tenglong Pavilion, and can progress together, instead of letting the six doors and three halls directly spread out and fight separately.

Among them, I hope the Law Enforcement Hall can play an absolute role.

Anyone who dared to directly provoke infighting will be expelled directly, or even abolished directly or put to death.

There are too many examples where there is no rule and no radius, because of internal fighting, a powerful force eventually collapsed. "

Nodded, Zhang Fan also immediately said one of his concerns.

"Well, we have discussed it before. The specific door rules will be specified directly at that time. Everyone needs to keep this item in mind at all times.

Anyone who violates, even those of us, must lead by example. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Nalandi also agreed very much.

"Now that everything is in place and the relocation is complete. Let's hold the ceremony for the establishment of Tenglong Pavilion tomorrow.

After that, all the powerhouses who reached the level of the earth wandering immortals all went to retreat on the side of Mount Everest. "

Zhang Fan also spoke at this moment.

After that, he walked towards the palace group not far away.

Along the way, Zhang Fan also looked left and looked at it again, appearing very satisfied.

And those disciples, and the elders, when they saw Zhang Fan, they all respectfully called "Pavilion Master".

What surprised Zhang Fan the most was that Buddhism allowed their most important disciple, Shi Le, to join the Tenglong Pavilion.

Of course, this is also because after releasing Le, he will leave the earth with Zhang Fan.

Naturally, Zhang Fan would not say much about this.

However, Zhang Fan is a little worried about the practice of releasing music. Because the inheritance of Buddhism has been lost a lot, what Shi Le currently cultivates is only good Buddhism martial arts and techniques, and there is a gap between them.

Even so, the real strength of Shi Le surpassed Li Chenglong.

"Hehe, Afan, it is not easy to release happiness. In the universe, people who cultivate Buddha can be regarded as a great force. The most famous is the Ten Thousand Buddha Sect.

And the founder of Ten Thousand Buddha Sect, you are very familiar with him, he is called Shakyamuni.

It can be said that Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect is one of the most powerful forces outside of the super holy places in the universe.

Especially the Ten Thousand Buddha Sect backed by the Taoist Gate of Gods, no one dared to ignore it.

Among the wealth left to you by the master before, there are some martial arts and techniques related to Buddhism. No matter how bad they are, they are better than the little guy who is now practicing.

You can teach him all this at some time.

Among the ten geniuses of your earth you intend to take away this time, the most powerful ones are this Shi Le and your nephew Li Chenglong.

In addition, if there are no good opportunities, this life is at best reaching the star-yang realm.

Although your current strength is not very strong, it is inevitable to accept two apprentices.

The future of these two little guys is limitless.

You first accept them as apprentices. In the future, they will bring you the greatest help. "

When Zhang Fan was worried, Xiao Gu's voice came out directly.

"Old Xing, what do you think?"

Without saying much, Zhang Fan also said to Old Star Transmitting at this time.

"Xiao Gu made sense. Find a time and see if the two of them are willing to worship you as a teacher. With your help, coupled with their talents, the future achievement is not low, and there is even a chance to reach the top In the ancestral realm of the pinnacle.

Regarding Buddhist and Taoist-related exercises and martial arts, my memory has not been restored, so I cannot provide it for the time being. I can only wait for you to fuse more star source fragments to restore more of my memory, and maybe I can discover some powerful techniques and martial arts. "

When Zhang Fan asked, Old Xing also said with a smile.

"Well, if that's the case, then I will take some time to accept the two of them as disciples, but I don't know if they want to."

Nodding, Zhang Fan also directly made a decision.

Since Xiao Gu and Xing Lao both recognized the talents of these two people, he himself didn't have much hesitation.

Genius, only when cultivated at the earliest, can it grow up eventually.

Even if Shi Le joins the Ten Thousand Buddha Sect in the future, he is also his own disciple, and his identity will not change.

Don't think too much, the next day, Tenglong Pavilion ceremony was held as scheduled.

This time the ceremony also announced the new positions of many people, including door rules.

And Zhang Fan left after the last speech.

This also means that the ceremony ends directly.

The entire Tenglong Pavilion also directly started to operate.

"Shi Le, Xiaolong, I call you over, and I also intend to ask you, would you like to worship me as a teacher?"

At the same time, in the Tenglong Residence where Zhang Fan was located, Zhang Fan also called Shi Le and Li Chenglong over and asked directly.

"We are willing."

Although I don't know why Zhang Fan wants to accept himself as an apprentice, but with Zhang Fan's strength and status, being able to recognize him as a teacher is definitely an opportunity for himself.

Both of them are smart people, how does the natural way seize the opportunity?

"Master is here, please accept the three bows and nine knocks of Shi Le."

"Master is here, please accept the three bows and nine bows of the little dragon."

For the first time, Shi Le and Li Chenglong directly knelt in front of Zhang Fan, worshiping and knocking three times.

"Master drinks tea."

"Master drinks tea."

At the same time, both of them directly made a cup of tea in person, brought it over, looked at Zhang Fan respectfully and said.


Looking at the two, Zhang Fan also smiled and nodded, and then took a small sip of tea from the two.

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