Star-source Legend

Chapter 1025: Visitors from the Stars (Part 1)

"Afan, awesome, you are now directly reaching the initial peak of the Star-Moon Realm. In your galaxy, you can be considered a good powerhouse.

In this way, after you arrive at that Luangyu star, you will be able to protect yourself. "

At this time, Xiao Gu's somewhat surprised voice came out directly.

"I didn't expect it to have such a powerful effect. After all, according to Old Xing, the power required from the Star Noble realm to the Star Moon realm is very huge.

Especially me, the strength needed is ten times and a hundred times that of others.

I think this time, it is very good to be able to break through to the Star-Moon Realm.

Unexpectedly, I directly reached the initial peak. In this case, it won't take long for me to be able to break through to the middle stage of the Star-Moon Realm.

Now, I feel that I am dozens of times stronger than before.

If I use the means of the master, I even have the confidence to escape under the strong man in the late Star-Moon realm.

And as long as I can break through to the middle stage of the Star-Moon Realm, basically, no one can really keep me in the Star-Moon Realm. "

Hearing what Xiaogu said, Zhang Fan also leaked a satisfied smile.

"That's natural. Your talent is definitely the scariest I have ever seen. Even, I think, with your current strength, in the entire Star-Moon Realm, there is no existence that can truly threaten your life. .

Of course, there is a sky outside the sky, how big the universe is, perhaps it is the existence of a strong person who is not inferior to your talent.

However, at least in the galaxy, it is impossible for anyone at the same age to have such a powerful strength as you. "

Xiao Gu also said immediately.

"Yes, it's also fortunate that I asked you to start fusing the third star source fragment in the Nine Stars Realm. Otherwise, if you merge in the Seven Stars Realm, with your physical strength, the strength you need is Ten times a hundred times that of ordinary people, it is good to be able to reach the nine-star noble state at most.

As for the many changes in the Star-Moon Realm, you have to feel carefully after Afan.

Especially the mark in the center of your eyebrows has a special effect.

It can be said that if you cooperate with your mental intent to release mental coercion, basically no one can resist below the star-moon realm.

When your strength reaches the peak of the Star-Moon Realm, you will be able to fuse the fourth piece of Star Source Fragment.

At that time, he will be able to reach the realm of Xingyang directly.

However, after you reach the Xingyang realm, and then integrate the star source fragments, you will find that it is impossible to cross multiple levels in an instant.

After all, there are 999 pieces of star source fragments in the entire universe, and you only have merged three pieces to reach the star-moon state.

In the future, as your strength increases, even the fusion of star source fragments can at best increase your strength faster.

According to my estimation, if you make good use of the remaining two star source fragments, it should be enough to enable you to finally reach the peak of the star sun realm.

Once you have reached the Ethereal Realm in the future, perhaps, only by fusing multiple star source fragments at the same time can you achieve a breakthrough.

But anyway, at least before the Xingyang realm, no one in the universe can match your ascent speed, and this has also greatly shortened the gap between you and the geniuses in the universe.

In the universe, many geniuses, most of them cultivate and upgrade in the time secret realm one by one.

Within one year, at most, the outside world would have passed a month or less.

Without further ado, go back to earth first.

Before leaving the earth, there are still many things that you need to deal with.

Only by arranging all these things properly can you leave the earth with confidence.

And during this period of time, you must also consolidate your realm to the greatest extent possible. "

At this time, Old Xing's voice also came out directly.

"Old Xing, to what extent has your soul power recovered now?"

Zhang Fan also directly asked Mr. Xing.

"Hehe, if my current soul body bursts out with all its strength, it will be able to exert the power of the star-sun realm. This time you fuse the star source fragments and be nourished by the star source power, and my soul power has recovered a little.

In addition, my memory has also been restored.

Originally, before refining the transformation pill, I was not absolutely sure, because I felt that there might be something missing in the pill recipe because of my memory.

This time, my memory was restored, and sure enough, two main medicines were missing in the pill of transformation.

Even without these two main factors, the transformation pill can be refined successfully, and the grade is not low.

However, with these two main medicines, the refined transformation pill can make the monster beast the most perfect transformation without any side effects.

This is to make Xiaohuo Xiaojin and the others at the beginning no worse than the descendants of those powerful monster races in the universe.

Moreover, after me, there is still a weapon to be passed on to you, which is also the weapon I used myself.

Although a little damaged, its power is still very terrifying.

Whether it is close combat or long range attack, it is very powerful.

Even, you can directly use it as a mind weapon. "

Smiled, Xing Lao also directly replied.

"Hey, this old star, you told me a long time ago. I want to come, this is also the reason why you let me use War Spear in the first place.

This weapon, very likely, is similar to the war spear I use, right? "

Hearing what Elder Xing said, Zhang Fan also replied directly.

"Hehe, you will understand this after waiting. Let's go, let's go back first."

Not much to say, Xing Lao also sold it.

Nodding his head, and with a thought, Zhang Fan directly took the spacecraft out of the space of Star Source Debris.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan directly took the spacecraft and returned to the earth.

With a small ancient presence, there is no difficulty in controlling the spacecraft.

Moreover, because Zhang Fan directly uses power to wrap the spacecraft, it can be said that no matter whether people on earth use astronomical telescopes or satellites, they cannot find Zhang Fan and the spacecraft.

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