Star-source Legend

Chapter 1026: Star Guest (middle)

Although the moon is the closest star to the earth, the distance between the two sides is 357,000 kilometers.

Normally, even if Zhang Fan himself has reached the Star-Moon realm now, even if he can move hundreds of miles in an instant, it will take a long time.

However, with the existence of a spacecraft, it can be said that returning from the moon to the earth takes only a few minutes.

After returning to Earth, Zhang Fan immediately hurried towards Mount Everest immediately after putting away the spacecraft.

In all, it has been more than ten years. After such a long time, Zhang Fan also wanted to see how many of those strong men had reached the realm of Xingjue.

Through the perception of his own powerful mental power, Zhang Fan also discovered that Nalandi, Yan Ping and Li Jianqiu were not there. Reminiscing about the current time, it should have just finished the third session of the Global Genius Martial Arts. The three of them should have already broken through to the Star Lord Realm, so they left to supervise.

As for the rest, Zhang Fan also discovered that his grandfather Xu, Qin Lao and Hong Lie had all reached the realm of Star Lord.

Especially Hong Lie and his own Grandpa Xu, now both have reached the pinnacle of the one-star noble state, and are striding towards the two-star noble state.

And Qin Lao, at this moment, has also reached the middle stage of a star noble state.

Others include Song Letian, Yunshan, and several powerhouses who had already reached the middle stage of the journey to the earth, and now all of them have reached the one-star noble realm.

This makes Zhang Fan feel very satisfied.

As for the rest, Zhang Fan also discovered that most of them are already in the middle or even late stage of the journey of the earth.

There are some Zhang Fans who are not very familiar with them. However, Liu Yun and the others were able to reach the state of the later stage of the Fairy Tour in ten years, which was beyond Zhang Fan's expectations.

Among them, his three wives have also reached the late stage of the fairy tale.

Obviously, everyone has not been wasteful in these ten years.

After all, with the existence of a cluster of stars, it can be said that the power of the starry sky has reached a steady stream, and it can be directly absorbed for transformation.

This has greatly shortened the time for everyone to improve.

If there is no improvement in ten years, it can only show that this person's talent is limited.

Of course, with Zhang Fan's current strength of the Star-Moon Realm, it can be said that to a certain extent, he can already help everyone break through.

At least, it can make everyone feel the bottleneck of the Star Jubilee realm faster.

"Contract your mind, it's up to you how far you can improve next."

As Zhang Fan’s voice just fell, suddenly, from Zhang Fan’s whole body, a powerful breath also burst out directly. At the same time, a large amount of starry sky power was directly controlled by Zhang Fan at this moment, directly directed at everyone’s body. Shrouded away.

Although they heard Zhang Fan's voice, everyone was very excited.

However, they also know that it is not the time to get together.

Because everyone also found that the absorption of the power of the stars in their bodies was at least three times faster than before.

Even, everyone discovered that there is a special energy that is constantly transforming and strengthening their bodies.

For the first time, everyone closed their eyes and devoted themselves to cultivation and promotion.

This is Zhang Fan helping them, so naturally they cannot be missed.

They feel good. Just now, Zhang Fan quietly released a burst of star source power to wash everyone's bodies.

With the help of the power of the star source, it can be said that the strength of everyone's body is definitely a level higher than before, and even their own talent will be increased to a certain extent.

"Concentrate on absorbing. This time, I hope that at least half of you will be able to break through to the Star Jubilee realm. As for the rest, this time at least they will be able to reach the pinnacle of the earth travels.

In this way, even if we go to Luangyu Star in the future, with our strength, uniting is enough to protect ourselves. "

At this time, Zhang Fan also watched the crowd and said something, and then when his figure moved, he came to Xiaojin and Xiaohuo.

"Xiaojin, Xiaohuo, you two have worked so hard these years. Now, I will put you in the pubic space. Now because of the improvement of my strength, it has also changed, which is of great benefit to your body. .

Before leaving the earth for the universe, the transformation pill can be refined. At that time, you will be able to cultivate normally like human beings. "

Zhang Fan also touched Xiaojin and Xiaohuo's head at this time, and said with satisfaction.

"Okay, Master."

Xiao Jin and Xiao Huo also said in unison at the moment, their expressions full of excitement.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan's thoughts directly brought Xiaojin and Xiaohuo into the Star Source Debris Space.

And as soon as they entered the Star Source Fragment Space, Xiao Jin and Xiao Huo felt that before comparing the entire Star Source Fragment Space, a special force was added to the air, and in the entire space, there was a very strong starry sky power. .

The two cheered, and they immediately found a place to practice according to the monster's unique promotion method.

Of course, for Niu Long Jiao and others, Xiao Jin and Xiao Huo also found out for the first time, and both sides simply said hello.

After all, they all know each other and have dealt with each other.

At this moment, Xiao Huo and Xiao Jin also felt that the aura of Niu Long Jiao and their bodies was stronger than before, and naturally they did not want to waste time.

In the eyes of both of them, Niu Long Jiao and them were all outsiders, and Zhang Fan trusted him most.

As for this, Zhang Fan just smiled and didn't say much.

Because with this kind of thinking, these monsters can stimulate each other to improve.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan directly sat on the spot where Xiao Huo and Xiao Jin had guarded, helping everyone to protect the law.

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