Star-source Legend

Chapter 1027: Visitors from the Starry Sky (Part 2)




Half an hour later, Nalandi and the others also appeared on the round platform of Mount Everest.

"Afan, when did you come back?"

Seeing Zhang Fan, Nalandi and the three also seemed very surprised.

"Hehe, I just came back not long ago. This time the global genius martial arts must be over, right?"

Looking at the three of them, Zhang Fan also asked with a smile.

"Yes, it's over. This time the top 100 was also successfully added to our Dragon Pavilion. Among them, there have also been many geniuses worthy of attention."

Nodded, Nalandi also spoke.

"Well, how are the strengths of Xiaolong, Shi Le, and Xiao Mu now?"

Nodded, Zhang Fan asked immediately.

"Hehe, you may not believe it. In ten years, all three of them have now reached the pinnacle of the kingship state.

Even, if you make a full shot, the ordinary powerhouses in the early days of the Fairy Land Tour may not necessarily be opponents. "

Nalandi replied with a smile too.

"Not bad. In ten years, from the initial stage of the Martial Spirit Realm to the peak of the Conferred King Realm, it is worth noting that I have specially provided them with such powerful exercises and martial skills as well as sufficient training resources.

Chairman, Mr. Yan, Mr. Li, now you continue to practice in the star gathering array. My improvement this time is very good, enough to transform your body to a certain extent, so that your talent can be improved. "

With a look of relief in his eyes, Zhang Fan was fairly satisfied with the performance of his three apprentices.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan also looked at Narandi and said.

"Okay, the three of us felt weird just now. It's only been more than a month, how can the aura among them seem to have improved a lot in an instant. It turns out that it was Afan you made the shot, so it's no wonder."

Nodding their heads, the three figures moved, and they directly returned to the position where they belonged to the three before, directly entering the cultivation state for the first time.

And Zhang Fan also directly controlled the power of the star source to envelop the Nalandi trio for the first time.

Suddenly, the three of them trembled, and for the first time they discovered a special powerful force that was constantly strengthening their bodies, including the cells and meridians in the body. This surprised the three of them.

And a few minutes later, the three of them also felt that their current speed of absorbing the power of the stars was more than three times faster than before.

Suddenly, I admire Zhang Fan's powerful method.

Without thinking about it, the three of them seized the time and absorbed the power of the stars to improve themselves.


And while Zhang Fan helped many powerful men to ascend, in the vast starry sky of the solar system, a black flying saucer-shaped spaceship directly appeared strangely.

At the top of the spacecraft, there is a dark dragon head that looks extraordinary.

There are many signs of violent collisions around the entire spacecraft.

"Haha, we actually passed the chaotic black hole intact. This is simply great luck. The Silver Moon Star Pirate thought it was successful to push us into the chaotic black hole.

They would never have thought that we not only successfully passed through the chaotic black hole, but even went directly to a small galaxy.

Looking at this galaxy, the range is not very large, and even looks very young.

Quickly, immediately detect whether there are living planets in this galaxy.

As long as one is found, then we are really developed this time. "

At this moment, among the spacecraft, a captain who looked tall and handsome, wearing a black combat uniform, was also very excited at the moment, and immediately ordered.

"It's the captain. Proceed immediately."

Immediately afterwards, a voice came out directly.

Suddenly, with the crackling sound of the control console, the entire black huge spacecraft also released a special detection light wave in an instant, radiating toward the surroundings.

And this speed of detecting light waves is at least dozens or hundreds of times the speed of light.

"Report to the captain, the results of the detection have been fed back. In this small galaxy, there are a total of nine planets that revolve around this huge star.

Among these nine planets, one can clearly be found to be a life planet. Although the other eight have no life, they are filled with many precious void minerals, which is not a small fortune.

We posted this time, haha. "

Ten minutes later, a crew member also reported very excitedly.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry, and move towards that planet of life at full speed. Compared to the value of a planet of life, those mineral deposits are nothing."

Hearing the report from his subordinates, the captain was also very excited at the moment and gave the order directly.

"Yes, Captain."

Upon receiving the order, immediately, the entire huge black spacecraft quickly lased towards the direction of the earth.

Earth Spirit Origin 215 years, 15 minutes in the afternoon **.

A huge black spaceship has already approached the earth silently.

"What a beautiful planet, azure blue, a color that makes one's heart moving."

At this moment, in the control room of the black spacecraft, the tall and handsome captain in black combat uniform is also showing enjoyment at this moment, looking at the blue planet displayed in the virtual scene in front of him.

And this planet is the earth.

"I have felt the great wealth beckoning to me. Looking at this beautiful planet, there are only some of the most backward small detection satellites. Obviously, this planet has not really entered the primary civilization.

After a while, a small team landed on this planet with me. All the information on this planet was cleared for the first time. "

At this time, the captain also ordered the first time.

There are more than twenty people in the entire spacecraft. And their identities are very annoying cosmic adventurers in the universe.

The Black Dragon Adventurer is a notorious team of adventurers in the entire galaxy.

They are a branch of the Black Dragon adventure team. The captain is called Kenny, and his strength has reached the nine-star noble state. As for the other crew members, the lowest strength is also the five-star noble state, and the highest is also the eight-star noble Environment is Kenny's two most powerful assistants.

This kind of strength, even if you look at the entire galaxy, is not top, but it is very good.

If Zhang Fan didn't get the chance of Star Source Fragment in the past, perhaps the most powerful one on the entire earth would only be the late stage of the Fairy Tour.

Anyone who came to the Star Jubilee realm would be able to sweep it.

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