Star-source Legend

Chapter 1028: Coming (Part 1)

At this moment, the people on Earth are not clear about everything outside the earth.

Because the spacecraft itself has much more technology than the earth, it is naturally able to make the satellites of the earth unable to find it.

Including the astronomical telescope, when this spacecraft is hidden through powerful stealth technology, it is even more invisible.

"Go, a small team will follow me down on the probe.

I just felt this planet, it's not that simple. Although our strength is very good, but it can not be any careless.

After all, the technology of this planet is about to reach the initial civilization, perhaps because it has some powerful means that can threaten us. "

Kenny was also instructing a pair of crew members who had already prepared behind him at this time.

"Yes, Captain."

Everyone spoke in unison.

After that, Kenny personally took the ten crew members, took a sub-spacecraft, and went quietly towards the earth.

As for all this, on the earth, including Zhang Fan, they were not aware of it.

Over the earth, the Pacific Ocean.


The dark and boundless sea slowly rippled.

At this time, it is exactly four o'clock in the afternoon China time. Above the turbulent waters, a black spaceship floated strangely. There is no instrument on earth that can find his trace.

Everyone in the control room was extremely excited.


At this time, in the control room, the head of a young woman appeared, and immediately after that, her crisp voice was directly remembered.

"According to the survey, this planet is close to a spherical shape, with a diameter of approximately 6,400 kilometers and a surface area of ​​510 million square kilometers.

Among them, 28% is land area and 72% is sea area. The surface gravity of the entire planet is about 0, and the gravity is about 10 cosmic standard units. Air composition, nitrogen accounts for about 78%, oxygen accounts for about 21%...

At this moment, Aya, the spacecraft's intelligent system, also quickly reported some basic data after simple detection.

"Everyone, it's almost time for us to collect the fruits of victory. However, the more this time, the more we can't take it lightly! After all, although this is an unowned planet, we know almost nothing about it! "

At this moment, Kenny's expression was full of madness, and he looked at the ten men behind him and said.

"You must be cautious when you find an unowned planet! Maybe there are some terrifying powerhouses hidden in this planet." Kenny said in a low voice.

The ship capsized in the gutter, this is not nothing, but a lot.

Some cosmic adventure teams accidentally discovered a certain life planet, but they were killed by the powerhouse of this planet under their care! Die at the closest moment to victory! That is the most painful.

"Understood, Captain."

"Don't worry, Captain, we won't be careless."

"We don't do it once or twice because we have gone through life and death crisis carelessly, and that situation won't happen."

Suddenly, the crew members patted their chests and promised that Kenny was also satisfied.

Kenny nodded: "Everything is based on absolute care and safety. If there is nothing stronger than us on this planet, then we can get the most benefit. If there is something stronger than us on this planet, then the only thing we can do is It is to escape and leave this galaxy.

However, once we leave, we will not have such good luck to enter here again through the chaotic black hole.

I think you have seen the horror of the chaotic black hole before. That is because we are lucky. Otherwise, it is basically dead.

Even, I feel that this chaotic black hole seems to be drawn by a strong person specifically to protect this galaxy and even this life planet.

Therefore, we must clarify the situation on this planet as quickly as possible. At that time, whether to stay or go, we all have a choice. "

Kenny then looked at the console screen: "Aya, start exploring this planet in all directions, and get the planet's information as quickly as possible."

"Captain, this planet has a basic information network." The beauty portrait on the console was a little excited, "I can hack into the network and quickly get many information about this planet.

"Very good." Kenny's eyes brightened.

"Is there an information network?" The crew all smiled in surprise.

"This is normal. When we came, we saw the existence of a lot of detection satellites on the periphery of this living planet. This is impossible without the Internet. Obviously, this planet is similar to what we have discovered before. Those indigenous planets are not the same, and they have entered the age of technology."

Kenny also said immediately at this time.

"Quickly invade, understand and detect this ball from economic, religious, strong, military, technology and other aspects." Kenny ordered, "The most important thing is the information of the strong! The priority is to investigate the information of the strong!"

"Yes, Captain!" Ayalian answered, and then quickly invaded the earth's network easily.

The advanced level of this space-adventure spacecraft is much higher than that of today's earth, at least it has reached level seven or even six.

Quietly, the history of the earth and many other materials were quickly collected, except for some secret materials that were physically stored and kept off the Internet. As long as other materials can be found on the Internet, they will all be discovered! On Earth, no one has discovered the situation so far.

At this moment, Zhang Fan and the others, the world's top powerhouses, are all gathered on the side of Mount Everest.

As for China, the European Union countries and the American countries, it can be said that it is impossible to discover the situation in the face of powerful technology far beyond its own.

Of course, this is also because Zhang Fan did not allow Xiao Gu to invade the earth network, otherwise, with Xiao Gu's strength, Kenny and the others would definitely be found.

It can be said that the entire planet is now facing huge challenges.

Even if Zhang Fan had reached the Star-Moon realm now, under the silent penetration of Kenny and the others, he could not react for a while.

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