Star-source Legend

Chapter 1031: Powerful Zhang Fan (Part 2)

"I'm a guest from afar, so anxious, where do you want to go?"

At this moment, a voice came out directly. Then, a figure appeared directly in front of the black spaceship.

No one else, it was Zhang Fan who came over in the first time.

When he learned from Xiaogu that the other party might be from the universe, Zhang Fan was actually very shocked and afraid in his heart.

This is also due to Zhong Chengyun contacting him in time, only to realize that, otherwise, even if his own strength is very strong, once the opponent takes the lead, the entire earth may suffer huge damage.

Even your relatives and friends are in great danger.

Therefore, even if he didn't know the specific strength of the opponent, Zhang Fan still rushed over immediately.

However, according to Zhang Fan's mental mind detection, the most powerful opponent is also the Nine Star Noble Realm, which made Zhang Fan also relieved.

"Captain, after detection, the opponent's strength is higher than that of you. It should have reached the star-moon realm. And this person is the most powerful Zhang Fan on this planet mentioned before.

He is also a spiritual teacher.

The description of Zhang Fan's strength on the Internet is not correct. "

The smart program Aya also directly fed back the detection results to Kenny at this time.

"What? It turned out to have reached the Star-Moon Realm? In addition, the other party is still a spiritual teacher, my God, this is really troublesome."

Suddenly, Kenny also looked shocked.

As a cosmic adventurer, he naturally knows the huge gap between the star noble realm and the star-moon realm, especially since the opponent is a powerful spiritual teacher. It can be said that even in the star-moon realm, they are considered to be Absolutely strong.

I thought that this time would be an opportunity for his destiny to turn, but the result was unexpected.

"Why, do I need to invite you out personally? Although your spaceship is good, it is absolutely unable to withstand my attack.

Now, click it out honestly, otherwise, you will all stay here for me. "

At this time, Zhang Fan's voice came out again. And what Zhang Fan used at this time was the lingua franca of the universe, which shocked Kenny and the others.

This time, it was a kick on the boulder.

"Your Excellency, I will come out now, and please be merciful."

After gritting his teeth, Kenny definitely went out. After all, running away is unrealistic.

Facing the powerhouses of the Star-Moon Realm, what they are now in is only a small spaceship that reaches level 7, which is absolutely incapable of attacking the opponent.

Even just now, relying on the identity of the other's spiritual teacher, it was enough to completely destroy their souls in an instant.


With a soft sound, the spacecraft's entrance was also directly opened, and then Kenny flew out directly, behind him, ten adventurers also filed out at this moment.

And Zhang Fan also discovered these adventurers, some are like chimpanzees, some are cat heads, and some have heads that look like teletubbies with two antennae.

However, among these people, the one with the lowest strength has reached the realm of five-star nobility.

Fortunately, Zhang Fan and the others have not left the earth, otherwise, any of these people will be able to sweep the earth.

"Dear Lord Zhang Fan, my name is Kenny, a member of the black dragon adventurer from the galaxy. These are my subordinates."

At this moment, Kenny also came to the front of Zhang Fan cautiously and introduced in a low voice.

"Haha, count you acquaintance. You turned out to be an adventurer from the universe. No wonder that when you first arrived on Earth, you were thinking of mastering all the communication weapon control systems of the Earth for the first time. If I didn’t find out in time, it would really be You succeeded.

At that time, even if my strength is stronger than yours, I will still be a little stubborn.

It stands to reason that there is a chaotic black hole outside our solar system, let alone your strength, even the strong of the ancestral realm will not dare to break into it easily.

How did you come to the solar system? "

With a smile, Zhang Fan also directly expressed his doubts.

"You are right. It is wrapped in a chaotic black hole. Under normal circumstances, no one would risk their lives and break into it.

We were able to come to the solar system because we were hunted down by the famous Silver Moon Star Pirates in the Milky Way, which eventually forced us into the chaotic black hole.

Originally, we thought we would definitely die. However, in the chaotic black hole, we tried a space jump, and it was a fluke to come to your galaxy. "

Hearing what Zhang Qian asked, Kenny also answered honestly.

"So, after detecting the situation of our planet, do you feel that you have a chance to win and can easily occupy the entire planet?"

Zhang Fan followed along, looking at Kenny with a smile on his face.

"Uh, let's not hide from you, I do have this idea. You earth we have also explored the basic data before and found that it is an unowned planet.

Although it is possible that many strong people appeared on your earth a long time ago, but for so many years, if those people care about the earth, it will not cause your earth to be only so weak now.

As a result of the detection, we also learned that you only have the power of the four-star noble realm.

Unexpectedly, you turned out to be a powerhouse in the Star-Moon realm.

This time, we confessed. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Kenny's handsome face was also a little jealous.

It can be said that this time, they can only admit to planting, and they don't have to think about resisting at all.

If it were changed to the previous one, with the total spacecraft staying near the earth, there might still be some room for resistance. After all, the level of their total spacecraft has reached level 6, and the most powerful weapon is the powerhouse that can threaten Daoxing Moon realm.

It is a pity that many places have been damaged through the chaotic black hole before, coupled with excessive energy consumption, now there is only one way before them, and that is surrender.

As for what Zhang Fan would do with them, Kenny didn't dare to think too much.

After all, I was thinking about capturing the earth at first, which is equivalent to being an enemy, even if Zhang Fan killed them directly.

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