Star-source Legend

Chapter 1032: Luang Yuxing's situation (part 1)

"Hmph, your courage is not small. It seems that you have done such things very often. No wonder many people regard cosmic adventurers and cosmic star thief as the same category.

Even, you are worse than cosmic star thief.

You said, what should I do with you? "

Hearing what Kenny said, the mark on Zhang Fan's eyebrows became extremely dazzling at this moment. At the same time, from Zhang Fan's whole body, a powerful aura exploded directly towards Kenny and the others.




Suddenly, besides Kenny, the bodies of the remaining ten adventurers broke apart, and finally disappeared into the air.


Even Kenny, as a martial artist of the Nine Stars Noble Realm, could not help spraying a mouthful of blood under the pressure of Zhang Fan's breath at this moment.

"My lord is forgiving, my lord is forgiving. Although my strength is not worth mentioning in your eyes, I can be regarded as well-informed in the universe. Your lord will definitely need a qualified guide to enter the universe.

As long as the adults are willing to spare my life, Kenny is willing to be your slave and never betray. "

At this moment, Kenny knelt directly in front of Zhang Fan for an instant, and said with a worried expression.

"Afan, let him live. It will be better to use the soul seal to control him. As a cosmic adventurer, he must be very familiar with many things in the universe nowadays. This is very important for you to come to Luangyu Star in the future. helpful."

At this time, Xing Lao's voice came out directly, causing Zhang Fan to nod too.

"As long as your performance is good, I will save you. However, you also know that I cannot trust you for the time being, so I must use some means to control you.

In the future, if your performance satisfies me, I might not be able to lift your control and restore your freedom.

Now, relax your mind. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan also looked at Kenny and said directly.

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Kenny's face also revealed a surprise.

At the same time, he directly let go of his mind.


Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan's mental power directly entered Kenny's sea of ​​consciousness, and directly condensed the soul mark, directly integrated into Kenny's soul body.

And Kenny, his body trembled at this time, and he passed out in a coma.

"Kenny, see the master."

A few minutes later, Kenny woke up, and immediately kneeled in front of Zhang Fan very respectfully and spoke.

"Get up. I believe you should also know my methods. From now on, if you have a little rebellious idea, your soul will burst directly, and there will be no chance of reincarnation.

Behave well, follow me, you will find this is a very wise choice in the future.

Now, take me into your spacecraft, take a tour, and briefly introduce me to the current situation of the Milky Way. "

Nodded, Zhang Fan also spoke at this time.

After that, Zhang Fan directly stepped into the spacecraft.

"Yes, master."

Kenny answered and got up hurriedly, following him.

"Master, in the entire galaxy, there are a total of more than 200,000 living planets. Among them, the most powerful planet is Luangyu Star.

Luang Yuxing is the absolute overlord of the galaxy.

Of course, there are four galaxies of the same level around the Milky Way.

Together with the Milky Way, it is directly combined into a cosmic alliance called the Galaxy Alliance.

Because Luangyu Star is considered to be the most powerful among these five galaxies, it is naturally dominated by the Milky Way where Luangyu Star is located.

Now, Luang Yuxing's dominance has reached the pinnacle of Star-Moon realm in strength.

And above the Galaxy Alliance, it still needs to be under the jurisdiction of a more powerful force, this planet is called Qianlongxing.

It can be said that the range controlled by Qianlong Star is equivalent to hundreds of galactic alliances.

Going up in turn, there are even more powerful planets above Qianlong Star. "

At this time, Kenny also introduced to Zhang Fan.

"I know what you said, like now, you have become my own person, then I am not afraid to tell you that my master is among Qianlong star. And, even in Qianlong star, my master All of his strengths are considered top-notch.

You still mainly talk to me about the Milky Way, the most important thing is the situation of Luangyu Star.

After all, I will leave the earth afterwards, and Luang Yuxing will be the first battle.

My plan is to get a firm foothold on Luangyu Star first, and even, if possible, I want to directly control the whole Luangyu Star, so that when our planet can reach a certain level of strength to travel to the universe, it will be considered as one. A place that can survive temporarily. "

Hearing what Kenny said, Zhang Fan waved his hand directly, interrupted his words, and then spoke.

"No wonder you have such a powerful strength, Master, you are only forty years old, and you have reached the star-moon realm. This kind of talent, not to mention the Milky Way, even if you look at the entire universe, there are not many that can rival you. .

However, Master, Luang Yuxing is not as simple as you think.

The whole Luangyu Star has three large forces.

And these three large forces, each of the controllers, has reached the pinnacle of the Star-Moon Realm in strength, and underneath, there are many strong people in the early and mid-stage Star-Moon Realm.

Master, you are also a spiritual teacher, but if you want to occupy the entire Luangyu Star, you need your own strength to reach the later stage of the Star-Moon Realm.

Especially these three large forces all have certain hole cards to a certain extent, and this kind of hole cards, if they explode with all their strength, can even threaten the powerhouses of Dao Xingyang realm. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Kenny's heart was also full of horror.

This new owner of his own was already abnormal enough in himself, but he did not expect that his master would be a great figure of Qianlongxing.

And being able to reach the top in Qianlong Star is at least reaching the peak of the Star Sun Realm, or even reaching the ethereal realm.

Such a strong person, a Luangyu star in his eyes, can basically be ignored.

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