Star-source Legend

Chapter 1034: Black Dragon (Part 1)

"Yes, Master, this is just a small spaceship. Our mother ship is now staying on the edge of the earth.

Above, there are ten crew members.

Master, can I intercede with you? Of the ten crew members, two of them have reached the eight-star noble state, and the rest, the lowest, have reached the five-star noble state.

Master, although you are powerful, you will need some errands to enter the galaxy in the future. They have followed me through many places over the years, and their experience is very commanding.

Keeping them alive, I think I can help the owner in the future. "

Nodded, Kenny also spoke.

"Well, since you have spoken, I will save them for the sake of your good performance. Actually, you know that they don’t have anything to me except that you may have some value. value.

After arriving in the universe, I can buy many slaves directly. As long as the wealth is enough, I may be able to buy even the slaves of the Star-Moon realm.

I killed those ten people before because my heart was filled with anger.

If I find out later, the earth does not know how many people will be harmed because of you.

So, in the future, it depends on your performance. Let me be satisfied, and I will train you with all my strength. If I am not satisfied, then I don't mind selling you directly to slave merchants. "

Nodding, Zhang Fan also agreed to Kenny's request.

The reason why the ten people were killed before was because Zhang Fan was full of anger.

Thinking of everything that happened before, Zhang Fan still feels a little afraid.

"Yes, master."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Kenny also said respectfully. At the same time, he became more cautious in his heart.

It can be said that slaves are the most miserable in the universe.

A warrior, even if he is powerful, once fell into the hands of a slave merchant, that life may be over, unless the owner who bought him can directly control the contact, otherwise, there will be no day to turn back in his life.

Just now, the reason why Kenny took the risk to help the rest of the people intercede is because they have been together for hundreds of years.

As their captain, if he is capable, he naturally needs to protect their safety.

This is also due to Zhang Fan being easier to talk about. If he is another person, maybe even he himself cannot survive.

Riding on this spaceship, Zhang Fan soon followed Kenny to the mothership.

The entire mother ship looks like a huge flying saucer. At the forefront of the spacecraft, a huge black dragon head also symbolizes the identity of the spacecraft.

According to Zhang Fan's estimation, the entire spacecraft is enough to accommodate fifty people.

This saves a lot of things to a certain extent.

After all, if you leave the earth later, there will be more than a dozen people in the Star Jubilee realm alone.

Given the size of the spaceship Nalo left for Zhang Fan, it could only accommodate seven people at most.

With this spacecraft now, it can be regarded as reducing Zhang Fan's pressure to a certain extent.

Especially, the most important thing is that the entire spacecraft may not be just a sub-spacecraft. In this way, Zhang Fan can leave one or two to the earth, whether it is for research or in the future when the strong of the earth wants to go to the universe, There is a way out.

"Captain, are you back? How about? Is there a strong man on this planet?"

As soon as he entered the control room, an adventurer who looked like an ape man walked up and asked eagerly as he looked at Kenny.

"Huh? Who is this? Look at his clothes, is it a human being on this planet?"

At this time, someone also found Zhang Fan and asked.

"Hey, this time, we are planted. The one next to me is the strongest person on this planet. His strength has reached the Star-Moon realm and he is also a powerful spiritual teacher.

I now consider it as the master.

I was already interceding with your master just now. Don't resist for a while and follow your master. Maybe you will know that it is a good chance in the future. "

Seeing his eager and expectant look at his men one by one, Kenny also spoke directly.

"This... is actually a powerful existence in the Star-Moon Realm?"

For a time, many crew members were shocked in their hearts.

"For Kenny's sake, I will save you all this time. However, in order to ensure that in case, I need to temporarily control you.

Now, if you are willing to follow me, relax your mind.

Unwilling, there is only one way, that is, death! "

At this time, Zhang Fan also spoke directly, and at the same time, the powerful spiritual coercion matched the mark of the star and the moon in the center of his brows, and it burst out directly.

For an instant, everyone including Kenny knelt directly on the ground, their faces trembling with horror.

At the moment, everyone seemed to feel as if a 10,000-meter mountain was directly pressing on, and they couldn't breathe.

"We are willing to follow the adults."

Suddenly, everyone said in unison, and directly relaxed their minds.


Putting away his breath, nodded in satisfaction, and with a thought, Zhang Fan directly planted a soul mark on each person's soul body.

From now on, including Kenny, all these eleven people have become followers of Zhang Fan.

Indirectly, it is equivalent to Zhang Fan's slave.

"Well, what do you guys do. I will call you if you have anything to do. Kenny, you now tell me the specific situation of this spacecraft."

After waving his hand to make everyone else retreat, Zhang Fan also looked at Kenny and said directly.

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