Star-source Legend

Chapter 1035: Black Dragon (Part 2)

"Okay, Master."

"This spacecraft, we call it Black Dragon, is the standard equipment for Black Dragon adventurers. It has reached level 6, which is very good.

The size of the Black Dragon is sixty meters long and forty meters wide, enough to accommodate sixty people.

The entire Black Dragon is equipped with ion cannons and turbo laser cannons that can threaten the powerhouses of the Star-Moon realm. The entire spacecraft is equipped with powerful protective shields around it, which can withstand the attacks of the powerhouses in the middle-stage Star-Moon realm.

The speed of a spacecraft can reach the speed of light within five minutes in a normal universe. If it enters the dark universe, the speed can reach about five times the speed of light at the fastest.

To put it simply, the Black Dragon, from the current galaxy, to Luangyu Star, it takes about a month or so to reach it.

If it is a Level 5 spacecraft, it only takes half a month to reach Luangyu Star.

Except for the mechanical family, the top-level spacecraft commonly seen by mankind at present should be a level 3 spacecraft. From the earth to Luangyu Star, it may only take a day to reach Luangyu Star.

It involves a lot of complicated knowledge, and I can't say it. If the owner wants to learn more, he can directly consult the smart program. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Kenny also introduced directly.

"I don't know too much about those. I just need to know how long the Black Dragon can reach Luangyu Star.

As for the smart program, I will ask a friend of mine to help upgrade it.

For the time being, nothing is going on. I will directly control the spacecraft and land on the earth for a while. "

Hearing what Kenny said, Zhang Fan also basically understood the situation of the Black Dragon.

However, Zhang Fan didn't know much about how long it took to accelerate to the speed of light and what other normal universes and dark universes.

"Yes, master."

Kenny also hurriedly responded.

Then, with the assistance of the intelligent program, the huge Black Dragon landed directly and slowly on the earth, and its position was directly on the side of Mount Everest.

When returning to Earth, Zhang Fan also directly notified Nalandi and Zhong Chengyun and the others to wait on Mount Everest.

At this moment, seeing this huge Black Dragon, it can be said that Nalandi and the others are very surprised.

"Afan, it's solved? What is the background of the other party?"

Zhang Fan took Kenny off the spaceship, and Nalandi also floated forward and asked directly.

"It has been resolved. The other party is a universe adventurer. This is the leader of the adventurer who just decided to follow me, named Kenny, whose strength has reached the nine-star noble state.

On the spaceship, there are ten other adventurers, whose strength ranges from the five-star noble realm to the eight-star noble realm.

Ten others were directly killed by me. "

Looking at the crowd, Zhang Fan also answered directly.

"It turns out that this is a person from an alien planet, and it doesn't seem to be much different from a normal human being?"

Zhong Chengyun looked at Kenny at this time and said directly.

And Kenny, at this time, he also felt that there were many auras with the strength of the Star Noble realm around him. You don't need to think about it or know it is the hidden power of the earth.

Of course, the most powerful of these auras is only the second star noble realm.

However, combined with the information collected on the earth before, Kenny was also very shocked in his heart.

"Kenny, you go back to the spaceship and wait for me first, I will call you if there is anything."

Zhang Fan also watched Kenny command at this time.

"Yes, master."

Kenny said respectfully, and then returned to the spacecraft.

"Hehe, Kenny can't understand your words. What he said is the universal lingua franca. Before, I had directly controlled them all. To put it simply, they were my servants."

After Kenny returned to the spaceship, Zhang Fan also said to Nalandi and the others.

"This time it was really thrilling. Fortunately, you have Afan. Otherwise, let alone the nine-star noble realm, any strong five-star noble realm, our earth is powerless."

Zhong Chengyun also spoke at this time, with a look of rejoicing in his expression.

"Yeah, originally we planned to leave the earth soon. The result came out suddenly. But Afan, I remember you said that outside the solar system, there are chaotic black holes, even the top powerhouse in the universe. It is impossible to pass easily.

How did this team of adventurers come here? "

Nalandi also nodded at this time, and then asked.

"Indeed, normally, the existence of a chaotic black hole is a kind of protection for our earth. However, sometimes, breaking into a chaotic black hole may not necessarily lead to 100% death. If you are lucky, it will be randomly transmitted to a place.

And Kenny and the others came to the solar system by chance.

Fortunately, this time we retreat, I got a breakthrough, otherwise, the earth will face huge risks. "

Zhang Fan also explained.

"However, the arrival of Kenny and the others this time has to a certain extent solved one of the most serious problems facing our planet, which is to go to the universe.

Originally, this time, all the strong who reached the earth and some relatives and friends would leave with us.

Because we have already got Luangyu Star's spacecraft.

But now, the emergence of the Black Dragon has solved this problem greatly, especially in the Black Dragon, there are also two spaceships, both of which can reach the universe.

I also intend to leave these two spaceships to our Huaxia side for research, and at the same time it can be regarded as a retreat.

As for the others, it would be better to take the Black Dragon directly to Luangyu Star. After all, the energy of the spacecraft I got was not enough.

Of course, before leaving, there is still a problem that needs to be resolved, that is, if all of our earthly wandering powerhouses leave, how to solve the safety of the earth and how to comfort the public.

After all, human nature is selfish, and everyone wants to go to the universe, but the number of places is limited. Our departure will make those who have always supported us regarded as abandoning them?

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