Star-source Legend

Chapter 1037: Hidden Worries (Part 2)

"Don't worry, Cabinet Master, we know the seriousness of the matter. Even if we are to take some family members away, we will not tell them where they are going."

At this time, someone also promised directly.

The others also nodded at the moment.

Regarding what Zhang Fan said, they naturally understood the seriousness of the matter, and no one would do stupid things unless they couldn't think about it.

"Let's go, I will take you to see spaceships on alien planets, and so-called "aliens"."

At this time, Zhang Fan also looked at everyone and said.

"Hey, it takes a good look to see if this "alien" looks like the deformity I've seen before."

Hong Lie also said with a smile at this time.

Hearing what Hong Lie said, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Afterwards, everyone followed Zhang Fan to the bottom of Mount Everest.

"I'm going, what a big spaceship, and this black dragon head, it looks very domineering."

Bringing the bottom of the peak, everyone also saw the huge Black Dragon, and they couldn't help but take a closer look.

For everyone, this kind of spacecraft that only exists in science fiction movies is also the first time I have seen it, and it is naturally full of curiosity.

"Afan, this spacecraft is too big. It's the first time I have seen such a large spacecraft. However, it is incredible to think that this spacecraft can travel in space."

At this time, Liu Ruyan also came to Zhang Fan, exhaled and said.

"Yes, but compared to the spaceship Afan showed us, this spaceship feels a bit bad, not as good-looking."

Gu Qian was also standing in place at this time and said directly.

"That's natural. The spacecraft you saw before has reached level 5 or even level 4. It is already considered the top spacecraft in the galaxy.

And this spaceship just reached level 6.

However, our earth now doesn't even have level 9 spacecraft, and level 6 is already very good.

Most importantly, this spacecraft can accommodate sixty people. Moreover, it only takes one month to reach Luangyu Star from the earth.

Overall, it's pretty good.

In this way, you can also stay in the spacecraft and enjoy the beauty of the universe at that time, and you don't need to be bored in the Dantian space. "

Hearing what Gu Qian said, Zhang Fan also smiled and replied.

"Yes, my dear, what about the alien you are talking about? Why didn't I see it?"

At this time, Soya also asked Zhang Fan's arm.

"I will call them out immediately."

Touching Suoya's head, Zhang Fan also said.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan directly informed Kenny that they had come out through the soul seal.


With a soft sound, the cabin of the spaceship also opened, and then Kenny walked directly down with many crew members.

"My God, this person is too handsome. Are aliens the same as us humans? However, the latter look a bit like real aliens.

Qianqian, look at that, does it look like ape-man, and that, which has two tentacles, looks very cute. "

When I saw Kenny, not only Gu Qian and the others, everyone seemed very surprised.

However, after seeing the other adventurers behind Kenny, Soya was also a little yelling at the moment.

"Let me introduce to everyone, this is one of the black dragon adventurers who came to our earth this time, called Kenny, and his strength has reached the nine-star noble realm.

As for those behind him, all of them were his subordinates. The lowest strength was the five-star noble realm, and these two tall men looked similar to apes, and their strength had reached the eight-star noble realm.

Now they are all controlled by me, and they are regarded as my servants. "

Zhang Fan also pointed to Kenny and introduced them to everyone at this time.

"Oh, yes, they can't hear the language of our people on earth, they need to go through a translation program. In the future, you still need to master the universal language.

Otherwise, in the universe, you don't know how to communicate with others, that's not okay. "

Zhang Fan also immediately reminded at this time.

"My God, the nine-star majestic realm. Fortunately, there is Afan, otherwise, our earth will be really dangerous this time. Space adventurer, to put it bluntly, is no different from the bandits we often talk about.

It can be said that this time, if it weren't for Afan's strength far surpassing them, the final outcome of our planet would be very miserable. "

Xu Yuan also spoke at this time.

"Yes, if the cosmic adventurer who comes this time is stronger than me, then everyone on the earth may become the slave of others, and may never be able to stand up.

In the universe, there are some powerful planets, and they have a lot of Star Noble realms, and even Star-Moon realms.

However, their identities are slaves, and they are always oppressed, even unable to resist.

Therefore, when I arrive at Luangyu Star, the first thing I have to do is to obtain the ownership of the earth directly, and, if I have the opportunity, I want to directly gain a foothold on Luangyu Star.

In this way, if the strong people who go out from the earth in the future arrive at Luangyu Star, they can be regarded as having a relatively safe shelter. No need to wander around.

Of course, this is very far away at the moment. According to Kenny's introduction, Luang Yuxing now has a lot of powers that are very powerful, and the top ones even have several star-moon peaks.

The road ahead for us is still long and even full of dangers. "

Nodded, Zhang Fan also looked at everyone and reminded him, making everyone's heart startled.

Regarding what Zhang Fan said, they naturally knew that this was a fact. In the universe, although there may be better opportunities, as long as it is lucky to a certain extent, it is basically able to have a longer lifespan and stronger strength.

But in the same way, in the universe, the strong are respected. Many people are in danger anytime and anywhere. If they don't pay attention, they may fall on the spot.

Naturally, in the universe, you need to be careful everywhere.

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