Star-source Legend

Chapter 1038: Arrangements before leaving (part 1)

"Nowadays, everyone's strength has been greatly improved, but this is far from enough. If you want to survive in Luangyu, your own strength needs to be at least five-star noble realm.

And if you want to be called a strong person at Luangyu Star, at least you need to reach the Star-Moon Realm.

It can be said that in the entire galaxy, and even the entire universe, the star noble realm can only be regarded as an initial stage, and the number of strong people in the nine-star noble realm is even more unknown.

At least, according to what Kenny told me before, there are at least millions or even tens of millions in the entire galaxy that reaches the nine-star noble state. "

Zhang Fan also said immediately at this time.

However, everyone thought that they had reached the Star Lord Realm already very good, but the result could only be regarded as the lowest level of the universe, and everyone felt very shocked in their hearts.

"Afan, when shall we leave for Luangyu Star?"

At this time, Hong Lie also came closer, looked at Zhang Fan and asked.

"This, this is the blood of the Titans? My God, there are people with the blood of Titans on the master's planet, it's incredible.

You know, the Titans are definitely one of the most powerful races in the universe, especially the patriarchs of the Titans, who have reached the pinnacle of the ancestral realm.

Being able to carry the blood of a Titan, even if it is not pure, will at least be able to reach the peak of the Star-Moon Realm in the future.

And the aura of the Titan bloodline exuded by this friend of your master is very rich, basically he has half of the Titan bloodline.

In the future, it may even reach the realm of ethereal spirit. And I found that the oldest of these powerful masters on your planet is only two hundred years old, and the youngest is about the same as your master, over forty years old.

This kind of talent is much stronger than many races in the universe. When I reached the Star Lord Realm, I was already over 300 years old. Even so, among us adventurers, I was already called a good genius. "

At this time, feeling the aura exuding from Hong Lie's body, Kenny also said with a shocked expression on his face.

"Hehe, Kenny was complimenting Hong Lie just now. He just said that in the universe, at least in the galaxy, it would be considered a genius to reach the Star Lord realm in 300 years.

In other words, everyone in the universe is considered a genius. Especially Hong Lie is a genius among geniuses. "

Zhang Fan also smiled and translated to everyone at this time.

"Isn't it? I was called a genius when I reached the Star Lord stage in three hundred years? I always thought that my own cultivation speed was already very slow. If you say this, sure enough, Afan, you are a freak."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, even Mr. Qin felt incredible.

"Haha, but it's normal to think about it. If we Earthlings don't break through to the Star Lord Realm, if we are lucky, we will only have a life span of about 300 years.

Even if it breaks through to the Star Lord Realm, it will only have a life span of one thousand years. Only by reaching the Star-Moon Realm, will they have a life span of at least one hundred thousand years, just like the normal warriors in the universe.

In the universe, normal human beings, even ordinary people, have a life span of more than 500 years, while the relatively powerful ones have a life span of thousands of years or even longer.

The long life, the cultivation speed is a little slower, but the short life, the cultivation speed is faster. Comparing the two, in fact, they are both fair. "

Zhang Fan also smiled and said to everyone at this time.

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