Star-source Legend

Chapter 1116: Qianlong Auction

"I don't know what to call you?"

At this moment, Ziying also looked at Zhang Fan and asked.

"My name is Tamron."

Zhang Fan also answered directly.

"Tenglong, a good name. I heard that a good genius appeared in the martial arts field of the galaxy. It is said that the code name is also called Tamron. It only took less than half a month to reach the silver rank, and even a spiritual teacher. It was directly defeated by the opponent.

I wonder if this person is you? "

Hearing Zhang Fan's name, Ziying also suddenly thought of some news she had just received, and asked Zhang Fan with a look of expectation.

"Um, if it is the Milky Way, it is indeed me. The reason why I bought them this time is also because I need them to protect my safety. After all, my strength is only in the Star-Moon Realm."

Zhang Fan also directly admitted his identity at this moment.

"Hehe, it's really you. But being able to have so much metal is a huge asset. But you still have to be careful, sometimes it's unpredictable.

For our realm, although you have a lot of wealth, it does not have any temptation. However, if other warriors in the Star Sun realm know that you have so much wealth, or the news is leaked out Some independent space adventurers or star thief get news, unless you stay in your own lair, it is easy to be targeted directly.

Based on your performance, I think Jianyu should have given you the spot in his hand too? "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Ziying also asked while reminding.

"Yes, this time the Milky Way has only two places to participate in the genius trials. In addition to me, there is one given by the star lord Luan Yang. The other warrior who got the place is called Devin, and his strength is also very good." Zhang Fan also answered honestly.

"Yeah, I haven't watched your video. After all, the Qianlong galaxy is at least the size of hundreds of galaxies. It was also because I entered the Universe Network Martial Arts Field a few days ago and heard the news.

After all, the Milky Way hasn’t had a good genius for a long time. Until now, in my impression, I still remember a warrior named Nalo. After all, Nalo is a super genius who is valued by a big figure in the Universe Alliance. Suddenly disappeared.

By the way, my friend, Situ Zhong, the patron of Shushan Jiange, came from the Milky Way. According to him, he came from a living planet in a small galaxy called the Solar System within the Milky Way.

And the time it took him to reach his current strength was only a few thousand years of effort, which shocked me very much. "

Nodding, Ziying also explained.

"Thousands of years of work is able to reach the ethereal realm. It's really scary. However, I haven't heard of any solar system."

Zhang Fan also pretended to be a little shocked at this moment.

"This time the genius selection battle is said to be somewhat different from the past. Of course, I am not very clear about the specifics.

However, it is said that once you can get the first place, you are directly qualified to become the leader of the Universe Alliance, or the most powerful existence disciple of several other holy places.

Of course, this is more difficult, but I think that the top ten thousand people need to work hard. As long as you can get to the top ten thousand people, then you will be able to get the identity of a few core disciples of the Holy Land. Opportunities move towards greater strength. "

Ziying also said immediately at this time.

"Thank you senior for reminding me. I will work hard. However, there are at least billions of people participating in this trial in the entire universe. Although I am very confident in myself, it is not easy to stand out from the competition.

What I can do is to improve my strength as much as possible.

Fortunately, I got so much metal in a special opportunity before. With the current funds, I think it will be enough for me to maximize my strength. "

Zhang Fan also thanked Ziying.

"Hehe, hundreds of millions of cosmic coins, even if your talent is strong, it is absolutely possible for you to cultivate to the peak of the star-sun realm. If you encounter any training problems, you can always contact me.

I still have some things to leave, so remember to be careful when you return to the galaxy. "

Ziying also reminded directly at this time.

"Okay, senior, go ahead, I will go around Qianlong City in a moment, and then go straight back, thank you for your previous reminder."

Zhang Fan said immediately.

Smiling, Ziying turned and left.

And Zhang Fan also left the Universe Alliance Mall in Qianlong City with Nanhe and Qingying.

"A Fan, just got the news. Three days later, an auction will be held in the Qianlong Auction House in Qianlong City. It is said that there will be many good things appearing.

At that time, I may not be able to encounter some good treasures.

At the same time, it can be considered to be able to see. "

Walking on the streets of Qianlong City, suddenly, Xiao Gu's voice was directly passed into Zhang Fan's mind, and Zhang Fan also stopped.

"Oh? The Qianlong City auction, it naturally requires some insight. Even if you can't get any useful treasures, it's good to know how to increase it."

Zhang Fan also thought to himself.

"Let's go, there will be an auction here in the next two days. For the time being, I will find a place to live. After the auction is over, it will not be too late to leave."

Zhang Fan also looked at Nanhe and Qingying at this time and said.

Subsequently, Zhang Fan also randomly found a place to live, and went directly to Qianlong Auction House to directly obtain a place for participation.

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