Star-source Legend

Chapter 1117: Own needs

The Qianlong auction is the largest auction in the entire Qianlong galaxy, and naturally there are certain conditions to participate in it.

First of all, one's own strength must be above the star-moon realm, and it can't make space adventurers have star thief.

Secondly, his own wealth is one million cosmic coins.

Fortunately, the first point is that the entire Qianlong galaxy meets a lot of conditions, but the second one is prohibitive for many people.

One million cosmic coins, unless you have a strong background or your own strength has at least reached the star-sun state, otherwise, if you want to have so much wealth, you must also have good luck like Zhang Fan, and get it all at once. An entire huge steel city.

"Xiaogu, you said that I currently have more than 400 million Cosmic Coins. Except for our auction, I want to buy some essential items in the Universe Alliance Mall. Do you have any recommendations?"

Finding a decent residence in Qianlong City, Zhang Fan also looked at Xiao Gu and asked directly.

"Hehe, with your current wealth, although the most precious things are temporarily unavailable for purchase, there are a few things you need most at the moment.

Although you have given me great authority so that I can use your wealth on my own, as an intelligent life, especially if you are my master now, I will need to recommend or report to you about everything I buy. .

First of all, your current strength has reached the mid-star-moon stage, and your strength will be higher and higher in the future. And if you really want to improve all aspects of yourself, then you need to personally venture into the real universe.

A medical warehouse with sufficiently powerful effects is essential.

For many powerful people in the universe, injury is inevitable. And if one's own injury is too severe to recover in a short time, he may fall directly without paying attention.

Naturally, the effect of the medical warehouse is reflected. The medical warehouse I am talking about is not the backward medical warehouse on your planet, but the medical warehouse containing the latest technologies.

In the universe, the level of medical warehouses is also divided into five levels of ABCDEF. Among them, the A-level medical warehouse is the most powerful, and it can help the strong in the ancestral realm.

The B-level is a strong person corresponding to the realm of Taoism.

By analogy, the smallest F level is the warrior corresponding to the Star Jubilee realm.

You can now buy a D-level medical warehouse. In this way, after you are injured, you can recover in a short time.

The value of the D-level medical warehouse is about one million cosmic coins, which sounds expensive, but its function is very powerful.

It's like the two slaves you just bought are warriors at the peak of the star sun realm. Once they are seriously injured, they can be restored to the original state in a few hours in the medical warehouse.

Of course, in addition to the medical warehouse, there is also a nutrition cabin. The level is similar to that of the medical warehouse, but the function of the nutrition cabin is actually more effective than that of the medical warehouse. It can completely replenish the energy you consume in time. The price of D level Probably around 1.5 million cosmic coins.

In this way, the two add up, that is, 2.5 million universe coins are needed.

With your current wealth, spending several million Universe Coins to buy two life-saving things, I think it is still affordable. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan asked, Xiao Gu, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at Zhang Fan and said.

"Yeah, well, except for these two? I think at present, the Tamron is temporarily unavailable even if it is repaired. After all, it is a large intermediate spacecraft, and it has reached Class C, which will inevitably cause Coveted by some strong people.

So for now, I can only use the spaceship that Nalo left for me.

However, I would like to upgrade this spacecraft again, at least it is necessary to install a powerful enough weapon to make it move towards level three as much as possible. How much do you think it will cost? "

Nodded, Zhang Fan asked immediately.

"Well, it does need to be upgraded. I have considered and simple calculations before. Now this spacecraft has reached level four, and its value is close to 5 million universe coins.

And if you want to get closer to level three, it is not only necessary to reconfigure the weapon system, but also to increase its defense capabilities and other corresponding technologies.

The value needed to spend is probably at least about 10 million Universe Coins.

However, I suggest that you can directly dispose of this spaceship of Naror and buy a new Tier 4 spacecraft from the Universe Alliance Mall.

Before, I also saw a newest type of four-level spacecraft in the Universe Alliance mall. Whether it is function or other aspects, it is much more powerful than Naroro’s spacecraft. The value is only about 7 million Universe Coins. Before you reach the ethereal realm, I think it should be enough.

Generally speaking, the fourth-level spacecraft, the general strong of the ethereal realm are unable to break their defenses in a short time, and the one I recommend to you is said to be able to resist the strongest of the ethereal realm for one minute. "

Nodded, Xiao Gu also suggested aloud.

"Yeah, well, since you said that, then I will leave the spaceship Nalo to me to deal with it, and I think of a way to sell it at a high price, that is, directly put it in the Qianlong auction. In the auction, I think, at least it will be able to sell close to about six or seven million cosmic coins. Even if the other party wants to collect a certain service fee, I think it will be more than reselling it directly to the cosmic alliance mall, do you think What?"

Nodded, Zhang Fan also made a decision, and at the same time expressed his own thoughts.

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