Star-source Legend

Chapter 1118: Soul Dew

"Yeah, this is a good idea. Although the spacecraft of Nallor is tens of thousands of years away from now, the overall preservation is very good. In addition, I have upgraded the system before. It's pretty good, but it's a bit smaller for you.

If you sell it directly to the Universe Alliance Mall, at most 4 million Universe Coins, and if you let it go to auction, its value may be doubled.

This is also the reason why many powerful players are willing to directly put the various treasures they have obtained in the auction for processing. "

Nodded, Xiao Gu also agreed very much.

"By the way, I think you currently, in addition to fighting in the martial arts field, there is an excellent way to help you improve, and that is to watch the game.

You can choose to watch different levels of battles yourself. Of course, for now, you can watch videos of super geniuses who are currently in the same state as you.

I think that with the strength of the Universe Alliance, the corresponding videos should all be owned. You only need to pay a fee to see the collision between the top talents. This will definitely have a lot for you to participate in the selection of the Universe Geniuses. help. "

Xiao Gu also immediately reminded.

"Well, I also had this plan before. After all, I have achieved the silver rank now. In the future battles, I may encounter warriors of the same level from the silver ranks of various galaxies. However, what I learned from the battle and watching the battle is Totally different.

The former is more intuitive and pertinent, but the latter allows one to discover one's own shortcomings and the strengths of others more quickly, which is the so-called special perspective.

The combination of the two, I think it should be very good.

These three days are boring anyway, and it happens that I also intend to see the performance of other geniuses in the universe. "

Nodding, Zhang Fan also made a decision.

After that, Zhang Fan also asked Xiaogu to directly purchase the nutrition capsule and medical warehouse from the Universe Alliance Mall. At the same time, Zhang Fan also asked Xiaogu to purchase enough Divine Soul Dew for his own practice.

Before leaving from the Universe Alliance Mall branch, Zi Ying also talked to Zhang Fan that this Soul Dew was of great help to the powerhouses in the Star-Moon realm, but Zhang Fan was not very clear about the specific effects.

After returning, Zhang Fan also understood it for the first time, and immediately discovered that the main function of Divine Soul Dew was to stabilize his soul body and strengthen his mental power.

Basically, after a warrior arrives at the Star Noble Realm, the most important thing for himself is the soul body.

Only when one's own soul body is strong and stable enough can one's own strength be continuously improved without any worries. This has become a normal state in the universe.

It is like a battle between two star-moon realm powerhouses. One of the soul bodies is stronger and more stable than the other. The same attack power will play a completely different role.

Even, it is said that it started from the ethereal realm, because the martial artist's own body is already a spiritual body. Although each realm is divided into three small levels, it is the level of the strength of the soul body.

After all, the power of the starry sky is vast, and if you are not careful, you can induce a turbulent flow of the starry sky, causing the endless void to break directly.

Therefore, starting from the ethereal realm, generally the battle between the strong in the universe is a battle between the gods and souls.

Unless it is a special situation, such as in a sufficiently strong and stable planet or space, or directly into someone else's Dantian space.

Or go directly to the gathering place of Alien Demon, including some already abandoned galaxies or the edges of black holes, before you can let go and fight wanton.

Otherwise, let alone a powerful person in the ethereal realm, a galaxy like the solar system where Zhang Fan himself is located may even collapse with a single blow from a star-sun realm powerhouse.

It can be said that the value of Divine Soul Dew is not to be underestimated, and generally only people with relatively deep wealth can use it.

And Zhang Fan also took a look at the price, and the value of a drop of Soul Dew was one thousand Universe Coins. One drop is about two grams, and one kilogram requires half a million Universe Coins.

In fact, there are treasures that are much cheaper than Divine Soul Dew, but Zhang Fan is now rich in wealth and naturally needs the best.

In one breath, Xiao Gu directly bought ten kilograms, enough for him to use before the Star Sun Realm.

Even if Zhang Fan had given a dozen drops to each of the nine Tuka Star spiritual teachers he had purchased before, he would probably be directly promoted to the Star-Moon realm.

However, Divine Soul Dew can only be purchased if its own account level in the Universe Bank reaches the advanced level. Otherwise, the slave merchant can purchase some Divine Soul Dew so that the nine spiritual master slaves can be directly upgraded to the Star-Moon realm.

A spiritual teacher in the early stage of the Star-Moon Realm is comparable to dozens of spiritual masters in the Nine Star Noble Realm.

As for the spacecraft, Xiaogu also selected Zhang Fan for Zhang Fan's latest model among the four-level spacecraft in the Universe Alliance Mall, and spent 10 million Universe Coins.

It is said that this spacecraft combines some of the technology of the mechanical family, and the overall is more advanced. It is also equipped with a powerful star destroyer. Under a full blow, it is said that even the strong of the ethereal realm are somewhat unable to resist.

And his own defenses are also very strong, being able to block a blow from the Peak Void Realm powerhouse, which is already very scary.

There is no one in the entire Qianlong galaxy that can be found in a pinnacle void spirit realm powerhouse. That is a powerhouse that can only appear in a cosmic country that is more powerful than the Qianlong galaxy.

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