Star-source Legend

Chapter 113: Encounter a beautiful woman (middle)

For a while, Zhang Fan was also a little stunned.

Naturally, Liu Ruyan also saw Zhang Fan, a pair of bright cosmetic contact lenses flashed with surprise at this moment, but soon recovered, with a happy smile on his face, and then said to several other companions, Just a little shy came over in the laughter of a few people.

"Afan, why have you come to Lacrosse Restaurant?"

As he approached, Liu Ruyan also asked.

"Uh, isn't this thinking of a family gathering? Then thinking of finding a better place, I came here. Are you just going back?"

Looking at Liu Ruyan, Zhang Fan was a little nervous, scratching his head, and said.

"Yes, a few classmates and I often eat here, and I planned to go back after eating just now. These two should be uncles and aunts?

Hello, uncles and aunts, I am Zhang Fan's good friend, Liu Ruyan. "

When Zhang Fan asked, Liu Ruyan nodded, and then watched Zhang Fan's parents introduce themselves very politely.

"Okay, haha, you are the Ruyan that Afan often mentions in our family. All the time, I have always heard Afan say that you are very beautiful and have a very good personality. Now I finally see a real person, and I blame this stinky boy. , I have never brought you here as a guest. I know now, and if I have time, I must come and sit down."

Looking at the beautiful girl in front of him, Zhang Fan's mother Shen Qiong also took Liu Ruyan's hand and said happily.

"Good aunt, just don't know if Zhang Fan will invite me over."

Hearing what Zhang Fan's mother had obtained, Liu Ruyan also agreed with a smile, and then leaked a complaining look at Zhang Fan, which made Zhang Fan also very speechless.

"Smelly boy, have you heard? In two days, you must invite Ruyan to come and sit at home, otherwise, you won't be my mother."

At this time, Zhang Fan's mother also turned her head and gave instructions to Zhang Fan, so that Zhang Fan didn't know what to do besides nodding.

"Then Afan, uncle and aunt, I will leave first. There are still some things in the house. I will definitely visit my uncle and aunt next day."

Seeing Zhang Fan's embarrassment, Liu Ruyan also said, letting Zhang Fan also breathe a sigh of relief.

"Okay, Ruyan, then Auntie is waiting for you to come, pay attention to safety on the way back."

Zhang Fan's mother also nodded at this time, caring.

Then, Liu Ruyan secretly stuck out his tongue at Zhang Fan, and after making a face, he left with some of her classmates.

And Zhang Fan, looking at Liu Ruyan's back, felt very warm in his heart.

"Afan, this Ruyan is much more beautiful than what you told us. At first glance, she is the daughter of a big family, and she is polite. If you can marry her as a daughter-in-law, your mother and I can dream. Wake up with laughter."

After Liu Ruyan left, Zhang Fan's mother Shen Qiong also smiled and said to Zhang Fan.

"Mom, we are still young now, and I don’t know if people want it? The actual situation is much more complicated than you think. Let’s talk about this later. My goal now is to become a powerful warrior. Only with strength can we win more."

Hearing what his mother said, Zhang Fan felt big for a while.

"Huh, I don't care, brat, but I just sent out an invitation. You must bring Ruyan to your home in a couple of days. Otherwise, you will have good fruit, right? Comrade Zhang Shun."

Hearing what his son said, Shen Qiong also pretended to be unhappy and said to Zhang Fan. After speaking, he glanced at Zhang Fan's father with menacing eyes.

"Um, yes, your mother is right. After two days, take the initiative to invite people to come as guests. We should also prepare in advance and entertain the girls. Have you heard?"

Seeing the threatening look in his wife's eyes, Zhang Shun's father directly stood on Zhang Fan's mother's side without thinking, and said to Zhang Fan in a pretended manner.

Make everyone feel a little funny.

As for Zhang Fan, his parents let him go after repeated assurances, and then everyone talked and laughed towards the private room reserved by Li Nian before.

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