Star-source Legend

Chapter 114: Encounter a beautiful woman (part 2)

La Lacrosse Restaurant is considered a very high-end restaurant. For ordinary people to eat here, it is likely to spend a year's salary.

However, Li Nian didn't say much to Zhang Fan and Hu Zhi's parents about this, lest they would not come.

As for the expenses, Li Nian had already paid in advance.

Of course, with such an expensive price, the taste and service are the top-notch. In the end, none of the dishes are left. Basically, they are all CD-ROMs, especially Ho Chi, who eats half of it by himself.

After the meal, everyone left La La La Chateau happily.

After returning to his room, Zhang Fan sat on the sofa in a daze, especially thinking about the encounter with Liu Ruyan today, which made him feel very happy.


At this moment, suddenly, the communicator in Zhang Fan's pocket also made a noise, which made Zhang Fan also hurriedly recovered.

After taking out his cell phone and seeing the video invitation from Liu Ruyan, Zhang Fan smiled, took a deep breath, and clicked to accept.

Soon, a beautiful woman he often missed appeared on his screen.

However, what surprised Zhang Fan was that she could only see Liu Ruyan's face, and could not see anything else, it was completely dark.

"Uh, Ruyan, where are you? How do you feel that it's dark around you."

Looking at Liu Ruyan, Zhang Fan also said.

"Why, are you tired of looking at my face? Still thinking about seeing other things?"

Upon hearing Zhang Fan's question, Liu Ruyan also looked at Zhang Fan and said.

"No, no, you are very good-looking, you can't see enough, just looking at the darkness around you, so I'm a little curious."

The look in Liu Ruyan's eyes made Zhang Fan hurriedly explain.

"Hehe, look at your stupidity. I am already lying in the quilt. I was planning to sleep, but I suddenly thought of you, so see if you have a rest."

Seeing Zhang Fan's nervous look at a loss, Liu Ruyan couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Oh, no wonder, by the way, have you checked your grades?"

Nodded, Zhang Fan also asked.

"Checked, 721, how about you? I think it must be higher than me."

Upon hearing Zhang Fan's question, Liu Ruyan answered honestly, and then asked back.

"Uh, I'm a little taller than you, 742."

Looking at Liu Ruyan, Zhang Fan naturally said his achievements.

"I know that your grades must be higher than mine. Congratulations, Afan, you are already the champion of Star City or even the entire China. You are too good. Moreover, your martial arts performance assessment is so high, I think, Even the six sacred places will be moved."

Hearing that Zhang Fan had scored 742 points, Liu Ruyan's eyes widened and looked very surprised.

"Hehe, no matter how good I am, I am still not as good as you. Now you, I think, should have reached the realm of viscera, right?"

With a laugh, Zhang Fan looked at Liu Ruyan and asked.

"You have a very good vision. I just made a breakthrough two days ago, but I am different from you. Since I was a child, I have taken a lot of natural treasures and various genetic medicines provided by my family. The improvement of strength is naturally very fast, which is also the generality of the big family, but in the later stage, this effect will of course be non-existent, and even bring some trouble to us, so I believe that you should be fast Is able to catch up with me."

When Zhang Fan asked, Liu Ruyan nodded and admitted, but she also knew her situation very well.

However, Zhang Fan doesn't think so much about what Liu Ruyan said.

Although many children of large families will have some problems in their later stages, but with the rapid development of technology, the side effects of many gene medicines today are negligible, and Liu Ruyan is about to enter Cultivating in the battle gate, when the time comes, with the help of the battle gate, her strength will increase steadily without any shortcomings.

Therefore, it will take a long time for him to really catch up with Liu Ruyan.

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