Star-source Legend

Chapter 1132: Situ Zhong shot

This middle-aged man has wavy black hair and a firm face. On his neck, he has a sign that looks like a silver wolf.

"You guy, haha, top mind weapons are indeed very rare, but you should know that although I am the star owner of the Qianlong galaxy, I still need to turn in a lot of resources. I'm not as good as you. The owner of Shushan Jiange is rich.

And the few of my subordinates, although they don't have top-level mind-power weapons, they already have advanced ones, enough for them to use.

If I really count it, I can't get a suitable spiritual teacher under my hand.

Therefore, I am not interested in this thing for the time being. "

This middle-aged man, who is called the Star Lord, also looked at Situ Zhong and said with a smile.

"Hehe, since the star lord is not interested, then I will take action. It happens that my disciple who has never met is a spiritual teacher himself, and his talent is much better than me.

It won't take long before it will be able to come to Qianlong Star to meet me, just to give him this top-notch power weapon as a meeting gift. "

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, Situ Zhong also smiled and said.

"One hundred and twenty million universe coins."

Immediately afterwards, Situ Zhong quoted his price directly.

And Zhang Fan is not very clear about all this, otherwise he will be very moved.

"One hundred and forty million universe coins."

"One hundred and sixty million cosmic coins."


"Two hundred and sixty million universe coins."

Soon, in just a short time, the price of this top-notch mental weapon has risen to close to 300 million Universe Coins, and it is still rising.

"Forget it, although this buddha tower is good, I can't use all the money to buy it. This will seriously affect my future cultivation plan, and even the spaceship I saw before may not be able to buy it in the end."

In the end, Zhang Fan also gave up the fight, causing many people to rush to some surprises.

However, the top Nianli weapons are of great value, even if Zhang Fan withdrew, the price is still rising by 20 to 20 million.

At this time, everyone knows that competing with each other should be very powerful and powerful.

"Eight hundred million universe coins."

In the end, Zhang Fan's master Situ Zhong also raised the price from 740 million to 800 million in an instant. This price is far beyond the value of the Buddha Tower.

After all, among the top mind power weapons, this Buddha Tower can only be regarded as average.

Perhaps it was because I knew that the people in Box No. 1 could not offend, or I felt that the price was a little bit beyond the value of the Buddha Pagoda itself. The guests in the boxes that had been competing with Situ Zhong simply stopped bidding, so Situ Zhong did the same With a sigh of relief.

Although he himself is a strong man in the ethereal realm, he has not been in Qianlong Star for a long time. The establishment of a sword pavilion in Shushan has already consumed most of the human, material and financial resources. Even though it has stabilized a lot over the past few hundred years, there are still some industries, plus their own gains, but the funds that can be mobilized are less than 10 billion. Cosmic coins only.

For Zhang Fan, the real apprentice he had never met before, he bought a top-notch weapon and spent close to one-tenth of his wealth. It can be said that Situ Zhong also had some pain.

However, even though he had only left a message before the thought clone dissipated, he was able to know that Zhang Fan, the apprentice on this earth, had a very powerful talent, and it would not take long to cultivate to the realm of Star Lord.

At that time, as long as you find the base of Luangyu Star and take the spacecraft from it, you can get out of the solar system, enter Luangyu Star and even come to Qianlong Star to find him.

Of course, the base of Luangyu Star that he asked Zhang Fan to find no longer exists, and what Zhang Fan found was an independent space left after Naror came to Earth and suffered fatal injuries tens of thousands of years ago.

Before Zhang Fan did not actively look for him, he would not know any news that Zhang Fan had come to the universe.

Similarly, Zhang Fan himself didn't know that his master, who had always been relatively vigilant, was willing to spend 800 million Cosmic Coins to prepare himself a top mind weapon as a weapon.

"Really rich."

At this moment, after seeing the number of 800 million Universe Coins, Zhang Fan also had to feel that the other party was really rich.

As for the others, they chose to give up directly.

After all, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no treasures with the same value as this Nianli weapon.

"Well, the guest in Box No. 1 bid 800 million Cosmic Coins. Is there any increase in the price? 321... Congratulations to the guest in Box No. 1 for taking the Buddha Pagoda."

After seeing that no one increased the fare, Old Cuba also directly chose to confirm.

As for the other people, although they want to know who is in Box 1, they can't get any information without the other person showing up.

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