Star-source Legend

Chapter 1133: Enlightenment Stone

Of course, Zhang Fan has a bad regret in his heart for not getting the Buddha Pagoda.

Before, on the big screen, Zhang Fan also saw the introduction of this top-notch weapon of the Buddha.

The Buddha Pagoda is considered to be a weapon of thought power used by a powerful spiritual teacher in the universe in the past.

There are a total of three forms, and the power of each layer will continue to soar.

The first level: Generally, only spiritual masters who have reached the star-moon realm can master it. If they cooperate with the Buddha's pagoda, it can be called an invincible existence of the same level.

Second level: It is possible to comprehend and control even at the ethereal realm. Once displayed, within the same level, unless the opponent also has top mind weapons or powerful treasures and combat power, it is also invincible at the same level.

Even if you use it well, you can cross one level and fight more.

The third level: It is said that only true super geniuses can understand and control, and the most basic requirement is that one's own strength must reach the ethereal realm and the understanding of the origin of the universe has reached a certain level.

Even, it is said that only by reaching the realm of Dao Sage, it is possible to fully exert its power.

This is the horror of top mind weapons.

In the entire universe, there are some top mind weapons, but they are definitely not many. And the master magic weapon on it can be said to be very rare. Perhaps the entire universe can not find a top master magic weapon.

Therefore, if many spiritual teachers are not so powerful, they might as well use advanced mind weapons.

Otherwise, if you can't even use it, the top mind power weapon is completely a tasteless existence.

"Forget it, if you can't get it, you can't force it. In the future, I'll find a way to find a suitable master magic weapon. At the same time, I will also find a way to repair the Star Spear little by little."

Zhang Fan also thought in his heart at this time.

In the following time, the treasures were quickly sold, and the final transaction price of each of them reached more than 8 million. Although the most expensive is not as good as the original buddha tower, But it is also close to hundreds of millions of universe coins.

Especially in the middle, there are treasures of Shenlan fruit that have a significant effect on plant life, and Zhang Fan directly bought ten for 20 million.


"Okay, next is the last treasure to be auctioned. It is also the most precious treasure in the entire Qianlong auction except for the previous Buddha Pagoda, and that is an Enlightenment Stone.

A powerful treasure that can make a warrior at the pinnacle of the Xingyang realm directly rise to the ethereal realm at the fastest speed. "

At this time, Old Cuban also spoke. After speaking, Old Cuban looked at everyone very calmly.

"My God, it turned out to be a stone of enlightenment. It is said that there is a stone of enlightenment, which is enough for a martial artist at the peak of the star sun realm to successfully break into the ethereal realm with a 95% probability.

It can be said that the time required has been shortened by nine out of ten, and with good luck, as long as one's own perception keeps up, it is even enough to become a warrior in the middle of the ethereal realm.

Such good things are all put out for auction. Will Qianlong auction go crazy? "

"Yeah, that is an enlightenment stone that can't be met. For every martial artist in the Xingyang realm, this is simply a treasure that allows one to climb into the sky in one step.

Once you can rise to the ethereal realm, you will have a better future. It's a pity that such things may be worth more than the previous Buddha Pagoda.

After all, as long as he can break through to the ethereal realm, his wealth will definitely far exceed what he has paid now.

In my opinion, this time nine out of ten will be bought directly by those strong. "


As the old Cuban's voice just fell, suddenly, a stone emitting a white light in the transparent glass of a cube appeared on the screen.

And seeing this stone, many warriors who knew about it had their eyes widened, and even their breathing became a little quick.

"Dylan, why would you be willing to put this kind of thing up for auction? Is it possible that the price you gave is not appropriate?"

At this moment, in Box One, looking at this gem, whether it is the star owner of the Qianlong Galaxy or Situ Zhong, are very shocked. At this moment, he also looked at Dylan, the person in charge of Qianlong Auction House, and asked.

"Hehe, we naturally bid for this enlightenment stone, and even I have already offered a price of 1.8 billion Universe Coins. I think this price should be counted as a normal price.

Even if he put this Enlightenment Stone in the Universe Alliance Mall, it would only reach 1.5 billion Universe Coins.

However, the owner of this enlightenment stone insisted on selling it at auction, and I had no good idea.

Of course, secretly, I have arranged for someone to buy directly. If nothing else, I can still return to our auction.

Of course, if both the Star Lord and you are interested, I can transfer it to you at the same price after I get it. "

Looking at Situ Zhong, Dylan also said with a wry smile and helplessness.

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