Star-source Legend

Chapter 1147: Practice notes

"Brother, are you hungry, do you want me to prepare some more food?"

At this time, Guo Xiaotong also looked at Lin Fan and asked.

"Haha, no, wait for the next time. Anyway, there will be time in the future. Brother, I will accept your intentions, but as a senior, I can't say nothing.

Now Junior Brother, you are already at the peak of the Star-Moon Realm, and you are only one step away from the latter stage. And once you enter the later stage, with your talents, Junior Brother, you will naturally understand the field in advance faster than me.

Your brother and I are in a different situation. I generally don’t care much about external things, so I don’t know what to give you. These are some insights that I have summarized in my own cohesion field. The Cohesion Field can help to a certain extent, and I hope you don’t dislike it. "

With a faint smile, Lin Fan waved his hand, and then looked at Zhang Fan and said. At the same time, a note appeared in his hand and handed it to Zhang Fan.

"How can I dislike it? The note given to me by my brother is invaluable in my heart. After all, I haven't really touched the domain or anything yet. To put it bluntly, I don't know anything.

Now that I have this note from your brother, I think it will be of great help to my future cohesion field, thank you brother. "

Looking at the practice notes in his hand, Zhang Fan was very moved in his heart.

After all, one's own cultivation experience will not easily be handed over to others, especially in the field, which is the most important thing.

If you are a person with ulterior motives and have this note in hand, some weaknesses in Lin Fan's domain can be easily detected by Zhang Fan, which is very disadvantageous for Lin Fan himself.

But now, Lin Fan has given such an important thing to Zhang Fan, and in his heart he truly regards Zhang Fan as his own.

"You are welcome, I hope I can help you. By the way, Master, will there be any good things in the Qianlong auction this time?"

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fan looked at Situ Zhong and asked.

"Yeah, Master, I want to hear it too. I think this Qianlong auction will be very exciting, right?"

Guo Xiaotong also asked immediately.

"Hehe, because of some new rules, this time around 100,000 people participated in the auction compared to the previous one.

And these 100,000 people, compared to the past, are also rich people to a certain extent.

After all, to enter the Qianlong Auction House this time, the minimum requirement is that you need your own wealth to exceed one million Universe Coins.

However, this time the most popular one is your junior, which I didn't think of at first. If he hadn't taken the initiative to look for me, to be honest, I would still think that your younger brother is practicing on our ancestor star.

This time, your Junior Brother also photographed a planet from it, intending to use it as a new base camp of our Shushan Jiange. You should have heard of this planet, that is Feilongxing.

At the same time, you, the younger brother, also photographed precious gold melted, as well as plant life star vine seedlings, and many other treasures.

It can be said that in the ethereal realm, apart from those with some special strong backgrounds, there are really no martial artists who are richer than the juniors.

When I came back this time, I also decided to move all the sword pavilions of Shushan directly to the Flying Dragon Star, where we could develop at will without any restriction. "

When Lin Fan asked, Situ Zhong also said.

"It's no wonder that Junior Brother has acted so generously, thinking that there should be some adventures after entering the universe.

These things, not to mention, just a flying dragon star, even if some of the resources on it have long been left, it is aimed at its stability and the ecological environment, which is the universe currency worth more than tens of millions.

There is also financial financing. It is said that it can raise the level of intelligent life. One catty requires more than tens of millions of universe coins. If you count the others, the wealth of the junior fellow himself is at least more than hundreds of millions of universe coins.

Comparing each other, I am a senior, but I am much shabby. "

Hearing what Situ Zhong said, Lin Fan's look at Zhang Fan was once again full of surprise. After all, with hundreds of millions of Universe Coins, even if he has maintained close to 6,000 consecutive victories in the silver ranks of the martial arts field, his own wealth is only tens of millions of Universe Coins if he counts his bets.

This is my own accumulation for hundreds of years.

And this younger brother of my own has only really cultivated for more than 20 years, and the time to enter the universe may be less than ten years at most. With so much wealth, there must be a lot of hardships in the middle.

Now, Lin Fan admired Zhang Fan more and more in his heart.

"Wow, the second brother is so rich. Hey, in the future, those ingredients that I can't bear to buy will definitely be bought for me if I want to come to the second brother, not as stingy as Master.

Although cultivation is very important, if you have special ingredients, to a certain extent, the effect is better than taking those treasures directly.

Brother, do you want to promise to buy me enough ingredients? I promise that I will make you the best food every day, and it will also increase your strength faster. "

At this moment, Guo Xiaotong also ran in front of Zhang Fan in an instant, and pitifully pulled Zhang Fan's sleeves and swayed constantly, said a little coquettishly, and at the same time he did not forget to glaze at his master Situ Zhong.

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