Star-source Legend

Chapter 1148: Back to Luang Yuxing

"Hehe, Xiaotong, I know your own personality, so I don't have much interest in cultivation.

However, no matter it is any profession, it requires a certain level of strength to achieve the highest achievement.

For example, if an alchemist does not have enough strength, how can those very powerful pills be refined?

There is also a master chef, which is actually more difficult than an alchemist. After all, it is very difficult to remember all kinds of ingredients. At the same time, it also requires innovation, which is far more difficult than creating an alchemy. Not a small difficulty.

According to the information I have seen before, there is no nine-star cook in the entire universe, and the only eight-star cook is in the universe alliance.

In general, God Kitchen has gradually declined due to various reasons, and I hope you can carry it forward. In any profession, only the highest achievement is the right one to start your own efforts.

After the flying dragon star, I will give you enough purple gold, and I hope you can reach the nine-star chef one day. "

Zhang Fan looked at Guo Xiaotong and said at the moment.

"Thank you brother for your support, I will not let everyone down."

Guo Xiaotong also became serious at this moment, and said firmly, the round little face was also puffed up at this moment, but it was even more lovely.

"Master, in the future, will you and brother go to the same Luanyu star? After all, I also brought some people from the Shushan sword pavilion on earth, and some of them have very powerful talents.

Also, I have accepted three apprentices myself, and I have also told you before. Each of these three apprentices has terrifying talents. I think you will be very satisfied if you meet.

And some of your apprentices, you have to see, hehe. "Zhang Fan said with a smile now.

"Hehe, this is natural. At the same time, Jian Yu and I have a relationship. Although my current realm is higher than Jian Yu, in terms of strength, in fact, even if Jian Yu has not reached the ethereal realm now, if it is all played out, it is Can fight me.

Over the years, I think he should be stronger.

After arrangements are made for Luangyu Star, we will go to Flying Dragon Star together.

As for everything here, I will be able to directly earn it to the Dantian Space for a while. "

Nodded, Situ Zhong also said.

After an hour, everything was sorted out, and all the buildings of the Shushan Jiange were directly uprooted by Situ Zhong and incorporated into his own Dantian space.

When it comes to the ethereal realm, it can be said that the area of ​​a warrior's dantian space is very large, and it is very easy to receive a tens of thousands of square meters of the Shushan sword pavilion. This is even possible for the warriors of the Xingjue realm.

Because the speed is very fast, it only took less than half an hour before and after from Qianlong Star to Luangyu Star and through the dark universe.

This is also because Situ Zhong's spacecraft reached level three, and the fastest speed in the dark universe reached fifteen times the speed of light, which made Zhang Fan also amazed.

After all, until now, his Tamron is still in an unrepaired state.

The strength of the ethereal realm, as well as the obvious advantages of Situ Zhong's third-level spacecraft, can be said that landing on a planet like Luangyu Star can directly ignore the signal of the port of call.

Therefore, Situ Zhong, amidst the shocked expressions of many people, directly landed the spacecraft not far from the gate of Luangyu City, and then put it away.

As for the other warriors along the way, after feeling the powerful breath of Situ Zhong's body, they did not dare to look directly at them, and they were very shocked in their hearts.

At the same time, news of an ethereal realm powerhouse coming to Luangyu Star quickly reached Luangyang and Jianyu's ears, and the two had also waited early at the entrance of the city gate.

Although Luangyu Star is considered the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, Luangyu Star is actually insignificant in the entire Qianlong Galaxy.

And if it weren't for Jian Yu's original identity as the core disciple of the Universe Alliance, perhaps the Milky Way in the Qianlong galaxy would not have attracted much attention.

Nowadays, a strong man in the ethereal realm comes to Luangyu Star, no matter what purpose they have, they naturally need to be welcomed as the host.

After all, the star owner of the Qianlong galaxy is only in the middle of the ethereal realm.

"Haha, Master, that is Luanyang, the star lord of Luangyu Star, and the lord of the galaxy, Jian Yu, is also here."

Zhang Fan also saw Luanyang and Jianyu who were already waiting at the gate of the city.

"Yeah, I saw it, Luanyang, I have some images. If Jianyu is a friend, let's go, let's go over and talk about it."

Nodded, Situ Zhong was walking towards the city gate with Zhang Fan, Lin Fan and Guo Xiaotong.

"Welcome Pavilion Master Situ to Luangyu Star again. After many years, the Pavilion Master's prestige has reverberated throughout the Qianlong Galaxy, but I still can only stay on the side of the Milky Way."

At this moment, Jian Yu also stepped forward and looked at Situ Zhong and said.

"Hehe, you guys don't be so polite, who doesn't know your talent? It's just good fortune to trick people. One day, I believe you will return to the Universe Alliance.

This time, it was also because of Afan's invitation, so I came here, and it happened to be your old friend. "

Smiling, Situ Zhong also stepped forward to hug Jian Yu and said.

Two people, although it seems that Situ Zhong is a bit older, in fact, if you count it, Jian Yu's age is more than ten times that of Situ Zhong.

"This should be the star owner of Luangyu Star, right? My disciple stayed on Luangyu Star's side. Thanks to your help, I am very grateful for that."

At this moment, Situ Zhong also extended his hand and thanked Luanyang.

"Pavilion Master Situ is polite. This is also because Afan's talent is very powerful, and at most I have provided a quota. As Pavilion Master Situ, getting a quota is very easy.

Let’s go in first. "

Luan Yang looked very restrained in front of Situ Zhong at this moment, and there was no way, in the eyes of a strong person like the Sky Spirit Realm, a warrior in the Star Sun Realm was indeed not very much seen.

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