Star-source Legend

Chapter 1149: meet

After a while, the group also came to the Star Lord's Mansion in Luangyu City.

"Hehe, your place is much more beautiful than where I live."

At this moment, Situ Zhong looked at the magnificent Star Master Mansion and said with a smile.

"Pavilion Master, you are too polite, these external things can only be used for viewing. If you want to, it is easy to build a place ten times more beautiful than mine.

And I also know that the surrounding area of ​​Jian Pavilion of Shushan Mountain is full of dense forests, and the scenery is picturesque. Cultivating life in such an environment is the most helpful for self improvement.

Unlike me, who has been in the complex. Until now, it has only reached the middle stage of Xingyang realm. "

Luanyang also said modestly.

As for Zhang Fan, he couldn't help but complain at the moment.

Needless to say, this is a typical business blow...

"Sit down. I'm a guest here. You can feel free to do so. I have nothing to do this time, just to meet some of A Fan's relatives and friends.

Specifically, I think Afan should have told you in advance, right? "

At this moment, while sitting down, Situ Zhong said while looking at Luanyang.

"Yes, Afan told me. I didn't expect him to be so rich. Even the Flying Dragon Star can be bought directly. Although the price is only 10 million, to be honest, my own wealth is the highest. That's only one to two million.

Although the Flying Dragon Star does not have any good resource minerals, it can be regarded as a deserted planet, but its ecological environment can be ranked in the forefront of the Qianlong Galaxy. As long as it develops carefully, it will eventually restore its former prosperity. "

Nodded, Luan Yang also spoke, with some surprise in his tone.

The price of 10 million to buy the Flying Dragon Star is actually not too high. It is enough to buy the Flying Dragon Star, which is much larger than the Luangyu Star.

The reason why many people didn't buy it was because the power they originally belonged to had a special planet. Buying a deserted life planet would only be able to display it there, and it would not have any effect at all.

For Zhang Fan, the Flying Dragon Star is an excellent place to develop his own forces. In general, Zhang Fan plans to take everyone from the Tenglong Manor to the Flying Dragon Star. He also agrees very much after thinking about it. .

"I was also a little surprised after knowing this news, but with Feilongxing, Shushan Jiange doesn't have to stay in Qianlongxing forever.

For a sect to truly develop and grow, the disciples are one aspect, and a good environment is very important.

In the future, Feilongxing will also become the base camp of Shushan Jiange. If you are interested, you can also come often.

Afan also told me before that you gave him a place for participating in the genius trials. Although I can get it myself, the value of each place is very precious. Here, I thank you for Afan. .

Don’t worry, Afan will participate in the selection of geniuses in the name of the Milky Way Shushan Jiange. In the future, if he can get a good ranking, I think it will be very beneficial to the development of the galaxy.

On the other hand, although I have been in Qianlong star myself, Afan and I both came from an unknown galaxy belonging to the Milky Way. We finally got to this point. The Milky Way is our real. home. "

Situ Zhong also said immediately.

"Thank you for the size of Pavilion Master Situ. The two of us were really worried about this aspect before. After all, A Fan is really too important to both of us, especially Jian Yu, to be able to return to the Universe Alliance, everything depends on it. Afan.

We also firmly believe in Yi Afan's talent, which is the absolute top existence in the same level, and there is great hope to enter the top 10,000. "

Hearing what Situ Zhong said, Luan Yang also looked at Situ Zhong very sincerely and thanked him.

"Yeah, I am very convinced of this myself. After all, Afan’s talent is more powerful than I am. However, I still can’t care about it. This time the selection of cosmic geniuses should be limited by quota. There are only 10 million places in the universe, but there are more than 10,000 in the universe, which means that there are at least tens of billions of martial artists participating in the star-moon realm.

And being able to get a place shows that this person's talent is definitely extraordinary, at least it is definitely one of the best in a galaxy like the Milky Way.

Many of them are warriors with strong backgrounds or strong talents from the beginning. After all, our Shenhui Universe Nation alone has many first-class races and forces. "

Situ Zhong also agreed with Luan Yang's words.

"Oh, yes, I forgot to introduce you. This is my big apprentice called Lin Yun, and this is my little apprentice called Guo Xiaotong, who is currently a two-star chef."

At this time, Situ Zhong also introduced Lin Yun and Guo Xiaotong to Luanyang and Jianyu.

"We've heard of Lin Yun's name for a long time. After all, he is the man in the Qianlong Xing martial arts field. In the entire Qianlong galaxy, I think it is impossible to find an opponent and can win six thousand games in a row. Many of them are from Yubi is not inferior to the Qianlong galaxy and even is much larger than the Qianlong galaxy. We have always wanted to see its true colors, and now we have finally seen it.

And this one surprised us. It turned out that he became a two-star chef at a young age. It can be said that I can't find a few two-star chefs in the entire Qianlong galaxy at present, and I can't imagine the future achievements.

Coupled with Afan, sure enough, although there are few people in the sword pavilion of Shushan Mountain, every one of them is the top existence, which is really enviable. "

Jian Yu also spoke at this moment, and his expression was full of envy.

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