Star-source Legend

Chapter 1150: Everyone's surprise

"You guy is also humble, I think, at their age, your strength is definitely much stronger than them, especially talent.

After all, to be able to enter the top 10,000 in the genius selection battle, you don't have to think about your strength. Although they performed well, for the time being, they still can't compare with you. "

Situ Zhong also looked at Jian Yu and said directly.

"Well, it's nothing for the time being. We will go to his Tenglong Manor with A Fan in a while, and then we will set off for the Flying Dragon Star.

If you are interested, you can also go together. It is a way of recognition. If you need help in the future, whether it is from the universe network or to the flying dragon star, it will be our base camp for a long time in the future. . "

Situ Zhong also got up at this time, and then said immediately.

"Okay, let's talk to both of us when you set off. I don't think we can help from other places, but we can bring some people to Feilongxing to help reform. This aspect still needs professional talents."

Jian Yu also spoke.

"Okay, so it will be troublesome, haha."

After smiling, Situ Zhong took Lin Fan and Guo Xiaotong to Tenglong Manor with Zhang Fan.

"Master, the reason for marrying this name is also because we united the rest of the forces on Earth, and finally established a brand-new holy land, the name is Tenglong Pavilion.

Every five years, a Global Youth Challenge will be held on the earth, and outstanding disciples will be absorbed into the Dragon Pavilion.

Therefore, I also named this manor Tenglong Manor. "

At the moment, standing at the entrance of Tenglong Manor, Zhang Fan also explained to Situ Zhong.

"Hehe, Tenglong Pavilion, the name is very good. Although I have always hoped to carry forward the sword pavilion of Shushan Mountain, in fact, marrying this name is entirely because of memories.

In the future, our new school will still be called Tenglong Pavilion. As for the name of Shushan Jiange, let him die with the wind. After all, not everyone has the qualifications to become a sword repairer. At that time, you can let Shushan Jiange. To become a branch of Tenglong Pavilion, you can call it Jian Pavilion or Jiantang. "

Smiling, Situ Zhong also said directly.


"Okay, I have decided, so don't say more, let's go, let's go in, I haven't seen anyone on earth except you for a long time."

Waved his hand and interrupted Zhang Fan's words, Situ Zhong walked in right away.


"Hughes, Shi Feng has seen the lord."

As soon as he entered, the two figures came directly in front of Zhang Fan. It was the two early-stage slave Husse and Shi Feng of the Star-Moon Realm.

"Yeah, you have performed well during this period of time. Each of them has improved quickly and steadily. It is hard work. Let me introduce to you, this is my master Situ Zhong, this is my senior brother Lin Fan and My junior sister Guo Xiaotong, seeing them in the future will be the same as seeing me."

Nodded in satisfaction, Zhang Fan also looked at Xius and Shi Feng and said.

"Yes, my lord."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Hughes and Shi Feng also hurriedly responded.

"Haha, although the strength is only in the early stage of the Star-Moon Realm, one is from the Elf family, and the other should be the once-brilliant stone family, with very good talents.

If you cultivate well, you may hope to reach a stronger realm in the future, Afan, your vision is good. "

Looking at Hughes and Shi Feng, Situ Zhong seemed very surprised at this moment.

He is concerned about some special races in the universe.

The elves and the stone races were actually considered first-class races a long time ago. There are a lot of powerful people in the Taoist and Saint realm in the race, but I don’t know why, they are like the earth in the end. After the decline, even now, there are few members of the pure elves and stone clan.

The former is the darling of nature, while the latter is very powerful in nature, immune to fire and water, and strong defenses, enough to compete with the Titans.




At this moment, a group of figures came to Zhang Fan and the others, led by Nalandi, Xu Yuan and Qin Lao.

"Afan, you are back, how did you get this trip?"

Nalandi looked at Zhang Fan and asked.

"Is this the ancestor? Qin Feng, a younger disciple of the sword pavilion in Shushan, has met the ancestor.

As soon as Nalandi's voice fell, after Qin Feng on the side saw Situ Zhong, his expression was full of incredible, and at the same time, his body was trembling uncontrollably, and he seemed very excited.

Immediately afterwards, he stepped forward and knelt in front of Situ Zhong.

"The younger disciple Shang Guanyun, the younger disciple Chu Tianya, have met the ancestor."

"I have seen the ancestors."

As Qin Feng knelt down, immediately, Shangguan Yun, Chu Tianya, including the rest of the Jiange disciples who came afterwards, knelt directly in front of Situ Zhong, all of them looked very excited.

The one in front of him is the ancestor of the sword pavilion of Shu Mountain. He didn't expect to see a real person in the universe, which made everyone feel a little dreamy.

"Hehe, it's my own, you are welcome, get up."

Seeing the people in front of him, Situ Zhong's expression was also full of excitement. In particular, everyone in front of him is a disciple of the sword pavilion, and the unique swordsman aura on him makes Situ Zhong feel more cordial, as if he is now in the sword pavilion of Shushan on earth.

"Hehe, let me introduce to you. This is my master, the pavilion master of the Shushan Jiange, and the founder Situ Zhong. At the same time, he is now a powerhouse in the ethereal realm.

This is my senior brother Lin Fan, the pinnacle of the Star-Moon realm in strength. This is my junior sister Guo Xiaotong, a two-star chef. "

Zhang Fan also pointed to Situ Zhong and introduced to everyone at this moment.

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