Star-source Legend

Chapter 1151: Ready

"Hi...the ethereal realm, my god, is much stronger than Master Jian Yu, I never thought that the ancestor of the sword pavilion of Shushan was so powerful."

Hearing Zhang Fan's introduction, everyone has the same idea at the moment.

"Master, these are currently members of the Dragon Pavilion. Of course, the predecessors are all the leaders of the previous holy places on earth.

These are my parents, and these are my three wives, named Liu Ruyan, Gu Qian and Soya. "

Zhang Fan also introduced Situ Zhong immediately.

"Haha, yes, the talents of your three wives are extraordinary at first glance. And your parents, I think they should have taken the water of life? They are too young.

Don't be restrained, I am also an earthling, especially Afan is my disciple, then we will be a family ever since.

Let's go, let's go in, don't just pile it up here. "

Smiling, Situ Zhong also looked at everyone and said. Then he immediately walked inside.

After that, everyone came to the most central discussion hall of the manor, and Situ Zhong also sat in the first place.

"It has been more than a thousand years since I left the earth, and it is really touching to be able to see so many people from my hometown in the universe again."

Situ Zhong looked at everyone at the moment and spoke directly.

"Hehe, although we know that you came to the ancestor in the universe, we really don't know any information about you. We didn't expect to see the ancestor in the universe. It's really incredible."

Qin Feng obviously hadn't recovered from his previous excitement at this moment, and his expression looking at Situ Zhong was full of respect.

"Hehe, I also met Master by chance at Qianlongxing. Otherwise, I don't know when I will be able to get in touch with Master. It's luck."

Zhang Fan also spoke at this moment.

"I am also very happy to see you. After all, you will not understand the loneliness and incompatibility of being alone in the universe for a long time.

This situation improved after I founded the Shushan Jiange and took Lin Yun and Xiaotong as disciples.

This time, Afan and I came over, also planning to let everyone relocate.

Before, Afan also directly purchased the ownership of a planet. The area of ​​this planet is a bit larger than that of Luangyu. I think it should be a very good place for us to survive on Earth.

At the same time, with me guarding there, coupled with the protection of the basic rules of the universe, there is no need to worry too much about safety. "

Situ Zhong also spoke directly at this time.

"My God, Afan, you actually bought a planet bigger than Luangyu Star? How much would it cost?"

At this moment, Hong Lie couldn't help but look at Zhang Fan and said.

"If it is really similar to Luangyu Star, I can't afford it. After all, Luangyu Star, just this Luangyu City, is worth tens of billions and hundreds of billions of Cosmic Coins.

The Feilongxing I bought is a semi-destroyed life planet. Apart from the beautiful scenery and strong starry sky, there are no precious resources, and there are no large cities.

Before, the original owner of Feilongxing was merely cultivating slaves and mining there.

Therefore, it only spent 10 million Universe Coins.

Of course, in my opinion, its real value is definitely more than this. I can only say that I was lucky. No one bid with me at the time.

When I come back this time, I also intend to let all of us go to the Flying Dragon Star. For a long time in the future, the Flying Dragon Star will become a new home for all of us, slowly developing and growing.

In a while, everyone will pack things up. Let's leave today and head to the Flying Dragon Star. "

Zhang Fan also explained at this moment.

"You should be the little guy with the Titan bloodline that Afan and I mentioned? Haha, yes, your bloodline strength has reached a very high level, and then as your strength improves, you may be able to If you are a member of the pure-blooded Titan clan, then your future is absolutely limitless."

Looking at Hong Lie, there was also a hint of surprise in Situ Zhong's expression.

As for Lin Yun, his eyes condensed when he heard that Hong Lie had the blood of a Titan, and he seemed a little shocked.

"Wow, it turns out to be the blood of the Titans. The Titans today can rank in the top ten among the human races in the entire universe. The patriarch of the Titans has reached the ancestral realm, which is very terrifying.

Being able to have the blood of a Titan, that own talent, I don't know how strong it will be. It's really enviable. "

At this moment, Guo Xiaotong is also the boss with an open mouth, very surprised.

"Hehe, with this kind of talent, there are still three hundred years away from the genius selection battle. It is absolutely no problem to think of reaching the peak of the star-moon state. At that time, maybe in addition to Afan Linfan, there will be another one to let all Unexpected existence.

I will find Qianlong Star’s star lord Langxing later. He still has two spots in his hand. I just want one to believe that there is no problem. "

Smiling, Situ Zhong also said.

"Okay, I'll talk about this later, now, you all go and clean up, and then we will leave Luangyu Star together and head to the Flying Dragon Star."

Zhang Fan also spoke at this time.

After an hour, everyone was cleaned up.

And most of them have reached the realm of Star Lord.

With the existence of the pubic space, it is much more convenient to pack everything up.

As for Liu Ruyan, their three daughters and Zhang Fan's parents, Zhang Fan was included in their own star source debris space.

And most of the others, except for a few, stayed in other people's pubic space.

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