Star-source Legend

Chapter 1153: Identify


Nodded, Situ Zhong's thoughts moved, and he immediately moved the entire Shushan Jian Pavilion from the pubic area, and finally landed not far away. There was also a moment of shaking on the ground.

"Is this what the sword pavilion of Shushan looks like? This kind of building looks so beautiful and has a special temperament."

At this time, Jian Yu also spoke in admiration.

"Hehe, Uncle Jian, this is a kind of unique building with a long history and a historical heritage."

Zhang Fan also said with a smile now.




At this time, everyone was also released from the Dantian space.

"Wow, Afan, is this the Flying Dragon Star? The surrounding environment is too beautiful."

"Yes, especially how does the building complex in front look similar to the sword pavilion on earth?"

"Moreover, I found that the power of the starry sky here is stronger than that of Tenglong Manor, and the air often emits a special fragrance, which makes people feel very comfortable.

The only drawback is that no other life has been discovered here yet. "

Liu Ruyan's three daughters looked at everything around them, and at this moment they also spoke very excitedly.

"There are still some creatures on Feilong Star, but basically the most powerful is only at the peak of the Star-Moon realm. As for the creatures in the Star-Sun realm, none of them exist long ago.

The location where we are now can be regarded as the central area of ​​the Flying Dragon Star, which can be seen from the dilapidated buildings not far away.

You can move around now and get used to it. But don't get too far away, because this is the central area, so there are still some creatures that can threaten your safety. "

Zhang Fan also looked at his three wives with a gentle face and explained.

After that, everyone dispersed and explored the surroundings. As for Zhang Fan and the others, they walked into the sword pavilion and discussed some things about Feilongxing next.

"Afan, looking at the environment of Feilongxing for the time being, including the stability, it is much stronger than Luangyu. The disadvantage is that there is no special life here, and even when I came, I found that many mineral deposits were already Almost mined.

Of course, the main purpose of coming here is also for future development. The Feilong Star has a large area. I think as long as you are patient, you can still find some good mineral deposits, especially the star stone veins, which are invaluable.

In addition to the 10,000 strong slaves who specialize in mining, I also arranged a lot of people who are very good at detecting mineral deposits. I also brought all the equipment including equipment. I hope to help you. .

As for the others, I think you should have already made plans. "

At the highest point of the high tower in the most central area of ​​the Jiange, Situ Zhong, Zhang Fan, Lin Yun, including Luangyang and Jian Yu, were sitting opposite each other, discussing some things.

"Thank you Uncle Luan, these are enough. As for the others, take your time. After everything is stable on Feilongxing, I will specially invite Uncle Luan and Uncle Jian to visit here.

Of course, for the time being, because we have a relatively small number of people, we are temporarily building a city of about the size here.

If possible, I hope that in the future, Flying Dragon Star can also become a very famous planet in the Qianlong galaxy and even the entire universe, full of vitality. "

Zhang Fan also looked at Luanyang at this moment, and said with a grateful expression.

After that, everyone discussed how to transform the Flying Dragon Star for a long time, and it was not until the next day that Luan Yang and Jian Yu left the Flying Dragon Star.

As for the others, the original building complex of the Shushan Jiange had a very large area. If the slaves were counted, it would be about two thousand people, enough to live in.

As for those mining personnel, Zhang Fan let Nan He income into the Dantian space.

Although I just arrived at Feilongxing, after a day's time, the universe network here has already been directly connected.

And Zhang Fan also entered the universe network for the first time.

For the current Feilongxing, everything is just getting started, naturally there are still a lot of things to be prepared, and for this, the Universe Alliance Mall is the best choice.

At this moment, the place where Zhang Fan appeared was the Qianlong Star Universe Alliance Mall branch.

It is not someone else who is in charge of receiving Zhang Fan, but Zi Ying who has received the news.

"Afan, do you need anything to come here this time?"

At this moment, Zi Ying looked at Zhang Fan and asked directly.

"Senior, I photographed the Flying Dragon Star at the auction some time ago. Now, I have transferred all my relatives and friends to the Flying Dragon Star.

Therefore, I need the Universe Alliance Mall to help me build a strong enough city to at least ensure the safety of my relatives and friends.

So I came here to look for you directly. "

Zhang Fan also directly stated his purpose at this time.

"Oh? I was a bit weird at first. Although the Flying Dragon Star is indeed good, there are not many resources on it. Especially since the Flying Dragon Star was only regarded as a mining star before, it must have been No value.

However, 10 million Universe Coins can be taken directly, and it is a huge profit.

Looking at it this way, you should have photographed the money, including the star vine, but you didn't expect Afan to be a rich man. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Ziying also knew in an instant that Zhang Fan was the person who stayed in Box 385 at the Qianlong auction. There are also some surprises in the look.

"Hey, my wealth is not worth mentioning in your eyes. By the way, there is one thing I don't think I need to hide from you, that is, the pavilion of Qianlong Xingshu Mountain Jiange is my master."

Zhang Fan also spoke very modestly at this moment, and at the same time he also revealed his identity.

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