Star-source Legend

Chapter 1154: Expensive price

"Situ Zhong turned out to be your master? Isn't it true that the family doesn't enter the house? By all accounts, he and I have a good friendship. Although I don't meet many times, I usually communicate through the universe network.

You turned out to be his apprentice, which I never expected. "

Hearing Zhang Fan's identity, Zi Ying also seemed very surprised.

"Ah? You know my master too? Then my master's popularity is very good, too. The person in charge of the Qianlong auction house I met before Dylan and the star lord of the Qianlong galaxy are all of him. Good friends, I don’t know how many friends my master has in other respects."

Seeing Zi Ying's reaction, Zhang Fan himself seemed very surprised at the moment.

"Hehe, the reason why your master has so many friends can be said that he relied on his own efforts a little bit to win. When your master came to Qianlong Star, his strength was only in the early stage of Star Sun Realm.

At that time, we were already strong in the ethereal realm.

However, just after a few hundred years, your master has broken directly from the star-sun realm to the ethereal realm. This kind of talent is beyond reach.

After that, with constant contact, and your master himself is very upright and doesn't play any tricks, after hundreds of years of getting along, many people have become good friends with your master.

Now, in the entire Qianlong galaxy, as long as you mention your master's name, basically no one will embarrass you. "

Ziying also said with a smile.

"So that's it. But it took only a few hundred years to get from the star-sun realm to the ethereal realm, which is very scary.

Although he is my master, we actually met for the first time before, and I don't know much about Master's past. "

Zhang Fan also understood at this moment.

"You will know in the future. Because your master had reached the Xingyang realm early, so he couldn't participate in the selection of geniuses. Otherwise, I think he will be in the top ten thousand with absolute certainty.

Not to mention this, you just said that you need the Universe Alliance Mall to help build a city? "

Zi Ying also turned back at this moment and asked.

"Yes, after all, it is too much trouble to build it myself. I also read some materials before and knew that the Universe Alliance Mall can not only help build it, but it even has ready-made cities for sale."

Zhang Fan nodded.

"Haha, yes, this is what I intend to recommend to you. For many people, a little bit of construction is full of sense of accomplishment, but in other aspects, such as safety and stability, it is much worse. .

The Universe Alliance Mall has also added a new option for this, that is, to personally create a city of different sizes, shapes, and functions.

In general, the level of the city is also divided into nine levels, from the lowest level nine to the highest level.

And this level of the city is different from the normal city accumulated bit by bit. The former, even at the first level, is at most larger than Qianlong City, but its defensive ability is much larger than Qianlong City. It is said that even the first-level city, even the powerhouse of the Taoist realm, takes action. The defense cannot be broken in a short period of time, and the corresponding value is very high, at least hundreds of millions of cosmic units are needed.

And a cosmic unit is equivalent to one trillion cosmic coins.

Generally, only the large forces, or the powerhouses of the Dao Sage Realm or even the Ancestral Realm, can purchase the first-level cities when they need it.

And my advice to you is to buy one to make a four-level city.

The size is about one-tenth the size of Luangyu City, but the defensive ability of the entire city is also capable of resisting the peak of the ethereal realm and even the powerhouse in the early stage of the Taoist realm.

I think it should be enough.

Moreover, for this level of power, unless you Feilongxing have any extremely valuable sacred treasures, it will not be taken seriously.

At that time, for the safety of Feilongxing, you can also build dozens of energy towers around the entire Feilongxing. In that case, it can be said that without your permission, unless it is the owner of the third-level spacecraft, it is impossible to enter. Among the flying dragon stars will be discovered by the energy tower. "

Zi Ying also recommended it immediately after opening and Zhang Fan.

"According to what you said, how much money does a four-tier city cost? Also, the construction of an energy tower must also require a lot of money."

For what Zi Ying said, although Zhang Fan was heart-stricken, the value was certainly very high.

"Hehe, wait a minute, I will find out the specific information for your reference. The prices of some of the four-level cities are completely different, but if you count the energy towers, at least tens of billions of universe coins are needed. ."

With a smile, Zi Ying also said, making Zhang Fan laugh wryly.

"Look, these are all four-tier cities, each has a completely different style, and some functions are also different, you can choose.

As for the energy tower, if you buy a four-level city, I can help you apply for five for free.

An energy tower that can threaten the powerhouses of the ethereal realm, even if the attack method is single, requires 500 million cosmic coins. "

Because it is in the universe network, Zi Ying is directly able to retrieve the information immediately.

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