Star-source Legend

Chapter 1155: make a choice

And Zhang Fan, at this moment, also turned his attention to the huge cities.

Among them, the size of the first city seems to be roughly equivalent to the Huaxia of the earth, and the overall architectural style is similar to the previous European architectural style on the earth. The only difference is that the materials used are obviously higher and more beautiful. There are huge castles everywhere.

The second four-tier city is about the same size as the first one. The only difference is that the entire city is a round shape, and the architectural style is dark gold throughout, like steel and rusty. It is nothing to this Zhang Fan. interest.

The third four-season city is also the last four-level city. The whole body looks like innate gossip and is divided into eight areas. At that time, Zhang Fan can arrange the formation in these eight areas, and finally form a The huge innate gossip array, presumably the defense will improve a lot.

Especially the architectural style, the whole body looks the same as Luangyu City, full of classical atmosphere, so Zhang Fan also likes it very much.

"The third seat is pretty good, but to be honest, I can’t afford it, at least until I reach the star-sun state, I can’t afford it, and although my master has accumulated some wealth, there are 13 billion universe coins. The price of this will directly hollow them out, and then it will only be with the northwest wind."

Zhang Fan also smiled bitterly at the moment.

"Hehe, I naturally know your situation. I can pay the money for you first. Of course, you need to make a promise to me.

Of course, in addition to these two conditions, you can also pay in installments.

It depends on your choice. "

Smiling, Zi Ying also replied directly.

The price of the fourth-level city is more than ten billion cosmic coins. Although Zhang Fan has some fronts, more than ten billion cosmic coins is for Zhang Fan, who only has the middle stage of the star-moon realm and only one ethereal realm behind him. A very large number.

"Promise? Senior, you first talk about what promise is, let me see if I can achieve it."

Hearing Zi Ying's choice, Zhang Fan also said.

"Hehe, my promise is very simple, that is, in the selection of cosmic geniuses three hundred years later, you need to be in the top ten thousand.

After knowing your name before, I also watched some of your battle videos specifically. Especially in your previous battle with Xue Li, although many people think that you have displayed a lot of strength, but I can know that even if you are playing against a spiritual teacher, your strength is not more than three levels. Very scary.

After all, this is the conclusion I made after watching your video specifically for a senior in the realm of Taoism.

And as long as you can achieve the top ten thousand, then you can become a core disciple of several super holy places, and you can help me in some ways in the future.

Of course, if you can't make it into the top 10,000 in the end, I won't be able to embarrass you. At that time, you only need to agree to join the Universe Alliance.

Of course, if you don’t want this promise, you can also choose to pay in installments. However, I can only give you a thousand years. Within a thousand years, you need to give me all the money with capital and profit. After all, level four The city also needs me to apply to the headquarters, and I cannot make my own decision. "

At this moment, Zi Ying also watched Zhang Fan talk about the two choices he offered.

And Zhang Fan, seeing the two choices given by Zi Ying, to be honest, was very moved.

Whether it is the first or the second, even if you choose it, it will not do you any harm.

Zhang Fan is absolutely confident about whether he can enter the top 10,000. According to Old Xing, if he is the master of a powerful spiritual teacher, with his help, he has "Ling Jue" and "Chaos Promise" are two powerful techniques that have reached the extreme, and they have merged three pieces of star source fragments, plus the starry sky war spear, which is the top weapon. It can be said that if this is the same If even the top 10,000 of the ranks can't get in, he can be hit to death.

Moreover, on the other hand, even if he couldn't enter the top 10,000, he would eventually join the Universe Alliance, it would not do him any harm.

Although in his heart Zhang Fan felt that as a human being on earth, joining the Dao Sect of Gods was the most correct choice. However, in today's universe, the most powerful is obviously the Universe Alliance, so that he can truly become the Lord of the Universe. It can be said that there is no difference no matter where it is.

As for the installment payment, Zhang Fan actually has absolute certainty. In a thousand years, except for the warriors with a large background, most of the warriors in the Star-Moon realm want to obtain more than 10 billion cosmic coins, which is very difficult.

However, after a thousand years, Zhang Fan also had enough confidence to break through to the Xingyang realm, and by then he would be able to withdraw the third-level wealth from the account left by another master Beiguang.

According to Xiaogu, it is likely to be close to hundreds of billions of universe coins.

After all, his master Beiguang’s life is full of legends, especially since he has the blood of the legendary king clan of the last cosmic era, his own wealth is beyond the imagination of ordinary ethereal realm experts.

It can be said that, to a certain extent, the conditions that Ziying gave were simply for nothing.

Of course, all this is also because of his own relationship, plus Zi Ying is optimistic about his talent.

"Senior, I choose the first condition, and that is to enter the top 10,000 of the universe in the subsequent genius selection battle."

No longer thinking about it, Zhang Fan made a decision now with firm eyesight.

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