Star-source Legend

Chapter 1157: Powerful master

After returning to reality, Zhang Fan went directly to Situ Zhong's room.

"Afan, what's the matter?"

At this moment, Situ Zhong also asked Zhang Fan to sit down and said gently.

"Master, are you familiar with Zi Ying?"

Zhang Fan also asked at this moment.

"Zi Ying? You are talking about the person in charge of the Qianlong City Universe Alliance branch, right? He and I are good friends and have a very good relationship. Why, have you also had contact with him?"

Although I don't know why Zhang Fan asked this, Situ Zhong knew that his apprentice must have asked for a reason, so he answered directly and truthfully.

"Today, after we connected to the Universe Network, for the transformation of Feilongxing, I found Senior Ziying, and planned to let Universe Alliance Mall help us Feilongxing build a city.

Before, Senior Zi Ying and I had a close relationship. After that, I also revealed my identity, and only then did I know the relationship between Senior Ziying and you.

And he also promised to provide us Feilongxing with a four-tier city for free. He paid the money himself, but he made a request to me.

Moreover, I have agreed. "

Zhang Fan also spoke at this moment.

"Requirement? What is the requirement? Moreover, the value of the fourth-level city is at least tens of billions of cosmic coins. Even if it is a master, I cannot bear it now. And this requirement, I think it must be very harsh, why don't you discuss it with me A moment?

Although Zi Ying and I have a good relationship, don't forget that you know people and your face and don't know your heart. Sometimes, even your relatives can betray for profit, let alone a so-called "friend". "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Situ Zhong frowned at this moment, looking at Zhang Fan with some blame.

"Um, Master, this requirement does not seem to me excessive. It requires me to enter the top 10,000 in the next genius selection battle. If I can't make it, he hopes that I will join the Universe Alliance in the future."

Seeing Situ Zhong a little angry, Zhang Fan also said hurriedly.

"That's it, nothing else?"

Situ Zhong asked immediately.

"That's it." Zhang Fan nodded.

"That's okay. In that case, he should have seen your talent. However, it should be that you met him before and left some impressions that aroused his attention. Otherwise, if he first knew about your relationship with me, If you do, you will definitely notify me in advance."

After confirming that there were no other additional requirements, Situ Zhong was also relieved.

"Yeah, Master, I think you don't know my strength, and I have nothing to hide from you. Did you know that you have heard of the master?"

Nodding, Zhang Fan also looked at his master and asked directly. And asking that, Zhang Fan didn't intend to conceal the identity of his controller.

Although he didn't get along with Situ Zhong for a long time, Zhang Fan was able to know that the other party was sincere to him. At this point, according to Old Xing, whether a person is evil or not can't escape his eyes.

"The Is it the absolutely invincible existence among the spiritual masters, the master? That is the absolutely invincible existence among the spiritual masters.

In the entire universe, there are definitely no more than one hundred people in control. Once each one grows up, it is the most powerful trump card.

It is said that in the universe, only a few powerful physiques can compete with it, which is very scary.

Could it be that Afan, you turned out to be the master? "

Hearing Zhang Fan mentioning the word controller, Situ Zhong didn't react at first, but soon after recalling what he knew from his mind, the whole person suddenly got up and looked at Zhang Fan incredible. .

The reason why Situ Zhong knew the existence of the master was also because of the cultivation of swordsmanship, especially the art of swordsmanship, which to a certain extent also required his own strong mental power.

Therefore, Situ Zhong has also studied the spiritual teacher.

As for the master, the absolute king among the spiritual teachers, it can be said that he has also seen some introductions in a few words from the universe network.

In short, as long as one person has achieved the master, even if he is only the existence of the star noble realm, it will attract absolute attention.

Like today, let alone other things, if Zhang Fan directly stated his status as the master, it can be said that several holy sites can definitely be chosen at will, and even those strong in the ancestral realm will be directly accepted as disciples and ascend to the sky in one step.

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