Star-source Legend

Chapter 1158: Additional request

"Yes, because of some coincidences, I became the master. Moreover, my own combat power is not inferior to the spiritual teacher.

Although I am only in the middle stage of the Star-Moon realm, even if the big brother is now comprehending the third level of the domain, I have absolute certainty that I can defeat him. "

Zhang Fan is also full of absolute self-confidence at this moment.

"Haha, good, very good, I was really surprised. I didn't expect my apprentice to be the master of the legend. This time, Tenglong Pavilion will definitely be famous in the universe because of you.

Not to mention anything else, just relying on your status as the controller, Afan, you can be in the top one thousand, or even the top one hundred.

I planned to teach you personally before, but now, you should have another adventure of your own, so I won't interfere. In the future, I also want to see how far you will eventually hit. "

At this moment, Situ Zhong couldn't restrain his excitement either.

After all, no matter who it is, if he knows that his apprentice is the master, then it is estimated that Guangle can die with joy.

"Don't worry, Master, no matter how strong I am and to what extent in the future, you will always be my master. This will not change even if the universe is destroyed."

Zhang Fan also said at the moment.

"I believe this, otherwise you wouldn't have been recognized by the Starlight Sword. In addition to this matter, I think you should have other things to tell me, right?"

Situ Zhong nodded with satisfaction, and then asked.

"It's nothing, but Senior Ziying said that he helped me get a place to practice in the time secret realm. In that time secret realm, ten years of cultivation were inside, and only one year passed outside.

There is still close to three hundred years before the genius selection battle. In this case, I can be equivalent to three thousand years of cultivation. With so much time, all those who are lacking because of my age can be made up. "

Zhang Fan also said immediately.

"It turned out to be a time mystery? That's an excellent place for cultivation. Only the strong who understand the law of time can create this special cultivation space.

In theory, you have cultivated for three thousand years inside, and your age should be three thousand years, but in fact, your age is still calculated according to the outside, which means that it has been increased by three hundred years at most, and it is simply a super plug-in.

Many people think that your master and I have reached the ethereal realm in just a thousand years, but it is not. That's because I accidentally discovered a cultivation secret realm that could not last relatively long. There, I had practiced for at least 20,000 years before finally reaching my current strength.

After I came out, I calculated it and found that it was only about five hundred years outside. Unfortunately, the time mystery was too long, and there was no injection of the law of time. After I went there again, it had already collapsed. Opened and dissipated directly.

Otherwise, if you can go there. You will be able to cultivate for at least three thousand years this time, and you will be more confident when the time comes. "

Hearing Zhang Fan's mention of Time Secret Realm, Situ Zhong also appeared a little shocked and said.

"Master, in fact, for me now, it’s not good for me to practice for too long. After all, according to my estimation, even if there is no time mystery, it is only three hundred years, I am confident that I can break through. Xingyang realm.

And three thousand years is actually a long time for me.

The reason why I am willing to go to the Time Secret Realm this time is that I intend to take the time to integrate all my martial arts and martial arts when I first raise my strength to the peak of the Star-Moon realm, and then begin to condense my own domain.

In three thousand years, I think my own field can at least be improved to a good level.

When it's over, I want to ask Senior Ziying to see if I can give two more places. In this case, Senior Brother and Hong Lie can follow me to practice.

Although Hong Lie is still in the realm of the Star Lord, but in the time mystery realm, with sufficient resources, presumably it is completely enough to rise to the peak of the star-moon realm.

And the big brother, with three thousand years of accumulation, the strength can also go further. "

Zhang Fan also expressed his thoughts at this moment.

"Yeah, it is, but this time mystery place is very precious. Although I have a good friendship with Zi Ying, I can't get him to give more places, and I can only rely on you.

After all, he values ​​you very much, and he also thinks about giving him some help after you become the core disciple of the Universe Alliance or other holy places in the future.

I think he would not refuse this request. Of course, if it doesn't work, you don't have to be too forceful. "Nodded, Situ Zhong said.

"Okay, then, Master, you can rest early, and I will go to Senior Ziying after I go back."

Do what he said, Zhang Fan then left the pavilion where Situ Zhong was located and returned to his residence.

For the first time, Zhang Fan was connected to the Universe Network, and then he directly applied for a call with Zi Ying.

"Afan? Haven't rested yet? What's the matter for looking for me this time?"

After connecting, Zi Ying also appeared in the dialog box for the first time.

"Senior, I'm sorry to disturb you so late, but I have one thing I want to ask you. Of course, if it embarrass you, I will treat it as if I didn't say it."

Zhang Fan also said apologetically at this moment.

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