Star-source Legend

Chapter 1162: Tamron City


Soon, a powerful breath radiated directly from Zi Ying's body, making Zhang Fan also feel a tremendous pressure.

Immediately afterwards, a huge vortex appeared above the crowd, like a chaotic black hole.

Then, a city that seemed to exude an ancient atmosphere slowly flew out of the whirlpool.

The entire city looked huge, as if a huge monster directly obscured the entire sky, and everything around it seemed to be plunged into darkness in an instant.

In Zhang Fan's sight, he also saw that the entire city wall outside the city was obviously all poured with special alloys. Inside the city, the neat streets and buildings of various sizes are densely packed.


After a full hour, the entire city finally fully emerged from the whirlpool, and finally, under the control of Zi Ying, it slowly landed on the ground.

And this movement naturally attracted the attention of many people.

At this moment, everyone who came from behind saw the endless giant city in front of them, and their eyes were a little dull.

"Ah, Afan, is this what you said to transform the city? Is this city built directly?"

At this moment, Liu Yun looked at Zhang Fan tremblingly and asked, his expression was incredible.

"Hehe, this is a four-level city sold in the Universe Alliance Mall, which was built in advance. Its size is roughly equivalent to the area of ​​China on Earth.

And it has its own independent defense system, even at the pinnacle of the ethereal realm and even the powerhouses in the early stage of the Taoist realm cannot break the defense in a short time. "

Zhang Fan also explained with a smile at the moment.

"It's about the size of Huaxia, my god, this is too terrifying. Such a big city can be directly installed in the Dantian space, you can imagine the strength of this senior.

At the same time, I think the value of this city is absolutely beyond imagination. "

Liu Yun also asked immediately.

"That's true, this city is worth more than 10 billion Universe Coins." Zhang Fan said.

" much? More than 10 billion Cosmos Coins? My God, no wonder, but you guys are too rich, right? That's not 100 Cosmos Coins, that's 10 billion Cosmos Coins... "

At this moment, after hearing this number, Liu Yun also fell into sluggishness.

And the others are calculating the value of 10 billion Universe Coins in their hearts at this moment.

"Well, these are nothing, you know, Feilongxing will be the base camp for our earth warriors to come to the universe in the future. There is no similar city that can't be justified.

This is also the reason why I made the purchase of Flying Dragon Star.

Moreover, there is one more thing. If we don’t want to stay in Flying Dragon Star in the future, we can just put it away and find a new place.

This is also the reason why I bought this kind of city that can be directly moved independently.

Let's go, let's go in and take a good tour. This is a place we will often take in the future. Every corner needs to be familiar with. "

With that said, Zhang Fan flew into the city right away.

"Xiaogu, the management system of this city is directly handed over to you."

At the same time, Zhang Fan spoke to Xiao Gu, and then released Xiao Gu out.

"Do not worry."

Afterwards, Xiao Gu directly lased towards the control center of the entire city.

In just less than three minutes before and after, a light mask appeared directly in the entire city, and the sign above the entrance of the city gate also appeared three words --- "Tenglong City".

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