Star-source Legend

Chapter 1163: Defense and weapons

"Hehe, I think this must be Afan, you thought about it in advance."

Looking at the three characters "Tenglong City", Zi Ying also said in advance.

"Yes, before, Master planned to give up the name of Shushan Jiange and integrate it directly into Tenglong Pavilion, and Tenglong Pavilion is also the name of a power I advocated to create.

This is why the manor I bought in Luan Yuxing is called Tenglong Manor, and the code name of my martial arts field is Tenglong.

For some indescribable reasons, our hometown has always been in a relatively weak and backward situation. I named it Tenglong Pavilion, and I also hope that one day our hometown can really take off like a dragon flying into the sky.

And this city will become our long-term living place for a long time in the future, so the name of Tenglong City is the most suitable. "

Zhang Fan also nodded at the moment.

"Well, that's the case, but I believe the name of Tenglong Pavilion will soon be heard throughout the universe. Let's go, let's go in and visit together.

To be honest, the four-level city built by the Universe Alliance Mall, I have not carefully visited it myself, but I can guarantee that this city is very powerful in all aspects. To put it bluntly, it is like a The innate defensive fortress is general. "

Nodding, Zi Ying also called everyone to walk towards Tenglong City.

"When the headquarters sent this city over, I also briefly looked at the functions. In general, this is a city that I admire very much.

Many people may think that the price to pay for such a city is not small at first, but this type of city is the most suitable place to live in a group, especially in our level of Qianlong galaxy. With such a city, I think unless it is a powerful man who has provoke the Dao Sage realm, no one will threaten the safety of Feilongxing.

I won’t talk about the defense of this city. As far as I know, this city also has its own weapon system, including powerful star destroyers and railguns, which can threaten the powers of the ethereal realm. Powerful weapon.

Coupled with the energy tower to be installed on Feilongxing later, it can be said that the entire Feilongxing, even a fly can't fly in.

Here, you can develop your own forces boldly and at ease without worrying about too many hidden dangers.

Of course, the value of this city is not what you can imagine, for which A Fan can be described as bleeding. You can't have any slack in the future, because you are Afan's hope for persistence. "

As he walked, Zi Ying also spoke.

Hearing what Zi Ying said, everyone nodded solemnly.

What the other party said was not wrong. Indeed, for a long time, if it weren't for Zhang Fan's existence, it is estimated that most of them are still staying in the earth.

And the final result is that the time limit may be approaching in less than a few hundred years. How can it be possible that everyone has a life span of more than 100,000 years?

"Xiaogu, let me introduce the specific situation of this Dragon City."

Zhang Fan also spoke directly at this time.

"Okay, then I will talk about some basic conditions so that everyone can understand. This city, I named Tenglong City according to Afan's request.

The entire Tamron City is 1,500 kilometers long and 750 kilometers wide. Here, all kinds of buildings are available.

The whole Tamron City is also divided into an inner city and an outer city. The inner city is used for some important people to live in, and the outer city is for the slaves and foreigners to live and survive.

After all, the prosperity of a planet can't just rely on ourselves, but also need to develop with Luangyu City, Qianlong City, a city with profound historical heritage.

The outer city is further divided into eight areas, each area is very even.

In general, this city is large enough to accommodate a billion people.

As for defense, the entire city has a total of three defenses. The light shield you saw just now is the most basic defense, able to withstand the attacks of the powerful in the Netherworld.

And the highest level of the third defense is able to withstand the attacks of the powerful in the early stages of the Dao Sacred Realm. It can be said that with this ability, its value can be bearable even if it is more expensive.

In terms of weapons, the most powerful ones are naturally star destroyers and rail guns. Of course, each area is also equipped with a large number of energy cannons, which can be said to be directly transformed into a war fortress in the first place.

In general, the defense and attack methods of the entire city are perfectly combined. The most important thing is when encountering force majeure, such as one day when the lifespan of the dragon star arrives, or when we are migrating to another planet, The entire city can be directly collected into the Dantian space, which is very convenient. "

Hearing Zhang Fan's request, Xiao Gu's voice was also directly transmitted from all directions, causing everyone including Zhang Fan himself to leak a look of surprise and satisfaction.

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