Star-source Legend

Chapter 1165: Arrange the gossip array

"Yes, I think you should have heard of Feng Shui Master, Master? If you don't know Feng Shui Master, I think you should know Master Yuan Tiangang? It's a profession similar to him.

And Grandpa Xu is considered to be the most adept at this aspect among the people on earth today, and can make the most of the power of the heavens and the earth, including the power of the stars and special fields, and the power that can be exerted is sometimes human Unable to resist.

This time I set up the innate gossip array, and I also need Grandpa Xu to help me in this aspect of the aura. "

Nodded, Zhang Fan also said directly.

"Oh? If Xu Yuan's career is really the same as Yuan Tiangang's career, then he is simply a natural formation mage, which I didn't expect.

I also met Yuan Tiangang’s boy at the beginning. In that era, it can be said that there were not many qi practitioners, and that boy also reached the star state, especially in the geomancy feng shui and the dragon hunting point. The first person at the time, I really appreciate it.

But then he disappeared mysteriously. When I left, I looked for his figure, but I found nothing in the end. Come to think of it, one is that he has encountered some danger and died directly, and the other is that he has found some hidden practice. After all, he is practicing in the dark, and the last one is the most likely to happen in my opinion, that is the same as me. A great teleportation array was discovered, and it finally came to the universe.

With his talents and achievements, he may now be at least a powerhouse in the star-sun realm or even the ethereal realm.

Especially in the formation together, it has a unique advantage.

Xu Yuan's talent is limitless. As for the top Array Mage, it is more terrifying than the controller. A formation can even directly affect a large star field, which is very abnormal. "

Situ Zhong was also very surprised when he heard Zhang Fan say that Xu Yuan was a character similar to Yuan Tiangang.

"Yeah, I think so too. Grandpa Xu's talent is not bad, but because of the earth's environment at the time and some special reasons, his cultivation speed was slower.

During the time I came to the universe, I also bought a lot of videos about formations from the universe network for Grandpa Xu to watch. It can be said that I have gained a lot.

Nowadays, although Grandpa Xu's strength has only reached the sixth heaven of the Star-Lord Realm, he has arranged a formation that even the two slaves, Hughes and Shi Feng, I'm afraid they can't break through.

I believe this time it will definitely help us a little bit.

When the time comes, I will cooperate with my mental power. I think it should be no problem to construct the rough framework directly in about two days. "

Nodded, Zhang Fan also agreed.

And the others, when they heard Xu Yuan actually call Master Yuan Tiangang, they laughed bitterly, but they couldn't say anything.

After all, although the former has a wide reputation in China, it has a mythical color.

But his master was a character more than 2,000 years ago. If you count it, your master is more than a thousand years older than Yuan Tiangang. It is normal to call him a kid.

"It's getting late, everyone go and rest first, Grandpa Xu, you stay."

Zhang Fan looked at everyone at this time and said.

Subsequently, only Zhang Fan, Xu Yuan and Situ Zhong stayed.

"Grandpa Xu, to set up the gossip array, the first thing I need is the formation base. I have already purchased these things in advance, and what we need to do is to portray the patterns one by one, and finally put the formations one by one. Eye arrangement.

What you need to do is to find out the position of the formation, can you? "

Zhang Fan looked at Xu Yuan and asked.

"Yeah, this is not a big problem. I have also observed the changes in Feilongxing’s aura before. It can be considered that I have mastered a certain rule. Of course, it takes time. So, tonight, I will hurry up to eight Find out the position of the formation base directly, so that you will be easier afterwards."

Nodded, Xu Yuan also said.

"Okay, then I will work hard for you, Grandpa Xu. In this way, I will let Nan He accompany you. His strength has reached the peak of the Xingyang realm, and his speed is very fast. This can also save a lot of time.

Otherwise, flying back and forth would consume a lot of power. "

Nodded, Zhang Fan also said directly, and then asked Xiao Gu to inform Nan He to rush over and leave with Xu Yuan.

In one night, Xu Yuan also succeeded in finding eight suitable positions for the formation, which shocked Situ Zhong.

After all, Xu Yuan’s own strength only comes from the realm of Xingjue. In such a short period of time, if you want to find a suitable position, the difficulty can be imagined. Of course, this also shows that Xu Yuan’s talent in the formation is very good. terror.

After that, things were much simpler, Situ Zhong personally took the shot to portray the formation, coupled with Zhang Fan's mental power, everything is ready.

What is needed is to find strong enough energy to activate the gossip array.

Of course, this is not necessary for the time being. After all, to activate the gossip array, according to Situ Zhong’s words, at least a large number of top-level energy stones are needed. This type of energy stone is considered to be the most top-level existence among star stones. At least it has reached hundreds of millions of universe coins.

A total of eight are needed, which means that it costs billions of Cosmic Coins.

They don't have any enemies at the moment, and Tamron City's own defense is enough. The gossip array is only arranged just in case.

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