Star-source Legend

Chapter 1166: Converge

Three days passed in an instant.

Today, it is also Zhang Fan and Lin Fan still have time for Hong Lie to leave.

"Master, everything here is up to you. In the selection of geniuses three hundred years later, we will surely let the name of Tenglong Pavilion ring throughout the universe and let everyone know that we are Situ Zhong's apprentices.

Ruyan, Qianqian, Saoya, parents will leave it to you, especially since our mother is pregnant now, we must pay attention to everything.

I have already ordered the corresponding arrangements. You only need to wait patiently for my return.

Remember, during the period of my absence, remember to find my master if you have anything to do, and your own cultivation cannot be abandoned. In three hundred years, with your talents, there will be no problems in reaching the Star-Moon Realm.

Xiaotong, you too, remember to agree to the request of the senior Ziying, although he only requires you to reach the three-star chef, but I hope you can improve further, because I know your talent.

But you have to remember that no matter it is any profession, you need your own strong strength to support it. Therefore, your strength can never be lost. I believe Master will always remind you of this.

Master, Xiaojin Xiaohuo, and Niulongjiao, they waited for the time to come, you remember to let them take the transformation pill I gave you. To be honest, it has been a long time.

They all have a good bloodline of sacred beasts. After the transformation, I believe that their own strength must be able to enter a large outbreak in a short time. In the future, they will not only be our partners, but will also become the guardian beasts of everyone. . "

Outside the Tenglong City Gate, Zhang Fan also looked at the people who were reluctant, and said.

"Don't worry, Afan, I'm here for everything. The three of you are the first time to go to a high-level star field. When you go outside, you must know how to forbear, even if you are wronged, don't be angry for everyone.

The so-called revenge of a gentleman is not too late for ten years. I think you understand this truth.

When it comes to the time secret, it’s good to hurry up and practice. If you have the opportunity to meet other young and powerful people, don’t miss it. Only if your own knowledge is broad enough can you reach greater heights.

Safe journey. "

At this moment, Situ Zhong also looked at Zhang Fan and said with blessings.

"Husband, come back early."

Liu Ruyan and the others also spoke in unison.

After they nodded gently at Liu Ruyan, Zhang Fan and the three of them walked into a very beautiful spaceship that looked like a diamond.

The size of the entire spacecraft is about the same as that of the spacecraft left by the Nallo that Zhang Fan took before. Of course, it has more functions.

This is also the latest four-level spacecraft that Zhang Fan asked Xiaogu to purchase from the Universe Online Mall, which cost a full 13 million Universe Coins.

It can be said that both defense and attack methods are much better than the previous one auctioned at Qianlong Auction House.


Soon, the spacecraft started, and in an instant, it disappeared from everyone's sight.

A few hours later, Zhang Fan and their spacecraft also successfully landed at the mooring port near Qianlong City.

Afterwards, the three directly went to the Universe Alliance Mall branch of Qianlong City for the first time.

"Hehe, Afan, are you here so fast?"

Soon, after receiving the notice, Zi Ying took Zhang Fan and the three directly into a room.

"Hey, it should be, when do we set off, senior?"

Smiling, Zhang Fan asked with a smile looking at Zi Ying.

"Hehe, we set off in the afternoon, so don't worry so much.

This time, in order to avoid conflicts between you and other people's cultivation, especially this senior is very optimistic about you, so this time secret is also used for the three of you alone, which is also for your safety.

Wait for the genius selection battle three hundred years later, you can't let this senior down. "

Smiling, Zi Ying also said.

"Even for the three of us to use it alone? Is this senior so optimistic about us?"

Zhang Fan also seemed very surprised at this moment.

After all, the time secret realm, even if it is because of its special power and the law of time, the space inside is enough to accommodate many people, and every place is very precious.

Now, directly letting them use it alone for three hundred years, which Zhang Fan never expected.

He is not so confident that just because the other party knows through the video that his strength is good, he will get such a good treatment. Among them, he should have done a lot of work if he wanted to come to Zi Ying.

"Hehe, I won't hide it from you up to now. This senior is actually of the same race as me and is considered an ancestor of mine.

I was able to enter the Universe Alliance through his relationship with the elderly.

This time, I also poured some honey soup for him, so you must not let down my expectations. "

Smiling, Zi Ying also said without concealment.

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