Star-source Legend

Chapter 1188: Crazy fight

"Hehe, I was planning to enter in person to inform you, but I didn't expect that I came out, how about it, what was the harvest in the three thousand years?"

As Zhang Fan and the others appeared in the palace, at this moment, Mu Lingzi and Ziying were waiting in place early. ’

Looking at the three of them, Mu Lingzi also asked with a smile.

"Thank you predecessors for providing us with such a good cultivation environment. In three thousand years, each of us has gained a lot.

Apart from other things, this time, I have the confidence to enter the top ten thousand, or even more advanced position, and only in this way, can I respect the predecessors, and be worthy of all the predecessors you provide us. "

Looking at Mu Lingzi at this moment, Zhang Fan also spoke directly and confidently.

"Well, confidence is a good thing. You are not a blind and arrogant person. I am waiting for your good news. The same is true for both of you.

However, according to the news I got, this time, the Star-Moon Peak Martial Artists who participated in the genius selection battle alone reached nearly 70 billion. This is because of the quota, so the number has been greatly reduced, but these 70 billion stars The martial artists at the peak of the Moon Realm can be said to have some talents, some of them are the most powerful, and the time for real cultivation is beyond your imagination, especially in the field, and some people have reached the eighth level. weight.

Therefore, while you maintain your confidence, you must not be careless.

By the way, to what extent is your field now? "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Mu Lingzi's expression was also full of admiration, and he asked.

"Don’t tell me seniors, my current domain has reached the seventh level, and my senior brother Lin Fan has reached the peak of the sixth level, and is only a little short of the seventh level. As for Hong Lie, because his original strength was relatively low. , After spending a lot of time improving the strength to the peak of the Star-Moon Realm, the current domain has also reached the fifth level."

Zhang Fan also spoke directly.

"What? You mean that the three of you have reached the fifth level of the realm at the lowest in only three thousand years, and you have reached the seventh level?

how can that be? My God, just relying on this, I don't doubt what you just said.

You know, for many people, it takes tens of thousands of years to improve the first aspect of their field. Sometimes longer. Just like this time, although there appeared the martial artist's own domain reached the eighth level, it was because they had cultivated at least hundreds of thousands of years in the time mystery.

Many people, in order to participate in this genius selection battle, have always suppressed their own strength and have always been in the peak state of the star-moon realm. Many of them even participated in the previous cosmic genius selection battle.

And you, if you count it down, a few hundred years will be the first level of improvement. If this spreads out, even if you don't participate in the cosmic genius selection battle, you are qualified to join the powerful forces or holy places.

This news is the best news I have heard in so many years. At that time, I will personally take you to Shenhui Universe Kingdom to participate in the genius selection battle through the universe network. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Mu Lingzi was also taken aback.

After all, Zhang Fan and the others have achieved too much. This kind of cultivation speed has never been encountered before for tens of millions of years.

"A Fan, you really gave me a great surprise. Before, I also bet with my ancestors that besides Lin Fan, among you, at least you can raise your domain to the fourth level.

After all, I heard your master talk about your talents. Although you don't have a special bloodline, if you really are fighting, Hong Lie, who is carrying the bloodline of Titan, is far from you in the same level.

Now, your performance is beyond my expectation. This time in the selection of geniuses, I think the name of Tenglong Pavilion will truly resound throughout the universe.

At this point, I really have to admire the guy Situ.

"Let's say this slowly on the road. We haven't left Jupiter for millions of years. This time, in order to ensure your safety, I will personally accompany you back to the Qianlong galaxy first, and then to the Shenhui universe. "

At this moment, Mu Lingzi also spoke.

"Oh, by the way, Afan, I think you will be surprised when you go back. The current flying dragon star has the support of the ancestor and another strong man. It can be said that the development is very fast, and Tamron Ge has also become much stronger.

Especially your younger brother, his talent is not much worse than yours. Now it has reached the middle stage of the Star-Moon realm in three hundred years, and is now about to reach the golden rank of the martial arts field.

And this point also attracted the attention of a predecessor in the martial arts field who was at the pinnacle of the Dao Sage realm like the ancestor, and made Feilongxing's tremendous development.

After your brother reaches the golden rank, Senior Kuangzhan will personally accept your brother as his apprentice, and he is also his only apprentice.

All this can be said to be bad luck. "

At this moment, Zi Ying also spoke.

"Hehe, I think you don't know much about Crazy Battle. He is the absolute ruler of the Universe League's current martial arts field, and his teacher is the deputy leader of the Universe League, a powerful figure at the pinnacle of the ancestral realm.

This also makes the prestige of mad fighting spread throughout the universe.

In the realm of Dao Sage Peak, the strength of Kuangzhan is enough to rank in the top ten. It is even said that he escaped safely in the hands of a strong man in the early ancestral realm.

Your brother can let him be accepted as a direct disciple, it can be said that it is simply a step up to the sky, and there are absolutely few people in the entire universe who dare to offend your brother.

A warrior of the Qianlong galaxy was able to attract the attention of Kuangzhan. To be honest, I felt incredible when I learned the news.

After all, at the beginning of the mad war, even a lot of warriors who reached the golden rank did not look up. "

At this moment, Mu Lingzi also explained.

And hearing what Mu Lingzi said, Zhang Fan was surprised at the same time he was proud.

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