Star-source Legend

Chapter 1189: Advanced Intelligent Life

First, he knew that his mother gave birth to a younger brother, and secondly, what he didn't expect was that his younger brother's talent was so powerful.

It took three hundred years to reach the middle stage of the Star-Moon Realm, which may be a lot worse than him, but that was because he had merged the Star Source Fragments at the beginning, so he had a substantial improvement.

If he cultivates normally, perhaps his own cultivation speed is far lower than his younger brother.

The most important thing is that his younger brother is already about to reach the golden rank, which is much better than himself.

Close to tens of thousands of consecutive victories, this is not what ordinary people can do, no wonder it will attract the attention of the martial arts field.

"I really look forward to seeing them back this time, especially my brother. I have to prepare a good gift for him."

Zhang Fan also said aloud at this moment.

"Haha, you have already given them the best gift. Without you, they would not have their current development. I also went to Feilongxing many times in the middle, and they were all very concerned about your situation.

Especially your three wives, it can be said that if it were not forbidden, they would like to come to Ju Lingxing and wait silently. "

Looking at Zhang Fan, Zi Ying also smiled and said.

"Don't think too much, wait until you go back to talk about everything. There are still about six months before the final start of the genius selection station. This time, if you go back, you should be able to arrive in my spacecraft within three days. Stay a few days It is necessary to go to Shenhui Star."

At this time, Mu Lingzi also spoke.

Then, when he arrived in an empty place, Mu Lingzi directly released the spacecraft he had.

This is a small spaceship with a pale green body printed with the unique mark of the Universe Alliance. It is fifteen meters long, eight meters wide, and about six meters high.

It doesn't look very big, and it can only accommodate less than ten people at most.

However, Zhang Fan and the others knew very well that the spacecraft owned by Mu Lingzi had reached at least the second level.

"Hehe, I spent a lot of money to let the Universe Alliance Mall build it for me alone. Of course, I made all the materials.

Because the level of this spacecraft uses the technology of the mechanical family, and there is a high-level intelligent being, it can be regarded as a second-level spacecraft.

Its maximum speed is enough to reach three hundred times the speed of light, and its defense is also very powerful, even the strong in the early stage of the ancestral realm cannot break its defense in a short time.

In particular, although this spacecraft is relatively small, it is equipped with a mechanical clan star cannon. Even a warrior in the realm of mine dare not resist.

In all, it has not been used for nearly a million years. "

Looking at this spaceship, Mu Lingzi also introduced with a smile, his eyes full of memories.

"Kongyun, open the spaceship."

At this time, Mu Lingzi also immediately said to the spaceship.

"Okay, Master."

Soon, a voice sounded directly, and then, the entire spacecraft was directly activated in an instant, and at the same time, the hatch was also directly opened.

"Go in." Mu Lingzi said.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan and the others followed Mu Lingzi into the spaceship.

As soon as they entered the spaceship, Zhang Fan and the others saw a middle-aged man wearing a white robe standing quietly.

"Kongyun has seen the master."

Seeing Mu Lingzi, this man also knelt on one knee directly, saying hello respectfully.

"Hehe, let's not be so polite between us. Depending on your situation, you have obviously become a high-level intelligent being. The treasure you got that time seems to really help you."

Looking at the middle-aged man, Mu Lingzi also said with a smile.

"Yes, Master, the treasure you gave me is very suitable for the evolution of intelligent life, and it has not lived up to your expectations. I am now an advanced intelligent life and can provide you with better help to the owner."

Nodded, Kongyun was also very grateful.

And Zhang Fan and the others also knew that the middle-aged man in front of him was an intelligent life like Xiao Gu, and he had reached a high level.

Although the intelligence statement has little combat effectiveness before it officially becomes a mechanical clan, an advanced intelligent life, as long as it has enough materials, can create very powerful spaceships, and even various weapons, to a certain extent. For the warriors played a huge help.

Of course, as long as it reaches the scope of intelligent life, and to a certain extent, as long as there is enough material, it can start to manufacture various powerful weapons, even spacecraft, and so on.

It's just that the higher the level, the more powerful weapons or other things that can be made.

However, if you want to build a second-level spacecraft, you must be a member of the mechanical clan.

High-level beings like Kongyun can, at best, create Tier 3 spacecraft.

However, this alone is very powerful. A three-tier spacecraft is worth at least hundreds of billions of cosmic coins.

"Kongyun, start the spacecraft, this time we will go to a relatively remote galaxy called Qianlong Galaxy, where there is a flying dragon star.

You directly call up the star map, then adjust the coordinates, just go directly.

By the way, you should have met Zi Ying. These three are my juniors, they are very talented, and they plan to participate in this cosmic genius selection competition. "

At this time, Mu Lingzi also spoke to Kongyun, and also introduced Zhang Fan and others to Kongyun.

"Hehe, being able to be valued so much by you, master, obviously has no talent to say, hello, my name is Kongyun, I am a high-level intelligent being.

Looking at the three of Zhang Fan, Kong Yun also asked.

"Um, hello, Senior Kongyun."

Zhang Fan and the three of them hurriedly responded. The opponent is Mu Lingzi's intelligent life, and has reached a high level, not to mention his age, in many respects, just creating a weapon is not something Zhang Fan and the others can fight against. Therefore, the respect that is required is necessary.

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