Star-source Legend

Chapter 1198: Endless aftertaste

"Yes, very good. In my opinion, the level of this dish is at least level 4. Although I don't know what ingredients you use, but the energy contained in this dish is just a small piece of energy. The petals are not inferior to a four-level pill, which is very rare.

Especially this petal, as soon as it entered the mouth, it melted on its own, and at the same time, there were four flavors of sweet, sour, bitter and spicy, which is really memorable.

Very good, I will have endless aftertastes for this, girl, I will provide all the resources you need in the future. Of course, it is not without requirements, that is, when I come to Feilongxing to find you, you must cook me the most prepared food for me alone. "

At this moment, after tasting Guo Xiaotong's memorable delicacy, Mu Lingzi also appeared very satisfied, and said directly at this moment.

"Ah? Senior, do you mean I passed the test? Hee hee, great, thank you senior, I will continue to work hard and not let you down."

At this moment, Guo Xiaotong also seemed very happy after hearing Mu Lingzi's words.

"Haha, try it too, Xiaotong's recipe is endless. It can be said to a certain extent that it is similar to the five-star chefs.

Not to mention the curative effect, but only the taste, the aftertaste of this dish is endless, it is like the name of the dish, and it is difficult to forget the taste in a short time. "

Mu Lingzi smiled and said to Zhang Fan.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan and the others tasted a petal alone, and then gave Guo Xiaotong a thumbs up.

For nothing else, just this idea is to make everyone admire.

Not only the deadly fragrance is delicious, but the sweet, sweet, bitter and spicy is the perfect combination. It can be said that it is the most memorable delicacy Zhang Fan has eaten so far.

Of course, other delicacies taste good, and each has its own merits. In this regard, it takes less than ten minutes from everyone to have a large table of delicacies without leaving any leftovers, and you can see Guo Xiaotong's craftsmanship.

"Very good. Generally speaking, most of the master chefs are male warriors, and there are few female warriors' master chefs. However, female warriors serve as master chefs, which has one more advantage than male warriors, and that is delicate.

Every dish just now, no matter where it came from, was unable to pick out any faults for a while. At least, at this level you are currently at, I think there should be no opponents.

I believe that old man is definitely willing to accept you as a disciple. Of course, this will have to wait for Afan and the others to participate in the cosmic genius selection battle before I can take you to the universe alliance.

This is an unregistered bank card of Universe Bank with a Universe Unit in it. Believe it is enough to make you rise to a four-star peak or even a five-star chef.

The money in it will be automatically replenished after you spend it.

Of course, this is my personal support for you. You can use this money to buy the resources for your own cultivation and the precious ingredients you need to improve your cooking skills.

As for other things, I don’t want you to waste it. When the time comes, I will check your progress.

Of course, I will not interfere with how the money is used and how it is used.

However, the next time you meet, that is, after your brothers and others have participated in the selection battle of cosmic geniuses, I hope you have become a four-star chef. "

After drinking and eating, Mu Lingzi looked at Guo Xiaotong with admiration at this moment and said, and at the same time a light flashed in his hand, and suddenly a bank card of the Universe Bank was handed to Guo Xiaotong.

"One cosmic unit? Isn’t that one trillion cosmic coins? My god, no, senior, this is too much. According to my estimate, a four-star chef will need billions of cosmic coins. ."

At this moment, when Guo Xiaotong saw that there was a cosmic unit's money in the bank card, the whole person was in a sluggish state for an instant, and finally recovered and hurriedly refused.

"Hehe, let you keep it. This money is astronomical to you, but to me, it's not much.

This is what I promised you before.

According to my estimation, this amount of money can only promote you to the level of a five-star chef. In the future, if you want to improve your level, the resources you need are astronomical.

Of course, as long as you are certified as a master chef, especially after reaching the five-star level, it can be said that each holy site will allow you to join and give you enough resources.

I will give you a cosmic unit in advance, which can be regarded as an early investment. In the future, at least when I want to taste good food, I don't need to bother to pay too much to find other chefs. That's it.

If you have the strength to reach the seven-star chef in the future, it can be said that every delicacy you make is sky-high.

Because of that level of cuisine, the effect that can be achieved is not inferior to ten seven-level pills, and there are no major side effects. "

Looking at Guo Xiaotong, Mu Lingzi also opened his mouth and said, full of expectation.

"Well, thank you senior, don't worry, my goal is not the seven-star chef, but the legendary nine-star chef. This is my current highest pursuit."

Guo Xiaotong also accepted the bank card at this moment, and said confidently.

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