Star-source Legend

Chapter 1199: go away

"Okay, with ambitions, if you have the hope of becoming a nine-star divine cook in the future, you can even play a role that surpasses the pill king of the gods.

At that time, even the strong in the ancestral realm will have many active friendships with you.

Of course, if you want to reach the nine-star divine cook, your own strength also needs to reach the ancestral realm. Whether it is an alchemist, a divine chef, or a formation mage, before the four-star level, as long as it is in the star and moon realm, it is possible to achieve it.

However, when it comes to five stars, it needs the star-sun realm, and six stars needs the ethereal realm.

Seven stars and eight stars need the strength of the Dao Sage Realm to be able to support it.

Therefore, your cultivation cannot be left behind. The money I gave you is enough to allow you to cultivate to the middle or even late stage of the ethereal realm. "

Hearing what Guo Xiaotong said, Mu Lingzi also appreciated it very much, and at this moment he also spoke directly.

"Yes, Xiaotong, you have to practice hard. While improving your cooking skills, you can't lose your strength."

Zhang Fan said immediately.

"Afan, I'll give you three days. In these three days, you have arranged everything, and then we will set off to Shenhuixing to participate in the selection of cosmic geniuses.

In this competition for the selection of cosmic geniuses, each cosmic country first selects a certain number of places, and then 10,800 geniuses selected by the cosmic country will gather together to decide the final ranking.

Even at the speed of my spacecraft, it would normally take more than ten years to reach Shenhui Star.

Therefore, this time, we need to take a spaceship to the White Sun Star in the White Sun Starfield, and then to the Shenhui Star through the teleportation circle. "

Mu Lingzi looked at Zhang Fan and said at this time.

"Hmm, senior, I see, three days is enough."

Zhang Fan also nodded.

After that, Zhang Fan also let people arrange the most luxurious residences for Mu Lingzi and Ziying, and he himself went to Liu Yun, Murongtian and others individually.

Everyone Zhang Fan gave them some resources and money.

This is the only thing he can do right now.

Regardless of whether it was Liu Yun, Murong Tian, ​​Liu Hui, and others, they naturally understood why Zhang Fan did this.

They are arrogant in their hearts, and they have always hoped to achieve something. This time of parting, although everyone is very reluctant to give up, this is something that must be experienced on the road to becoming a strong man.

After that, Zhang Fan stayed with his parents and three wives. As for Zhang Tenglong, Zhang Fan also passed him a lot of powerful soul defense secrets.

Originally, Zhang Fan planned to pass "Chaos Promise" to his younger brother, but Mr. Xing said that "Chaos Promise" is not suitable for Zhang Tenglong, and perhaps only the legendary master can practice.

And because of the fusion of Star Source Fragments, I became a spiritual teacher through the practice of "Chaos Promise" after the body has undergone a certain degree of change.

Normal people who want to practice "Chaos Promise" must be born with strong spiritual power. "Chaos Promise" is said to have been acquired by Xing Lao and "Xuan Tian Ling Zhi Jue". The two complement each other and are indispensable.

And if you want to practice these two techniques, unless Zhang Tenglong himself can also fuse Star Source Fragments.

After all, the two exercises, according to Xing Lao's speculation, were produced after the explosion of the star source, and to a certain extent they were equivalent to the original method.

In addition, some of the top powerhouses in the universe can even silently check all of a person's memory. Naturally, it is impossible for Zhang Tenglong to practice his own techniques.

When one day, when Zhang Fan is invincible in the universe, and even becomes the Venerable Universe, his brother will naturally not limit what he wants to cultivate.

At least, for now, the exercises given by his brother's frenzied warfare is one of the most powerful exercises in the universe.

As for the three women, Zhang Fan also agreed to wait for him to have a child with them after he finished the cosmic genius selection battle.

Otherwise, I always practice outside, spending too much time with the three girls, and Liu Ruyan and the others will feel extremely lonely in the long run.

It is also better to be accompanied by a child.

Three days' time was soon over. At this moment, Zhang Fan, Hong Lie, Lin Fan, Mu Lingzi, and Zi Ying were standing in front of the spacecraft.

In the distance, everyone headed by Situ Zhong also looked at Zhang Fan with dismay.

"Brother, you have to come on. I will take care of my parents and sister-in-law, don't worry."

At this time, Zhang Tenglong also ran forward with some dismay, hugged Zhang Fan, and said.

"Well, Aaron, I'll leave it to you here. If you have anything, you can talk to Master. Moreover, we will be able to contact the Universe Network in the future. I will tell you my entry number at that time, so you can Check my entry status anytime."

Patting his brother on the shoulder, Zhang Fan also said with a smile.

"Don't worry, brother, I know. You have to come on, we are here waiting for your good news."

Zhang Tenglong also promised.

After that, Zhang Fan waved at Situ Zhong, his relatives and friends, and then turned and stepped onto the spaceship.

Lin Fan and Hong Lie also followed closely.

And Liu Yun and the others watched Hong Lie and Zhang Fan enter the spacecraft, and they were very disappointed.

After Zhang Fan and the others leave, they will also travel to various places in the universe one after another to experience and explore. They don't know what dangers are in the future, and it may even be the last time they meet.

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