Star-source Legend

Chapter 1403: Out of the secret

"Haha, it has been a full 50,000 years since you started to fall into a state of epiphany. Of course, in the time mystery, it has actually been 10 million years."

At this moment, Elder Ebi smiled and replied.

"What? Fifty thousand years have passed outside? My God, what about my friends? What's their situation?"

Zhang Fan couldn't believe what he heard.

I originally thought that this time, at most, it was the past few decades of the outside world. I didn't expect that 50,000 years had passed directly. This was far beyond Zhang Fan's expectation.

In fifty thousand years, many things may not be able to be reversed.

"Hehe, don't worry about this. Your friends in the Cosmic Alliance are doing very well today. Everyone has reached the middle stage of the ethereal realm. As for the dragon soul, it has reached the latter stage. Now they are already Choosing to join the law enforcement team to complete each of the tasks to experience themselves.

As for your relatives and friends, everyone nowadays is basically in the middle or even late stage of the ethereal realm, especially the powerful Titan bloodline, Hong Lie, who is now only one step away from entering the Taoist realm. When participating in a relatively cruel experience, he forcibly blasted and killed a monster who had reached the early stage of Dao Sage realm, very powerful. "

Looking at the somewhat unacceptable Zhang Fan, Hai Lao also said with a smile.

"Huh, that's good. Otherwise, if something happens to some people in these fifty thousand years, I will feel very uncomfortable in my heart. Fortunately, I am not bad, and now I have also reached the pinnacle of the ethereal realm.

To be honest, this powerful feeling is really good. This is a powerful force that I have never dared to imagine before. "

Hearing what Hailao said, Zhang Fan was also relieved at this moment.


It was also at this time that a figure suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Fan and Hai Lao, who was the leader of the Universe Alliance who had received the news.



Seeing the cracking sky appear, both Zhang Fan and Hai Lao looked very respectful.

"Haha, yes, you have reached the peak of the ethereal realm when you just left the barrier, which is quite unexpected. If I see it correctly, Afan, your own mental state cultivation base should be no less than some Dao. Isn't it a strong saint realm?

There is also the breath radiating from your whole body. I can very clearly feel the existence of the power of swallowing and the power of space. To a certain extent, it has even exceeded the law, and I have officially entered the road.

It seems that this time of epiphany has gained extraordinary results, and it will not take long for you to break through to the realm of Dao Sage.

For more than fifty thousand years of Dao Sage realm powerhouse, it can be said that if this news spreads, it will shock the entire universe.

As for the role played by the time mystery, in fact, many people in the ethereal realm and even the Taoist realm will stay in the time mystery for cultivation and promotion if they have the opportunity. The time required is far beyond your imagination.

You have just left the customs, I will give you two days, two days later, Hai Lao, you brought Afan to me. I have new arrangements for you. "

Looking at Zhang Fan, a satisfying expression flashed across the Sky Split's expression at this moment, and at the same time, he finally commanded him.

"Yes, Master."

"Okay, leader."

Zhang Fan and Hai Lao also nodded. Then the split sky disappeared in place.

As for Zhang Fan, he walked out of the time mystery with Hai Lao.

"Your residence has already been arranged, so you can be regarded as living with the leader. There, everything is what you need. Let's go, I will take you there first, and then you will be free to move around. Two days later, I will take you there. Looking for the leader, the leader should have his own plan for your next cultivation."

At this moment, Elder Hai also looked at Zhang Fan and said, then he directly waved with one hand, and directly took Zhang Fan into the sky and headed towards the center area. At this moment, Zhang Fan looked at the surrounding scenes with surprise.

"Is this the Universe Alliance? It's so beautiful. Elder Hai, this should be a special plane space, right? I don't know how big this space is?"

Zhang Fan was also admired at this moment, and asked Hai Lao.

"Let me tell you that, the size of the entire space, even with the strength of the leader, requires nearly an hour of full flight to be able to rush from one side to the other.

Its area is even larger than that of the Shenhui Star of the Shenhui Universe Kingdom before you. "

Ebin also explained patiently.

"My God, this range is too big, right?"

Zhang Fan was also shocked at the moment. You know, Shenhui Star is large enough to reach hundreds of light years. This is only the Universe Alliance, the size of the entire Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing is absolutely beyond his imagination.

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