Star-source Legend

Chapter 1404: New residence

"Hehe, the vastness of the universe is absolutely unimaginable for you. Several other holy sites also exist in a secret plane space, and their area is not inferior to the headquarters of our Universe Alliance.

The entire Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing has many powerful forces and races, and the area occupied by them is also very vast. Even so, it took advantage of less than 20% of the entire Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor's Emblem Star.

The remaining 80%, basically all of the unique areas of the Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing, such as several forbidden areas or some mysterious secret realms, etc., these places, even the strong ancestors enter It may not be able to break out successfully.

The entire Ten Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing, as our human base camp, is full of all kinds of magic and danger. If you have enough strength in the future, you can go around, which may be of great benefit to your breakthrough.

I remember the leader often said one thing, that is, don’t look at him now standing on the top of the entire human race, but from his own experience, maybe our entire universe is just a small part of the chaos, in the deep chaos. There may be other universes or special areas, and these universes or special areas may have truly superb characters at the level of the sage of the universe.

Even in the half-ancestral realm, facing a cosmic Venerable, there is no resistance at all.

In other words, the stronger one's strength, the smaller one will feel. "

In the middle of the air, when he heard Zhang Fan's question, Elder Hai also replied with a smile.

"If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely roam around the entire universe. From my practice till now, to be honest, the places I go are very limited. This is also because I have not been in the universe for a long time."

Zhang Fan is also looking forward to this moment. Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing has long been longed for by many humans everywhere in the universe. However, Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing does not mean that anyone who wants to enter can enter. It must belong to the five holy places. Core members, or the strength of the pinnacle of the ethereal realm themselves, can go there.

At the very beginning, Zhang Fan didn't think he could enter the Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing. However, the ensuing selection of cosmic geniuses gave Zhang Fan an opportunity to express himself and reach the sky in one step.

"Your residence is here. This is considered part of the place where the leader lives. The total area is at least hundreds of kilometers. The defenses here are directly linked to the place where the most central leader lives, even in the ancestral realm. The pinnacle powerhouse cannot break in without your permission.

This place was previously regarded as an open space. Because of your arrival, the leader directly ordered the Universe Alliance Mall to build a lowest level, but the defense is to reach the ultimate manor, enough for you to live alone, then if you want, you can also Your family is here. But I heard that your three wives are very impressive now, all of them have become disciples of Nuwa, and they have all reached the pinnacle of the ethereal realm, no worse than you.

If you have time, if you want to see them, you can directly take the Super Teleportation Array of our Universe Alliance to the Shenxiao Daomen. As you are, plus you are the ancestor of the Shenxiao Daomen, they are absolute to you. welcome. "

At this time, the two fell on the ground, and in front of them, a huge manor also appeared in Zhang Fan's line of sight.

With Zhang Fan’s perception, the whole manor can be found to be under the protection of a transparent mask, the whole body is golden, and it looks very noble.

"Let's go, I'll take you in. The leader is very troubled with you this time. He personally ordered people to remodel this place. It can be said that your star power here is not worse than the leader, and there are other Everything you need is completely owned here.

And, as long as you need it, you can directly order the people in the Universe Alliance Mall to provide you with various conveniences. Remember, it is unconditional and does not need to spend any of your wealth.

This is also determined by the leader of the alliance in order to make you grow up as soon as possible. Like the disciple Hades of the deputy leader, the conditions he can enjoy are much worse than you.

After you settle down, if you can, you can break through to the realm of Dao Sage as soon as possible, which will play an important role in the arrangement of the leader for you later. "

Elder Hai also took Zhang Fan into the manor at this moment.


An hour later, Elder Hai left, and Zhang Fan also had an understanding of many situations in the entire manor.

It can be said that everything he has here is currently the topmost in the entire universe, and it is not much different from the treatment enjoyed by the powerhouse of the ancestral realm.

Especially when Zhang Fan heard that his master had given him an unconditional order to the Universe Alliance Mall, Zhang Fan was shocked.

After all, the Universe Alliance Mall is regarded as the richest place in the entire universe, where, as long as there is enough wealth, everything can be provided.

Especially some of the more precious things have a price but no market, and only the senior executives of the Universe Alliance are eligible to buy them.

With such conditions, it means that you have unlimited resources. If you use them reasonably, your own speed of improvement will reach a very exaggerated point.

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