Star-source Legend

Chapter 1406: Star old wakes up

"Haha, how do you feel at Shenxiao Daomen? Are you still used to it?"

Zhang Fan immediately asked immediately.

"Very good, there are not too many disciples here, and the competition between them is not very fierce, and we get along well. We have always lived in the master's palace, and basically nothing will go out of the palace.

So in fact, I didn't make a good turn in the entire Shenxiao Taoist gate. Most of the time was spent on cultivation. "

Liu Ruyan also spoke at this moment and said softly.

"Well, that's good. After I break through, I will make time to visit the Shenxiao Daomen. After all, I promised Senior Nuwa and Senior Hongjun only if I had time.

The epiphany this time was also beyond my expectation. It felt like a moment, but fifty thousand years passed quietly.

Think about it, at the beginning, each of us had a life span of a few hundred years at most, which can be said to be very different.

You have to work harder. If you have time, it is time for us to give birth to the next generation. After all, the stronger the strength, the lower the probability of wanting to have children.

After having a child, parents can also explain to them, so that they will not be too boring. "

Nodding, Zhang Fan also looked at the three women directly and said. When they heard that they were about to have a baby, the three daughters were all blushing and afraid to look at Zhang Fan.

"Well, it's up to you."

The three daughters are not opposed to having children. Zhang Fan has always chosen to avoid this problem. After all, he feels that his strength is too low, and if he has a child, he does not have enough power to protect.

And now, Zhang Fan has become a disciple of the leader of the Universe Alliance, and his own child is equivalent to the disciple of Sky Splitting and also the disciple of Nuwa. With this identity alone, no one dares to deal with Zhang Fan’s family and friends, unless They are desperate.

"Yeah, let's do this first. I will contact Hong Lie. After I break through, I will go to Shenxiao Daomen to find you."

At this moment, Zhang Fan felt that there was something in his dantian space, so he spoke to the third girl for the first time, and then hung up the video. Then he returned to reality. Then Zhang Fan greeted Xiao Xiao After ancient times, he entered the space of his own star source debris.

"Old Xing's breath was suddenly released. It seems that he is also about to wake up. I just don't know that after waking up, Old Xing's memory can be fully restored."

Zhang Fan also looked at Xiao Gu on the side at the moment, and asked with some worry.

"Hehe, even if it can't be recovered, at least it can be increased again. This is a good thing. And depending on the situation, the strength of the soul of Xing Lao has recovered a lot again, and it may not be far from reaching the peak.

Of course, this also requires you to fuse more star source fragments later, the more you fuse, the faster the star will recover. "

Xiao Gu also said with a smile at the moment.


At this time, a figure appeared directly in front of Zhang Fan and Xiao Gu, it was the old Xing who had not seen him for a long time.

At this moment, Xing Lao looks a lot younger than his previous image. He wears a purple robe without wind, and it gives people a feeling of coming from an expert, full of immortality.

"Old Xing, how are you recovering?"

Zhang Fan couldn't help but ask at this moment.

"Hehe, my memory is now completely restored. I thought I needed you to fuse more star source fragments to strengthen my soul power, and then restore it a little bit.

However, the previous excitement allowed me to completely recover my memory this time, and it was a good harvest.

After that, I was able to start cultivating on my own to continuously restore my soul power. According to my inference, if I cooperate with you to fuse the star source fragments, it would take me millions of years to be able to increase my soul power to The original degree.

At that time, I myself will be able to help myself refine a good body and reappear in the universe.

Three hundred million years, for three hundred million years, there is still hope for my Xingyang to reappear, which is really unexpected. I just don't know that my old friends, and those enemies, still have a few existing. "

Looking at Zhang Fan, Xing Lao also smiled and replied. After saying that, Xing Lao was very emotional.

"Great. If all your memories of Xinglao are restored, things will be much simpler after that. Xiaogu told me some of Xinglao's past, but obviously something is missing. What I want to know is that Yixing What is the reason why your original strength finally almost fell?"

Hearing what Xing Lao said, Zhang Fan seemed very happy at the moment, and asked directly.

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